Do you think jewish chicks are hot?

Do you think jewish chicks are hot?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-18-14-14-50.png (540x960, 477K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>do you think vermin are hot?
the fuck is wrong with you? seriously, what the fuck?

Depends on the person, just like everyone else!

Attached: joobly2.jpg (1024x1024, 465K)


idk, i'd fuck a pretty mare for a dare. so why not a yenta?

Inside the oven yes.

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I do have a thing for big noses.

This is now an Abigail Shapiro thread.

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What's the equivalent to bleaching a jewish woman by a white man?


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Some are. It's a meme that jews are all ugly.