Trump attempting to subconsciously incite violence against Alec Baldwin

Trump is attempting to subconsciously incite violence against Alec Baldwin.

This guy wants somebody to attack this man for exercising his right. The same thing you faggots do here on Jow Forums only in anonymous format because you're too scared to do it in public.

I'm voting democrat next election. I give zero fucks who it is. I don't care if they take guns away. Can't have a president trying to get people killed for exercising their rights.

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I hope alec baldwin dies a thousand deaths.



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>A hero dies a thousand deaths...

Fuck the first amendment right?. I gotcha :)

The First Amendment only applies when Alec Baldwin is calling someone a faggot.

Alex just trying to cause outrage, ibet some harmless stupid shit will happen to him now, like someone(Himself) will toliet paper his house or slash tires. get #woke you fucking dilating faggot

alec baldwin is a pedophile.
no this is not libel so he can fuck right off a cliff into a pile of jagged rocks.

kill yourself

I might. Going to vote democrat first to do my part in striking away the second amendment.

all you people do is BITCH BITCH BITCH

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Did snl do a jussie smullett bit?

Jow Forumsacks are harmless. Their false bravado doesn't change the fact that they are a bunch of harmless guys who beat their chests online without ever doing anything. Many right-wingers are armed to the teeth, and yet they never do anything other than shooting cans.

What statement did President Trump make that has you all in a tisy?

somebody think of the poor, oppressed journalists and celebrities

Ironic considering Alex Baldwin is known to physically attack reporters.


You shouldn't hate Alec Baldwin because he does a shitty Trump impression, you should hate Alec Baldwin because he thinks it's good.

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>Kushnerbots can't handle criticism or jokes
You're all fucking jewlovers who can't stop taking Israel's dick up your asses

If Blomffffffff and his MAGAPEDE hoards weren’t so fucking inept and retarded, there wouldn’t be anything to lampoon. This POTUS is a dysfunctional clown, his supporters are mostly white trailer trash who barely escaped HS with a D average. They’re simply the dumbest people on earth. It’s either laugh about it or cry about it. It’s truly sad how stupid Americans have become. When you spend decades dumbing down a country, Trump is what you get.

Alec Baldwin has repeatedly been arrested for assault. He is more likely to be violent than any Trump supporters.

> Concern troll is trolling.
Fuck off leftist faggot. Go suck off your prof for extra credit.

Alec Baldwin, F.A.G.

You type like a faggot

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At least he has a professor to suck off...we all know you probably dropped out of school in the 6th grade or flunked out of HS in the 10th since you’re a MAGATARD.

LOL! You ‘pedes are so prolific with your words. Hilarious.


Kushnerbots like you deserve to be shoved into an oven