What does cuddling feel like, Jow Forums?

what does cuddling feel like, Jow Forums?

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Sweaty and your arm falls asleep

Why do you ask?

Do you need to talk, OP?

Hard to explain.

Ever held hands with a girl that you really like? And you get that little warm and content feeling? It's like than * 1000.

IMO cuddling is sometimes more intimate than sex. You wouldn't always cuddle someone that you would fuck.

It's like you're on a bed or a couch or something, with someone that you like or love, and you have no need to drape yourselves over one another. There's plenty of room, even to sit right next to each other or something, but instead you are compelled to be in body contact. Legs tangled, her head on your chest, she's tracing circles on your forearm with a finger and every now and then she shifts a little and nuzzles into your neck.

I'm making myself lonely just remembering how fucking good it feels.

Get a body pillow and find out.

Dont try to compare the two things fag

I dont know this feel ;__;

well, my long distance boyfriend broke up with me because i was too clingy, and so i never got to experience what it feels like. i’m laying here wondering what it would be/feel like since it was the #1 thing i wanted to do first when i met up with him, but that’s all gone now.

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It feels great man. I'm sorry. I feel like a proper man when my arm is around her and her head is on my shoulder. But the other user is right. Turn your TV or laptop on and watch any YouTube video. Get a pillow, cuddle with it. Close your eyes. Imagine your crush. Open your eyes and only look at the screen. Don't say a thing just enjoy it.

I loooove clingy gfs. They make me feel wanted. You will find your guy. Don't worry.

damn this gave me the feels. Its too late for this shit why am I even still up on here. Reading all of this is just feeding the demon in the back of my mind, yet I continue too come back why is that?

>you and your girl are on the couch
>half-spooning, half holding her against your body
>the couch isn't really deep enough so you're keeping her from falling off but it's somehow the most comfortable position to be in anyway
>something is on TV
>a show you've been watching together
>her face is lit by the light of it
>she shifts and the motion catches your eyes, you look down
>you brush a kiss on her cheek and then on her neck and a small smile creeps across her face
>something funny happens in the show and she laughs and you can feel her body shaking with it and you pull her just a little closer because you realise that there's no way she could ever be too close to you
>she takes your free arm and with her hand draws it up to her chest between her breasts like it's a blanket that she's pulling up for warmth
>she bends her neck a little and plants a soft kiss on your hand and exhales contentedly

I can't tell you what it's like from a girl's point of view, but that's what it's like from mine.

You find a comfy space for your body
A wave of relaxation slowly flows down your body,
Muscles relax, your neck feels softened and less tense
You feel your heart beating loudly
And this warm sensation starts to creep out from the center of your chest
You feel almost euphoric
Your mind stops worrying about anything
And you feel them pressing against your hand
The warmth of them feels great to the touch
You notice them breathing and being relaxed

Sometimes you just want to fall into that feeling forever
It’s also a bit addicting

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>what does cuddling feel like
If you're unmarried you're embracing the Devil.
God help you if you went as far as h*ndholding.

are you the girl I just ended things with?

>tfw the same happened to me
It sucks, she dumped me for being clingy.

God damnit too close to home man. It's been so long since I held anyone in that way

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That sucks user. Cuddling is a really nice feeling. Without trying to sound like a creeper, what country do you reside in? If you happen to be nearby I'd happily give you a good cuddle

This post has it spot on. Down to the last detail about how it's probably more intimate than most sexy times, how it's not about leading to sex, but just being close and comfortable with someone. Also, yeah, thanks for the fucking feels that I was just trying to get over :P

Dude. I had cuddling WITH handholding. And of course now I dont. So yeah, fucking wrecked!

Coins and salty milk

Feels like a boner pressed up against her ass while we lie there in some uncomfortable position and I can barely breathe because her hair is in my mouth.

You're doing it wrong. Do the sit next to each other cuddle, not the front to back. Yeah, that shit doesn't work at all!

This is how it's like in a 5 year relationship. If I actually touch her it'll wake her up and I'll die without breakfast.

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It made me feel tense and unable to relax and I wondered what was wrong with me.