So user, why do you still deny the Holocaust?

It's over, holocaust denial completely debunked.

You lost.

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Other urls found in this thread:

because OP is still alive

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Get fucked. Its bullshit, period.

I'm not watching your shitty video, OP.
Try your outrage views farming somewhere else.

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Its weird how theres a such level of uncertaintt to events that took place less than 100 years ago.

There is no such thing as "holocaust deniers". that's a social construct. There are however "holocaust refusers" who refuse the theory of the debunked holocaust due to the logical verifiable facts that are easily researched that put to ground the whole drafted theory, however still keeping acknowledgement of the theory itself, because the theory, that is verifiably false, exists so you can't deny its existance and occuring on time.

Where is the French guy with the copypasta? French guy!!!


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Holocaust denial is a subversion of motive, a form of strawman that wishes to represent an opposing argument to make it easier to take down.

There are certain aspects that are undeniable. They are written on paper, intercepted messages with information detailing many aspects of the Jewish persecution. But there are many aspect of the Holocaust that are not backed by acceptable evidence. Hearsay, forced confessions, and documents provided by the notoriously deceptive Soviet Union are not sufficient.

It would be best to suggest that one does not agree with the historical accuracy, and wishes to revise it to better fit what is documented and understood. To deny that history should reflect reality is preposterous. To deny the communication of information is just as much of a crime as Nazis burning books.

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You talk like a fag and your shits all fucked up

Yeah I'm tired. I haven't slept in two days

it's incredible to me that he mentions some of the points of disagreement but doesn't address them at all

A simple history book or Google search will fix that. At this point, nobody cares anymore. If you want to subscribe to obvious delusions then no one is stopping you, fren


Great arguments there. I hate holocaust deniers now.

That one jew saw his relatives being lead to gas chambers. What more proof do you guys need? baka

Fuck this video is Gold. remember to download

There isn’t

Deniers are just bullshitting, there is no uncertainty

Oh do please tell us these verifiable facts that lead to refusal...

Are you looking for the Irish guy who lives in France?

I actually don’t use much copypasta, I mostly type it on demand. Perhaps I should, since the same lies get posted all the time I could develop standard responses

What is question 13?

Even the title of this retarded graphic is wrong

because clear evidence constantly presents itself that the extent of the operation has been expanded, and not just expanded but expanded malevolently.

firstly you start to notice that gas chambers don't have wooden doors. And then you realize that the US also used zyklon B to lice treatment. And the you realize that zyklon b isn't deadly at all. And the you realize that there weren't creamatories built in the concentration camps, and then you realize that the nazis even built pools in the concentration camps. and the you realize that there aren't human ashes anywhere near the camps. and then you realize thatthe photos presented to you of nazi officers allegedly executing jews are soviet NKVD officers. And then you realize that most concentration campers died of hunger due to the allied bombing of crops. then you realize that jewish population didnt decreaced but even increase post- war (by an jewish alamanach)... etc etc

So the fact that some Jews now use the historical mass murder of other Jews as a weapon in some way makes that historical fact untrue?

Yes it is horribly abused and used to try to legitimise some dreadful things done by Israel and Jews elsewhere- but the mass murder happened.

nd then you notice that there was a similar holocaustian plan design by US officials to apply on the germans - the Morgenthau plan. Then, after seeing all these verifiable facts and contrasting them with the already confirmed false theory of the so called holocaust you start to see some evidence of projection of the morgenthau plan into the theory of the what is today called the holocaust.

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>jules suzdaltsev
>I decided to sit down with two staunchly conservative Jews (my parents)

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>now this

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>i dont use copypastas
Ooooh CRIF employee.
Mining sheckels again ?

using gas chambers as a form of mass genocide is probably one of the most least effective, inefficient, and most dangerous way to go about it, especially for the guards doing the gassing, completely the opposite of german efficiency.

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The gas chambers at Auschwitz had metal doors. The deniers often show a picture of an office door which is not the gas chamber door. Do not be by their lies.

Zyklon b is a trade name for a pelletised carrier of Hydrogan cyanide. It is very deadly. It kills lice, yes, after several hours exposed to high gas concentrations. It kills human beings ina few minutes at low concentration

It has never been used to delouse human beings. It is used on clothes and buildings.

The crematoria in the camps are real. Any denial of that is simply false.
There are vast amounts of human ash and bone at all the camps. Denial of that is simply lies.

The allies didn’t bomb crops, and their bombing did not cut supply lines. The vast majority of deaths occurred long before the allied campaign infringed in the camps. Again this is simply a denier lie ignoring the facts.

The Jewish population did not increase. You are referring to the American World Almanac, which printed 1939 data until 1948 because it did not have up to date data. However it clearly says that in the book - deniers cut this off, to deceive people - and when new data came in in 1949 they published that showing a nearly six million decline in Jewish numbers worldwide, concentrated in Europe.

Every point you make is false.

instead of being a fart sniffer, why don't you back your opinion up

That entire video is "muh mainstream consensus" (which is completely controlled by jews) and "nuh-uh" in response to a tiny fraction of the arguments against the story that has no proof whatsoever of its basis in reality.

>"$50,000 for proof that the jews were gassed at Auschwitz"
>a jew tells a story about his supposed experience
>"when the organization refuses to pay up"
So a jew's word is "proof" now? Fuck off.

The morgenthau plan was not for mass murder.

There was no plan for mass gassing or shooting, or slave labour.

You are talking utter rubbish

You can't disprove a negative retardo.

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And then you ask yourself: "why would someone, or some groups of people, who so happen to be jewish, would put so much effort into fabricating this already and easily debunked theory of the so called holocaust?"
And then you read the practical ideialismus of kalergi, that was written pre-war. And then you read Marcus Ravage. And then you just sit a little and start to thinking on all of this. And then you even ask yourself: "why do the holocaust believers always come to Jow Forums with lebbit spacing even though all of the evidence states that the so called hlocasut theory never happened in real life?" And then, just maybe, you can come into a realization

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Because it didn’t happen

Where are the bodies?

What do you think about this, Muhammed?

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>their bombing did not cut supply lines
lol right....... the first thing youd hit in an invasion are the roads, bridges, telegraph and communication lines, electricity, railways, anything that supplies lines to the front.

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So how come in the entire conspiracy to kill jews, there was not one defector or one rebel or one person who tried to expose it? There were plots against Hitler, but these were for political reasons. Surely a giant genocide would incur dissent?

Also, Katyn massacre proved that the Russians were blaming their own war crimes on the Germans. The only reason Katyn was uncovered was because the Germans exposed it themselves, during wartime, and reported it to neutral authorities.

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Mass shooting is less efficient. Takes more men, more time, and risks the crowd waiting to be shot rebelling. Yo still have to dispose of the bodies, and if you want to do it in secret, you need to transport people to mass shooting centres where it can be done without witnesses. You also find it brutalises the shooters.

Imagine standing all day shooting children every thirty seconds - say you could kill 120 and hour. Ouldnt you get a bit sick, aiming at their heads and watching them explode? If not then you are already sick - psychopathic.

Now imagine a big room, put in a thousand people, throw in some gas pellets and walk away. All dead in a few minutes, no mess, no trauma. And get the slaves to clean up.

It is much more efficient.

Or use exhaust fumes - also easy.

You are simply wrong in your assertions.

Also, the obsession with death gas is so ridiculous. It is clearly a remnant of ww1 hysteria about poison gas attacks that was made into anti-German propaganda.

even if it did happen as stated, millions of other people died in the war so it literally only has meaning for Israel; no other country should be interested as we all have our own casualties to mourn. then to use the law to silence people, this is fucking madness and the jews themselves should be calling for that practice to cease as being Nazi like in it's authoritarianism. so fuck off

Except that the official story is so ridiculously inconsistent that they claim that Germans did execute people by bullet. Also by diesel fumes. Also by pesticide. Also by starvation. Also by giant electric chair that fits thousands at a time (no joke), also by flaming rollercoaster (no joke).

Also what the fuck is the image supposed to mean?

Are you comparing the holocaust to bread baking? Are you falsely claiming that they only had 15 ovens? Are you falsely claiming you can’t bake glow loaves in one oven? You know it does not take an hour to bake a loaf, or to cremate a body in a hot oven, not going cold to cold, and putting several corpses (children and babies and little old ladies) in at once.

Your graphic is full of false implications. It is a lie.

delete this right now, nigel

Have a better 3 minute video.

>why do you still deny the Holocaust?
For the same reason you deny Santa Claus is alive and has a house on Mars, because there's no proof.

Please provide one piece of evidence - you keep claiming you have it, and all the evidence points your way. But not a single bit does.

Go on debunk it - if it is so easy...

>Now imagine a big room, put in a thousand people, throw in some gas pellets and walk away. All dead in a few minutes, no mess, no trauma. And get the slaves to clean up.
Except that they would also die because it would require time to ventilate. Which shows that the guy who claimed to be one of these "sonderkommandos" was full of shit because he wouldn't be alive if his testimony were true.

In the huge mass graves.

Haven’t you looked?

but then you say to yourself: "hum... all this can be also an theory with no pratical implementations on real life". But then you watch the political climate on Europe, and then you look at germany, and then you look at israel, and then you look at the EU and their policies, and then you look at the streets of your cities, specially in France, etc.
Being an Holocaust refuser, which is the only logical and moral thing to be if you really want to live with your two feet on the ground and observe the facts and being honest for yourself. We just cannot accept faulty and scientifically already debunked theories of something that actually did not ever happen in reality. I understand that youcan like fantasy writters, some people do, its an hobby. But just because i like JR Tolkien so mcuh it doesn't mean that that was indeed reality at some point in time when every simple and concrete evidence points to, and proves, taht the theory os the holocaust is no true. And it is arguabily fabricated to a malicous extent

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Prove it if you're so sure.

The real reason why so many jews support this silly story is because there is a financial incentive.

Families of "holocaust victims" receive reparations from the German government.

you mean the 10 LA stadium sized graves? okay schlomo

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Gas chambers and ovens are blatant lies that nobody believes in anymore.

It's also vastly easier to kill lots of people by simply hemming them into one area and not feeding them. Or in other words, exactly what the Jews did to the Ukrainians. You can kill millions of people in a month by doing that, and it's free. No Zyklon or magic brick ovens required.

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They still do today. And they want Poland to do it as well.

I bet they never mention 33 millions of Russians died in these exact camps and 350 millions of Russians murdered by communists.

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who is believing the holocaust happened helping?

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It was done to germans after the war, too.

The grounds were examined by ground penetrating radar and were found to have never been disturbed.

thats a nice xbox you got there

I think one is an office door, in a doorway built in 1944, a year after they stopped using the room it leads into for gassing some. It is in a new doorway, not the doorway to the room which had previous a gas tight door in a doorway they removed and bricked up.

The other is a door for a vacuum/partial pressure gas chamber, which needs a lot of engineering. However it is not necessary to use partial pressure chambers to kill people. Read the instructions for Zyklon B - the makers say you can make doors gas tight with strips of wet newspaper

After what the Jewish run press has done to the west by the ignoring of our invasion I don't care if the Holocaust happened or not.

I'm not a holocaust denier. I just don't give a shit the Holocaust happened and don't give a shit if it happens again.

ding ding ding ding. someone gets it. the 9/11 fund is being abused in the same way. all you have to do is say you got cancer and were in the nyc area during 9/11 and you can file a claim.

This. It is called The Morgenthau Plan. It was design and implemented into effect by american officers, most of which happen to be jewish as well.

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To the front, yes. And they continued to do that. The major death camps were along way from the front. The major deaths happened a long time before there was any allied approach to the camps.

The allies did not try to isolate the camps - indeed refused to waste bombs on the railway lines to the camps despite pleas by Jewish organisations

It is a Pol meme, but it isn’t true - the allied bombing campaign was ineffective at cutting railways in any case (precision bombing is difficult)

Can wet newspaper hold back jews trying not to be gassed? Surely they aren't that weak.

I don't deny it.

The next one can't come soon enough.

Zyklon B was used for delousing, not gassing Jews.
Here's an enlightening documentary by a Jew, watch it if your country allows it.

So that story about Macedonian Christians- proves?

Oh and how about you post the pic with all,the stories about 1,2,3,4,5,7 million Jews in them and not just your retarded cherry picking


They did. There were multiple reports of it, from spies, escapees, and sources inside the Nazi organisation.

I just want evidence. I can't prove a negative.

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why were the kikes talking about 6 million jews being killed 30 years before it happened?

>this fucking fag using a French flag

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We should not pay attention to holocaust believers. They do not care if the evidence is fake and that the actual evidence points to the complete debunking of the holocaust theory

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take yours meds.
go find the 6-20 million bodies that were killed to prove your point.

>It's over, holocaust denial completely debunked.
So true that it requires inflated statistics, daily reminders, class field trips to museums, and memorials.



You use the term “official”. What office? Who is the official source?

Historians say shooting on the eastern front - over a million. A quarter million killed by Romania without German help. Gassing, with petrol fumes (not diesel - only third party and non technical non eyewitness say that - the actual eyewitness say petrol engines were used, as do the documents about it) and hydrogan cyanide (which can be used as pesticide but kills mammals very effectively) was about 2-2.5 million. The rest died in various ways.

All of this has been historically documented since the 1950s, and all subsequent research has confirmed it.

The electric chair idea was in a report of rumours during the war - it was never “official” in any meaning of the term. The rollercoaster idea was in a book of hearsay immediately after the war - again no one ever took it seriously.

Those ridiculous stories are actually unknown outside Pol - only deniers know them

hahhaahah. infinite lies later and you still trust the jew! #shitforbrians

the holocaust is so undeniably true that you're literally committing a crime if you don't think it happened.

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Looks like Poles no longer want to be the good goym.

I wish that was possible. But no such place exists.

If someone found a mass grave, and linked it to zyklon, then I would consider that sufficient evidence. If they uncovered an government order, that could be authenticated, I would consider it sufficient.

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You know they had ventilation systems in the gas chambers though?

I suspect you are misquoting - or paraphrasing so that it is deceptive. Deniers do that a lot. Please provide the original quotation to support your point

You keep claiming that it is debunked - scientifically no less. But provide no debunking.

Please tell me it isn’t the Leuchter Fraud

Census data.

Three million Polish Jews died in the war. Explain it.

How do you explain the Zyklon pellets vaporizing in a timely fashion when it would take hours to `boil`
, even in the summer?
There were heating and circulation apparatus on the delousing chambers but none in any alleged gas chambers, or their blueprints.

The Jew in question just doubled-down on his slander, by the way.

The comments on plebit are more based then here.

Well done the most retarded jpg on the inter webs.

Because the Nazis buried people in sports stadia in tiered seating, with hot dog stands, and room for fifty nigger millionaires to run up and down playing what you call “football” even though it isn’t a ball and you rarely kick it

Take your stupid meme away

And look up Treblinka mass grave archaeology and hang your head in shame. Or just hang yourself and make the world better

>To deny the communication of information is just as much of a crime as Nazis burning books
Yeah it was real crime burning all those deviant child tranny books written by kikes. Your nose is showing, Jewboi.

You know what really pisses them off more than flat out denial? Pointing out that it wasn't just Jews that got sent to the camps (gypsies, slavs, gays, mentally disabled and anyone who was not a Nazi basically). They hate it because it takes away their specialness which hurts them more.

Utter ignorance of the way the system worked is not an excuse for writing such a retarded post.

Learn some history you stupid child