GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

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I'm pregnant and dont know how to tell my family. No one knows besides my husband.

I don't know how to tell the difference between wishful thinking and intuition anymore. Because of what my ex has been doing to me. I wish he would just admit it so I know I am not crazy.

I have a big assignment due tomorrow at work.
I really should go to my office and get it done, but I can't seem to get out of my chair.
What the fuck is wrong with me?


I can't wait to take a shit when I get home.

This is so conceited... Everyone always tells me how I'm attractive and skinny and how I could have anyone that I want... But why can't I have him? People say I'm too good for him, I can do better - but I don't see it at all. There's no one better than him. I don't understand why I'm not worthy. I wish he would tell me what I'm missing. Why I'm not enough.

This year has taken almost everything from me, my dad, my mums sanity, my health but I've made the mistake of falling for someone and I won't be able to take it if it goes badly. I've got nothing else to give and I don't know what to do.

No I'm overjoyed. We have 2 kids already and they are the most important amazing part of my life. My parents are just nasty people who act like we should not have kids because we aren't rich. Were middle class, own a house but dont have tones of extra money for vacations and stuff like that. I just know when I tell them they are going to talk shit. When I first told them I was pregnant with my second child my mother actually said she hoped I miscarried, that we cant afford kids. That's not even true, we work hard, all our Bill's and mortgage are always payed, our kids have clother and are feed.

I'm worried about you. It sucks that we used to be able to talk so freely once and now I can't reach you. What happened?

I've finally gotten a job offer, but instead of being excited I still wake up early thinking about my ex. Even though she was a spoiled cunt and I just think ill of her I still miss her and hate myself for it.

All right fuckin A. It's time for my normal life to commence. Here goes nothing.

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I hate developing feelings for girls.
It makes me feel so fucking insecure I can't deal with it.
Like, seriously, all it took to throw me off my mental balance was for a cute girl to ask me for a lunch and start hanging out with me, and now I keep wondering if she actually likes me or if I am just misinterpreting her behavior. I fucking hate this shit. Inane shit like how and how quickly she responds to my text messages make me insecure and paranoid. This is god damn annoying and horrible. I don't like myself when I am like this. What the fuck should I do?

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I have a constant fantasy of running away from everything. In a tough relationship, parents don't support me, friends are all ldr but good. Have this fantasy of going out every day, just buying a motorhome or rv, maybe a motorcycle with it and just driving off into nowhere. Not telling anyone where I'm going besides my friends when I get there. Any one have a clue why this is? I have a decent life, but I just want to run away and live by myself in an RV somewhere

I'm drunk as guck for the like tenth day day in a row and honestly life sucks but whatever we gettin thru

I wanna divorce my wife but we have kids and shit so its difficult and complicated

I love you and I hope you're okay

We have our first date in a couple days, and I'm so nervous about it; I haven't had a date in over 6 years.
I know my instinct is going to be to rush into things, to jump ahead several steps into what isn't even a relationship yet. I promise I'll try not to do that. I really like you. But I also need to remind myself that we barely know each other yet, and that anything could happen.
Anyway, see you on Wednesday.

I keep “trophies” from the fuckboys in my life. Not unlike a reversed serial killer (after they’ve inevitably ghosted me). Videos and laundered underwear — I gloat over them.

I fawn over their beauty, because nothing gold can stay. I’ve learned this the hard way. “Nothing gold can stay.”

I'm so anxious. Can't get this girl out of my mind. Accepted a job with the post office starting next year. I'm hopeful this new chapter will be beneficial. Realized upon meeting her that I had been living a lie for the last 5 years and am trying to slowly course correct. But she's shit at communicating when not in person.

Weird cope for a cumrag, but ok.

My emotions for you are like a rollercoaster. I'm so in love with you sometimes and other times I'm unsure if we're a longterm fit and it kills me thinking about potentially one day breaking your heart as you have clearly fallen for me.

Being in a relationship in your early twenties is tough because it just melds in with all your future anxieties.

I'm buying the car of my dreams but I realized I have nowhere to drive to because I have no friends. Oh well I guess I'll just drive around aimlessly. Maybe go on a road trip by myself.

I beg the stars to align and give this one last chance at freedom. When you call, I run to you
We owe eachother apologies, but we're going to take over the world

I’m 26 and a kissless virgin and girls
Online say I’m not attractive and I’m so fucking lonely and apps like tinder and bumble don’t even work and I just have no idea how to meet a female... it’s like a fate that makes me universally unappealing. What the fuck can I do? I really think about killing myself a fucking lot... pic is me

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do you have to shit up every single general?

I want to make a T-shirt that says ROASTIE on it. That’s how weird my cope is.

So strange how neo-Puritan this place is.

Despite what the feminists on tumblr might tell you, everyone hates sluts. Even sluts like you hate themselves.

Why am I such a useless retard who can never have anything nice without breaking it? Literal fucking brainlet. How I ever thought I'd do well at anything is beyond me.

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fuck off to /soc/
Go to a charity you will meet girls there. Go to church
>inb4 id rather be a fedora atheist virgin

I wish we were sitting here bonding over leaked grimes demos.
I wish I was deaaaaaaaad

I feel like I don't get to express myself enough. I don't really have friends who listen to my philosophical rants or opinions or anything.
Maybe I should write more.

Everyone hates whores! says incel / dude whose gf cheated on him / guy who watches 3 hours of porn every day


I love you more na snore every day. Love love love love

I haven't experienced any of those things you listed nor am I part of that buzzword, but it's just fun to poke at sluts like you since you know deep inside that I'm right. :)
This will also be my last reply to you.

How old were you when your parents divorced?

Everything feels different and I’m scared. Are you still my friend?

I was raped by my bf. He wasn't aware of what he did to me. But, I enjoyed it, because I've wanted to be sexual with him for months, it just sucks our first time happened this way. Am I in the wrong?

Were you molested/raped as a kid? Just father issues? Whatever the case, seek therapy.

I never have anything to talk about.

I have the same problem but Idk if it's my fault or that maybe I'm just surrouned by boring people. What the FUCK do normies talk about anyway?

I am the boring one.

I have been useless since I quit my old job (which I hated). I'm now an unemployed, unconfident piece of shit who only keeps bringing jealousy into my relationship.

Im becoming lazier and less motivated to do anything as time passes
I cant save up either, Im so incredibly lazy Ill convince myself to order food I cant afford just so I dont have to cook for one day

Im not even practicing my hobbies anymore because everything seems like a burden

Women only love what they can't have or what they can make other women not have. Men are little more than side characters in the constant drama that is their lives

Work on the marriage. It's work and everything will seem forced and awkward but if you can power through making quality time with her and talking about sex with an open mind, it will be so much better for everyone in the long run.

welp soon i'll be renewing my Jow Forums pass for the 3rd year in a row. I've gotta say for $20 this thing has seriously improved my posting experience on Jow Forums. Well worth it.

Er, try taking the initiative to make your life better and be useful to others instead of blaming others for your stagnation.

I didn't blame anyone for anything nor is my life stagnant

guys my job is easy as fuck

>spend most of my time browsing reddit and the internet in general on the computer, plus Jow Forums on my smartphone
>the work I do have to do is non-manual stuff on the computer as well
>leaves me plenty of time to work on stuff for my classes while on the job
just wish it paid me, but hey, given how well it fits in with my life right now I can't complain. Short commute, too.

Still bitter about the whole incident at the dorm house, huh? You know at this point I'm happy that I fucked up your life into oblivion.

*paid more, not paid me

I did good for you but I am not loved or appreciated.

Urgh nothing is ever good enough for you. No wonder your family hates you.

man I really miss the good old days when people actually played pure-PK MUDs online. Those things were so damn fun. Whenever you were online, it was like the hunt was on - Either you were the hunter or the hunted. The smallest margins of error could be the difference between victory and defeat.

Don't you ever get tired of digging yourself deeper and deeper into your problems? Just own up and fucking take responsibility.

Hah, good, but I got one better:
>Get paid anyway
>Full-time hours
>Overtime is feasible
>No bosses hogging all over my ass anymore, they're chill
>The only real work I do is just picking up a bunch of shit and sweeping the floors
>Because I'm motivated to be lazy, I finish work in about 3-or rarely 2 hours altogether
There's some pain when you're the only one working, but otherwise, I can get another job and stack those papers with my current papers.

why can't i just let my guard down in front of people? i already knew most of them. i don't mind being the wallflower and observing people enjoying themselves though. how are people so social?

I just want to feel something in my chest that's not cigarette smoke

Man, fuck this place. It doesn't matter how much I fucking bleed for this stupid fucking job. I get treated like shit by idiots from other departments (who all think that my job equates to being their fucking delivery boy), and then get shit from my boss because, after a year straight of working a Saturday split, wherein I work an overnight shift that completely fucks my cycle, I'm maybe not very capable at 6 in the morning. I feel like shit, I look like shit, I'm trying to kick these fucking caffeine drinks I started specifically for this job, because they make me fucking dribble piss like a 60 year-old man, only to find that I can't keep up on that shit without the poisonous garbage.

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I was out whoring last night, it was jolly good fun. It's an old drinking house quite a way away from here. I wore a long dress and heels and perched on a chair displaying my stockings, suspenders and knickers to the whole pub. A favourite past-time of mine. You could touch and be touched and you know, I don't mind a friendly grope. What's there to talk about? We can talk about God if you want while you put your hands on me.

A heart attack?

I'm not opposed to it. Death is more enticing than life, right now

Finally, I'm no longer sick of hearing my voice and seeing my face in the mirror. Just wish I knew what to do next.

There is some real truth to this, I must admit.

i think i wanna break up with my boyfriend but I'm scared of being alone

I'm in the exact same situation genders reversed. I have no clue what to do, so I'm just going through the motions hoping life will have a clearer answer for me soon

How do you guys get happy?
What to do for happiness if your neurochemical balance is fucked?

Drinking a cup of coffee or going for a jog are the only things that make me happy. Too bad their effects are kinda short-lasting.

drugs alcohol and sexual intimacy
i fucking hate being a bpd cunt just kill me already


Stupid parents

The rules were that if you fucked around in any way then you are out. You get nothing.

if they DID give you something even though you fucked around... I'm going to make an effort to fucking take it back. So you might want to refuse whatever it is they gave you or give it back. Because it's not yours, it's mine. You break loyalty, you break everything. It was my one fucking rule.

ALL of you lied to me. ALL of you betrayed me. ALL of you stabbed me in the back. ALL of you worked against me and ALL of you are guilty for my death.

I'm not fucking around anymore. No more Mr Nice Guy.

If you fucked around you get nothing. You get kicked out and you go home with nothing. You get excommunicated. There ARE going to be girls in there that will rat any of you out in a fucking heartbeat because they understand that kind of behavior is fucked up. It's loyalty above all else. You wanted to fuck around then you get to stay with them.

If you wanted them so badly then you get to fucking keep them. You get the fuck away from me and everyone else you betrayed. If iit ends up that I'm all by myself in the end (which it won't be) I don't really care. I would rather be alone than surrounded by a bunch of back stabbing whores.

The parents got nothing to do with it. They aren't calling the shots. You make your own fucking decisions.

You do what you want. You have to go on your own eventually and if they don't care about their children's happiness then they can fucking die alone.

am i weird for categorizing people? was at a party, tried socializing

of course there was /v/ and /vg/.
then i spoke to a dude about Drake, X, and the illuminati. that guy was /mu/ or /x/. i like to read into conspiracies too cause i hate taking things face value although sometimes conspiracies can put you in a dark place. i value honesty and truth above all things but at what cost. i'm starting to listen to X alot more and i could easily see why people believe this conspiracy.

then there was this lgbtq / far left person yelling random shit.
and i think some Jow Forums were there with the "everyone would be eating waffles" alternate timeline.

Nawing on your arm like NOOOOOOOO TOMORRA, NOOOOOOOO TOMORRA, NOOOOOOOO TOMORRA. Nawing on your arm like NOOOOOOOO TOMORRA, Looks liking nothing gonna change

I have become infatuated with a girl at work over the past couple of months. I've thought about her almost all day every day during that time. I slowly summoned the courage to talk to her every now and then, and even felt that she may like me back. I asked her for her number yesterday, and she gave it to me. I texted her tonight and found out she has a boyfriend, and I know I'm nowhere near confident enough to take her from him, I'm probably not even confident enough to get her even if she were single. I thought maybe my 8 years of being single were over, but it looks like I'm back to square one. Nobody wants me.

I hope all you anons are having a good day and if you aren't, I hope it turns around for you.

You’re too sweet, thank you. I wish you the same.

Apples and a can of soda for just $19.99? HELL SIGN MY ASS UP

every girl is so fucking boring and the one girl i actually had a chance of fucking caught chlamydia

my sorrow is continually before me. at this point i've practically lost all interest in sex. i just can not be bothered putting the hours into tinder to eventually have meaningless sex with some girl who thinks the us office is the best show on tv


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Thank you. I am and thought I should spread it around. :D

Why the fuck is it so hard to make plans. We just have to decide on something and do it you fucking morons.

Trusting people scares the shit out of me.

Me too.

I don't have enough IQ to finish my major in college. i am failing classes. my financial aid was cut last year.

I have asian tier parents who will not tolerate a NEET i dont want to be a wage slave loser for life i dont know what to do.

my life is over i dont know what to do i am an autist aspie nobody my life will end

There's a girl in my class that I know for a fact likes me, but I'm too much of a faggot to make any moves on her.

same here faggot. same here.

I really need to end this toxic relationship.

Gets to suckin then.
Nawing on your arm like NOOOOOOOO TOMORRA, NOOOOOOOO TOMORRA, NOOOOOOOO TOMORRA. Nawing on your arm like NOOOOOOOO TOMORRA, Looks like nothing gonna change

How is it toxic?

I'm truly ridiculous for thinking there were good guys out there. Be a guy with morals and try to help the world vs. get fame, riches, hot women or men. There are no good people.

I'm sorry user. I came to this thread to say something basically the opposite. My parents are super chill. I'm 24, no college at all, part time job, and other than some hints of "why don't you get something full time" all they ask is I pay rent.

I'm so lucky in some ways because I have no idea who I would be if I was in your position.

I also came here to say I have a therapist appointment for the first time on monday. I'm probably going to also get an appointment with an adhd specialist because man I meet those diagnostic criteria. I'm sick of my memory and attention problems. I feel like a child when I get distracted so easily. I'm also worried that nothing is "wrong" with me and I'm just a dumb lazy loser that will live in my parents house for the next 40 years until they die.

everything I have said about the girls, the fakes, and the agenda shit is true.

They have just spent the last two years trying to turn their fantasies into realities.

anyone can learn how to sing, anyone can learn how to draw and paint. These are not skills which are unattainable. They can be achieved through hardwork. I mean... they won't be creative, they will have a something OFF about them but they will be technically proficient.

most people just aren't payed millions of dollars to learn how to do these things. These girls were. Gives a bit of incentive, you think?

He talks down to me. He has physically abused me in the past, but never actually hit me (grabbed my neck multiple times, pushed me down hard, etc.) He won't let me get a job so he has total control over our finances. He's pushed away all of my friends and family members so I have no one to talk to about any of this. I'm just so at a loss on how to leave. I can't be homeless on the street with my 3 year old son or I would've left already.

I wish to kill a weak part of myself, that always waits for others to resolve a situation. I'm also tired of lying to myself and am working towards slowly breaking that habit down. But i've strayed so far from the truth for so long, i'm stuck in purgatory. Not the person I want to be, and neither am I the person I was.

honestly, i don't feel like doing anything. i just want to meet you. everything just seems to be a waste of time until then.

It will only get worse, I'm sorry to say. Trust me. I've lived and studied this.
What you need to do is get to your local domestic violence center. They should have an outreach program and shelter for when you are ready to leave your abuser.
It took me several years before I actually left for good. I went to outreach the year prior and worked with a counselor who helped me design a safety plan and I'm still alive today because of it.
I have a special needs child who was the same age when I left. He brainwashed me into believing I couldn't do it alone. It was through our child that he controlled me.
I'm not only doing it alone, I'm doing it better than when we were together.
I no longer suffer from anxiety, insomnia, mood swings or paranoia. I've gained my dignity back.
I hope this helps. Life CAN be better but no one will do it for you. You have to make the courageous decision to for you and your child.
I promise it will be worth it.