Why aren't you subscribed to Pewdiepie?

Attached: Pewdiepie secret mission.png (210x201, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fake and T-gay
>I am
But you're getting saged anyway

Subscribe again god dammit!

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T-Series is better
>Family friendly
>Kike free
>Great party music for dance and stuff


And it promotes love i.e. unity between men and women

unsubscribe from T-series.

>Kike free
Fuck Jewdiepie.
Heil the true Aryans!

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Trust a slant eyes cunt like you to want to start shitting in the streets.

I swear im willing to wage war on India over T series.

This, best comparison is look at the pewdiepie unboxing for 50 mill vs T series, Pewdiepie unboxes it alone in his house, T series makes it a show and has a song saying "pewdiepie pewdiepie" playing while they show it off to a cheering crowd.

Because I’m not nine years old.

Based and Poopilled

Zoomers fuck off. This is a boomer board

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Just freaking subscribe and subscribe again everyday for the rest of your life and Pewdiepie will complete his secret mission before it's too late.

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Because I'm not 14.

And hit the Bell Icon

I'm already subbed. I would sub again but I don't want to make any more jewgle accounts.

>secret mission
>4.6 million views

just do what has to be done
time for arguing is over
he uploaded the video after the mission was complete
buy g-fuel promocode pewdiepie

I'll shit wherever I want.
This is Sweden, and a few more turds in the streets will hardly make a change.


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Because he's a rich kid miscegenate.

Post pic of his dick.

Hes not funny anymore
>Le epic r/Plebbit haha reactions LOL!!

>Billion dollar company vs multimillionaire
Why the fuck should I care?

>T-Series was the based channel promoting family values all along and Pewdiepie was actually a jew puppet

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>Why aren't you subscribed to Pewdiepie?
Because I'm not a teenager.

I never found him funny. Not even once. I hope he become depressed and kills himself like other Youtubers.

stop thinking and start subscribing
I have a webm somewhere, idk if i saved it.
because Pewdiepie represents White Supremacy
pewdiepie is the Almighty.
you can still subscribe can't ya?
funny doesn't matter at this point
if you actually watch his videos for anything other than the 3 seconds of Jow Forums worthy material then you make me sick.

debased and cuckpilled
>you go Swedebro

He only made one video then he cucked out, he is pussy

he says nothing about the animals fucking his people in his native homeland

he did bring it up in a pubg livestream once right before he said what a fucking

Man fuck t series and pooinloopie

Yes, I could still subscribe, but I don't like his videos. They're geared to a younger audience as I stated.
I subscibe to Styx, Black Pigeon, Millennial Woes, Tim Pool, Red Ice, Computing Forever, Lindybeige, Mark Collett, Morgoth, Survive the Jive among others.

Pewdiepie gets on my nerves. I can't watch a whole vid without switching it off. I'm not saying I don't like him as a person, but he's fucking irritating.

click on his videos, mute the audio, click the like button and watch all the way to the end.

the time is now.

He actually made a Sweden = Saudi Arabia joke once.

That trash promotes degenerate bollywood culture. Are you actually this retarded or are you trolling?

A little bit of both. Subscribe to T-Series bhai.

All of you on this thread, listen to this one


>stop thinking and start subscribing
The absolute state of Jewdiepie shills

I'm not even that big a fan, but fuck if I'll do nothing while some poo corporation takes over the top spot from an individual. subbed x3 accounts

OMG HE MUST BE BASED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck him I hope he dies.

I don't understand anything, are they singing about love?

It is legitimately degenerate when you sum up the entire present bollywood. Listen to this when it actually made good songs with great meaning unlike the verbal trash we have now:

imagine being able to sit through millenial woes or tim pool but not gloria borger

thanks bro
pewdiepie will never die

Kill yourself, 9 year old. This is an anti e-celeb board.

Aren't you in middleschool? What are you doing on Jow Forums Phil?

100% this, gloria poppy harlow borga is my #1 newsource, the most trusted name in news.
*pew news intro starts playing*
*whips out meatscepter*

I am, but I only watch for memes and pew news.

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For romantic see this rather than npc tier mast magan

hey cool it with the anti-9 year old remarks there buddy...
i do what i must to save pewdiepie from darkness.
pewnews is my favorite. it's already bigger than all of the legacy news media combined. he is unstoppable.

Med girls love nordcock

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just let his channel die already

Stfu faggot

>kike free
>company owned youtube account

what a TWIST

Pewds did nothing wrong.

pewds is zoomer cringe.

the amount of faggots itt. pdp's content is dogshite

not politics. fuck off

it doesn't matter his content you retard
this is about more than you so get subscribing while you still can.
better zoomer cringe than the brown plague of death.

looking at youtubers fries my brain more than porn.

this, imagine being so indulged in virtual world that you actually care about this shit.

>Family friendly
>Kike free
>Great party music for dance and stuff
>Open bobs
>Show vegana

you aren't getting it
i don't watch his videos
this is about more than videos
you wouldn't understand.....


is it about ironically pushing zoomers in to right wing and a anti jewish mindset?

shh don't say it out loud, you'll jinx it

Pewdiepie deserves our hatred.

A man of his influence who doesn't speak about the JQ or the invasion of the West is a fuckin traitor, no other word sorry.

he's an all right guy man stop being so salty it's not healthy bro

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The only thing he cares about is us buying his merch, nothing else

he don't give a shit if you buy the merch or not, he got 86m subscribers he don't give a fuck
also, he will officially name the Jew (he's been hinting all along) at 100m subscribers.

>having a jewgle acc and subbing to people who are clearly part of the cult
wtf are you doing nufag???

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as soon as he's able to afford a house in japan he'll start dropping redpills

I think he's already pretty close though

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>as soon as he's able to afford a house in japan

how can he not afford a house in Japan. Do they cost 100 million dollars?

All I did was make a funny pewdiepie meme and shared it with my bros

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judging but what he wears he probably wants to buy something like what's in Suzaku

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fuck t-series and fuck pew
I don't support normies
but this really makes me see how many kids on Jow Forums

>false dichotomy
Oh, you're Christian. I'll let it slide because you're retarded.

but can you appreciate a good meme when you see one?

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2016 was the best PDP, wish he would just say fuck it and go back to edgy content.

Remember to vipe your ass after shitting on the street.

>number 2

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the media attacking him was pretty good

i promise you kiddo that pew will die soon

stop. he was only relevant for a week then he self censored to please jewgle. you should really fuck off

show flag and i'll consider it

I’m a blue eyes white dragon. you’re a dark magician.

bro i just made a meme and put it in the thing and now i'm just talking to the bros, alright? chill. go look at it again. secret mission to stop the jews, it's fucking great

go bro fist your fellow memers on reddit. plz

highkey racist

go send reddit my meme on first post, i'm sure they will love it...........................

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white and blue-eyes pilled

Can we get a READ SIEGE edit for that thumbnail?

white dragon dark magician
seems pretty redpilled to me

How about highkey holomeme denial?

>60 gorillion
Unbelievable how he gets away with it.

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read Mein Kampf only answer
and you aren't allowed to cover Marzi's sweet face

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>literally watches nazi propaganda just to screw with journalists

OK, this is epic

That'z becauze I'm young, BLACK, Rich and Famous!