This is the reality of white privilege
Jow Forums BTFO
The term "white privilege" is racists and hateful. This shit cartoon has no basis in reality at all..
I'll reverse my car back and forth over you once I figure out the burger pedal, Herr Hitler
Russian never colonized niggers and yet still sent the first man into space
Literally illogical.
What is this comic even trying to say? There's only one point SJWs ever make about reverse racism: that it doesn't exist.
>What is this comic even trying to say?
White people only got to where they are today by exploiting blacks.
Which is obviously bullshit. Only a moron could believe it. Africa has always been a fucking dirty shithole whereas Whites have been practicing civilisation for millenia.
Niggers hurt whites in the long run tho
Picking cotton wasn't worth keeping them and would be abolished no matter what
Colonized eastern europe and parts of asia though
stupid nigger I earn less than American welfare recepients, how the hell am I privileged?
Man made concepts. Be above and beyond such petty things. Judge each soul independently
>niggers get a thousand year head start.
>still fail and fall behind.
Damn white people
I went to school on a $40,000 scholarship. To achieve that I had a 3.8 GPA and a 31 ACT score, the 98th percentile. For a nig to receive that same scholarship they needed a 24 ACT score which is about average.
How is this not racism when I need to work harder for the same reward only because of the color of my skin? Not to mention how much easier it'd be to get hired if I was black.
pic related
>This is the reality of white privilege
Shut up and go get raped by mudslimes in a no-go zones Germeinstein.
May Allah give you a gory death.
Possessing even rudimentary pattern recognition ruins that.
Go on tell me how a russian lord made your ancedtors work at the potato plantation
The irony is the nigger can't find another to help each other up.
They just murder each other and call any successful niggers uncle tom.
And what does this have to do with reverse racism?
You know russia didn't abolish serfdom until 1861 right?
Except that's not what were my ancestors were doing in the 1800s they was just orthordox christains fleeing from the Turks to Russia in Balkans.
Comon, two threads of the exact same title, GTFO discord tranny
black oppression was insignificant generator of wealth for USA, further more they waged a bloody civil war to ban slavery, present day black people have nothing but leniency thrown at them and still complain
The Portuguese held the coastal trading posts that they used to trade with Arabic merchants who would capture black Africans. You can't blame the entire white race on that. It's illogical and restarted at the same time.
They have defined things in this cartoon in such a way that they cant possibly reach their referred references. Ridiculous that this works on people.
This is a discord tranny thread, they know this, they are just shit posting.
Now your native population gets abolished
The reality of white privilege is that whites built civilization from scratch, then a bunch of third world beggars who never do anything for themselves, moved in and demanded "their fair share", when in fact their "fair share" is fucken zero.
Now get out.
This is just stupid yeah some whites enslaved blacks but slavery has always been a thing there's still slaves today everywhere.
>the US was built on cotton
Why are you typing like a 13 year old girl on her period
>Be French
>Send 10000
>Loose Hati
If I'd have done that there'd be fucking *CLAP*s after each word.
We Slavs never enslaved other people you retard. You Finns even had your own fucking government ,religion and currency in the Russian Empire.
no such thing as "reverse racism". it's just plain racism.
I can see the claps though, type like a person without mental illness please
Typically I do. That was something that needed to be said eye catchingly in a discord tranny thread.
I get why you gave me the business for it but I'm not generally an annoying faggot.
They will continue eternally with this bullshit
When did blacks free themselves?
Whites freed them.
If cartoon was accurate. The white guy would build a step ladder, the nigger would burn it for firewood and then blame the white man for taking his ladder away.
Though you raise a fair point that conditions in Russia were terrible for the majority at the bottom, that's moving the goalposts. Russia abolished slavery in 1723.
>your ancedtors
>Israeli poster
Friendly reminder most of you turbomutts are mostly not Jewish.
Russian enslaved their own people in the millions. Soviet Union would have never achieved anything had it not been for the millions caught for decades in the Gulag Archipelago, working for nothing.
Thing is, slavery has always been part of human achievements, in one way or the other. Just not always, or rather almost never, on a racial basis.