Texting a girl

Is it creepy to text a girl you don't know her irl? I've been noticing her around campus a lot, and I'm too shy to come talk to her. Advice?

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How do you even have her number without knowing her irl?

from a friend

Hi! Can I get your number? I'd like to meet you.

70% of the times if works every time

yeah, it's kind of scary. I remember in high school a bunch of girls randomly got my number from god know who and they would randomly text me dumb shit throwout the day. Turns out a rumor had spread about me being gay and a bunch of fujos started trading my number and trying to hook me up with all the openly gay dudes in the school. Ended up making a few friends with the gay niggas, but none of the girls once it was all cleared up. Point is it was pretty frightening, so she will have a negative opinion of you from the get go if you text her randomly without knowing her. Why I shared that story is so you know I'm not a roasty since roasties always think everything is creepy, in this case, they're correct, but typically they aren't.

Definitely creepy to text someone who you have no personal connection. If you see her around campus, just nut up and confront her. An easy conversation starter is complimenting an article of clothing or start with asking a platonic question about school.

What do you mean with platonic question about school?
I have the same problem as OP, cute girl on campus, we see each other all the time.
You could say I'm popular, and I think she knows who I am, but I am also a turboautist when it comes to meeting new people, specially people I currently feel infatuated with. Do I just go and say hi? What next?

Is your name maybe Kazehaya?

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Found her on facebook

No, that's a dumb name

That’s retarded. That’s some serious bullshit. The fuck??

Seriously just grow some balls and talk to her.

But what should I say

I'm shy af around people I don't know, and I express myself better online :(

It's a reference to a show you dense nigger

That aside, If you're popular you already have all the cards you need, you just need to play them better.
Hang around her with your group of friends as much as possible and SMILE. Keep an eye on her and if your eyes meet SMILE. If she drops something pick it up for her, alternatively, drop something of your own that you think she may like. For example, you know she liked a certain anime, draw a doodle of a character from the said anime and pretend like you dropped it. She picks it up for you and sees the character, now you have something to talk about.

It's just so easy when you're popular.

I'm not really popular around uni, and I'm 100% sure she doesn't know me :(

I guess that could work, but she's a different major, so the only place where I see her is cafeteria

>sit close to her
>tell a friend you like her and to go with the flow
>start talking about thing you know she likes with the friend and tell the friend to just say some vague stuff if he doesn't understand what you're talking about
>End the conversation open with saying you don't remember a certain detail ( example: "and then they made it to the central city but I can't remember who beat the villain..." )
>Now she either responds or you ask her if she has internet to google it quickly, the thing is that if she knows, she won't google it she will tell you.

A’ight. Next time you see her around campus you smile/make eye contact and say Hey. But keep walking as you do this.

Then the next time you see her, do the same thing. But walk a little slower.

Then the NEXT time you see her — try to do something either funny or kind. Now this is going to sound a little strange but really — let’s say somebody near you drops their books or a pen or whatever. Or like say both of you are standing in line at the campus coffee shoppe. Be VERY POLITE to the barista! Say please and thank you and smile. (Practice smiling if you’re not good at it) AND/ OR drop your money and make a joke out of it. You don’t have to say hi after that but if you pass by her nod and smile.

Then make sure you go to that coffee place or the liibrary or you pass by that building or whatever the hell place you usually see her. IF she smiles back or says hi or makes positive eye contact —- that’s when you say “hey I’ve seen you around — what’s your name?”

That’s all and that’s it. Only THEN do you Facebook or text.

>What do you mean with platonic question about school?

Where is the gym, what building is the sheckleburg center, etc.

Then if she seems at all receptive just keep talking.

Damn we have 2 Light Yagami / L niggas here. I've never seen someone make a plan as detailed and as strategic for approaching someone as these 2

Okay cafeteria. Perfect! Forget the coffee place and do the same thing. And I can’t emphasize the “act of kindness to others” thing enough. Be VERY nice to the servers if they are women.

Girls like this — !

You and me ( ) are of the same mind. Why can't people be as smart as us.

Talk to her irl once. Ask for her number. Text her from then on.

idk, it seems so hard to just come to someone I don't know and have a chat with them. But at least it's not creepy

Dude, I see guys fucking this kind of shit up er’y goddam day. Make me want to knock some heads.

Young women have some fairly universal wants/needs. And lil bro OP should be assured of these things, and be confident in his ability to do them.

In fact — OP?? — I would HIGHLY recommend that you “practice” casual eye contact and quick smiles/ acts of casual kindness with OTHER girls around campus that you’re not as attracted to. This will make it seem more natural to you.

There is absolutely nothing at all “creepy” about a young man being interested in a young woman and attempting to get to know her. It’s the most natural (and in retrospect sweet) thing in this world.

Remember this! Even if you think you are going to fuck up you literally CANNOT.

Addendum: UNLESS you do the texting her / adding her on Facebook thing. Girls do get weird about that.