Co-workers catfished me

Long story short, some guys at work cat fished me and the boss was in on it, i need the money so i cant quit, i laughed and shook everyones had regarding the situation but im still mad and uncomfortable about it, how do i move on from it without being perceived as being butthurt about it?

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Shook eveyones hand*

Just forget it happened and focus on your job and trying to improve your relationship with your co-workers.

Im trying, but this was as recent as yesterday so they still bring it up to people who arent in the know.

How bad was the catfishing? How long did they lead you on for? Did you end up developing feelings for the catfish?

Couple of weeks no one will care.

Nothing too big, a week, but “she” got some info out of me, vulnerabities, how lonely i am and small details about how i am trying to improve my perception towards others

Have you thought about reporting it to hr, especially since the boss was in on it. Dosent sound appropriate at all. You could sue and get money out of it, hostel work environment and all

Lord hears ya. I am ready to crawl into a hole or get shot through in between the eyes than deal with these feels of shame

A fellow coworker brought it up to the boss in on it and he got pale real fast, i tend to keep the tides calm but if it affects my pay and my relation with others i feel i should take it to the higher ups. When or what would be an appropriate time to bring it up? So far it hasnt escalated but i can see it will

Bring a somebody in a higher position at the place you work into an office and explain the situation, you may need to show texts as evidence at some point.

Now would be a good time. I'd go and tell them exactly what took place, be totally honest about what happened. Tell them you feel really uncomfortable in the work place now especially because there's more then one person in on it and they have been telling others to try to make a fool of you. Say there was no reason for them to do this at all and it was really inappropriate and not a normal thing that takes place in a work environment. I'd strike while the iron is hot and go to them before the situation gets any worse. If they think they can walk all over you and do weird shit like this they will probably try to do other weird shit in the future and it will wind up making you have to quit your job.

take that shit to someone in a higher position and bring evidence. work already is terrible enough, the last thing you need are toxic coworkers & management

Talk to a lawyer. You could be in for a big payout.

This also. I'd definitely talk to a lawyer, you probably will get money out of this.

sue for sexual harassment

short of that (subtly) make them all afraid of you
just say shit in conversation like
>sometimes bad people deserve what's coming to them
etc. verbal and ambiguous

and then find a new job because a work environment like that will never improve

I third this.
They poisoned your workplace. They've made a huge mistake.

You should sue them and make sure they end up on the electric chair. How could they dare trolling you. It's appealing, the entire Jow Forums community is behind you.

Yeah that’s harassment, sue em

Sue them.
That be your way of trolling them
They like trolling, don't they?
Hell you can even crack jokes about it just like they do.
> Hey Coworker, make sure not to spend this year bonus! My lawyer says you're gonna have to pay a fucking big chunk of money! HA!
Then offer to shake your hand with a smile.
Just for the lulzs, well, and for the cash too.

had my crew from high school do this exact shit to me, I quit talking to every single one of them. Maybe save up some money and talk to a temp agency then when you're ready quit your job and accept one of the jobs the temp offers ya. You'll probably make less money, but you gotta understand that with people like that, they're going to be patting themselves on the back for having done that to you and so others are going to keep wanting and trying to up the ante, meaning if you think things are going to get better you're in for a ride, they're just going to keep fucking with you indefinitely, oh and the moment you retaliate they'll all claim you crossed the line and might potentially lead to you being fired, it's better to quit than to be fired, so go to your boss and say that you quit if they ask why just say that you found work closer to your house. be real professional about it.

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