I have to do a 5-8 minute presentation on American culture to Japanese high schoolers tomorrow. They probably know everything about America already, so what should I do it on?
This is a real question, so I cannot do it on Trump
I have to do a 5-8 minute presentation on American culture to Japanese high schoolers tomorrow. They probably know everything about America already, so what should I do it on?
This is a real question, so I cannot do it on Trump
fly a plane into them and tell them 2 nukes wasn't enough desu-ka?!?!?!
american '''''''''culture'''''''''' lol
spend 5-8 minutes describing the hell we have dug into. Warn them to keep their national and ethnic identity intact. Warn them the end is neigh.
Tell them we like to joke about Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Teach them about CFNM culture.
Patrician taste
talk to them about WMAF
You'd be surprised how little people actually know about America or Americans outside of Hollywood and the basics. If it's open ended cover something relevant that you've personally done.
t.once did a presentation on American high School sports culture to Chinese students in college
Talk about food and TV shows. And maybe about the difference in Japanese and Western vidya.
It's a 100% safe way to do it.
Just give a basic presentation about our culture and the mistakes we have made that are currently destroying the culture. Maybe a few of the will make the connections they shouldn't make the same mistakes but I doubt it
Unironically this
But for serious OP, teach them about things like
>pony express
>Lewis & Clark's expedition
>War of 1812
>Louisiana purchase
>Trail of Tears
>Sun Records
>Teddy Roosevelt
>John Muir
>Mount Rushmore
>Route 66
>Fleischer studios
>JR Simplot
>McDonald brothers
Tell them how every single American soul is contractually obligated to die for Israel should Israel deem it necessary
5 minutes? Talk about porn.
But trump is literally american cutlure embodied. He's got bravado, moxie, balls as big as my head. He's a capitalist at fucking heart and he talks major shit and has this "can't go wrong" attitude. He's the greatest thing to America because he IS America
Sucking Trump's dick so hard that you begin choking
Thanks, I'll definitely mention Route 66 and Mount Rushmore
Talk about AIPAC
On how they have a welfare state for the niggers, and how niggers will surpass their population in the years to come. On how they are extremely fat and the ammount of suggar in their daily food. Their food habits, how does a regular american family eats daily. Gun laws and ammount of guns by household. How they got cucked into having to take the car for everything by car company lobbies. How they have an excellent elite education but a very deficient one for the regular population. Their thrild world-tier democracy.
Show them this red pill
Ok, says the guy who's leader sucks tranny dick and I'm sure you follow suite, leaf.
American fuck u ism. How oir entire hidtory is "we dont lole it here, fuck it, lets move furthet west". The 1965 act that made us brown. How japan should suck our dicks for not nuking their race from existence. Idk man jerk off to anime? Your a white otaku English teacher right.
Good luck nipple
You could also mention the Amish, maybe some general background on the founding fathers, or maybe some legends like Paul Bunyan or Johnny Appleseed
Hahahahaha, this is MIGApede posting on another level. Go the fuck back and take your shitty r/The_Donald colony here, /ptg./
Spend 3 minutes talking about the difference between In & Out burger and Mosburger.. then spend the next 5 minutes quoting the grittiest Joey Diaz stand up you can find.
Real advice:
Most people evendors in some states don't understand how different the various states of the union are, from what they produce to religious and ethnic history, to accents. People who have never left their state or travelled also underestimate how fucking big the country is. Talk about how fucking huge it is, the differences between states, and sinilar.
How many Japs fit in 1 American?
Impersonate Trump but talking bad about the jews
>tells someone else to go back
>that file name
lmao newfaggot double nigger.
Hide your flag traitor
He’s right, JIDF. Our “leader” bows to Shlomo and Co. so that’s no better, kike shill.
Christian morality because the gospel needs to be spread in Japan.
You're absolutely seething. Why don't you leave since you're the only one complaining. You obviously don't belong in America if you can't support a man trying to look out for your countries best interest. And news flash, the Jews are all over New York, it's business central. My God, you have no idea what you're talking about. You just see anything Jewish and start foaming at the mouth. But you know what, it's ok, your dumbass ideology will always be a minorty.
One thing I've always appreciated about Americans is our ability to make anything 'sexy' or about sex by just the way we say something
Something like 'I'm gonna go home clean out the refrigerator' and the reply would be 'ill clean out YOUR refrigerator'.
I've got to go search for my cat' - 'Oh, I've got something you can search for...'
Almost anything can mean fucking or relating to 'muh penis' in America.
>What is phoneposting while not at home
Try going the /SIG/ route and getting off your ass for once in your life fatass MIGApede. You’ve been here since 2016. You’re not an oldfag.
I don’t think I’m the traitor you should be worried about, MIGApede. Pic related.
>Muh dik
That’s nothing to be proud of. That’s nigger tier.
Tell them how brown people are destroying the USA and warn then to never allow it to happen in Japan.
>man trying to look out for your countries best interest.
Increasing work visas and signing chain amnesty is not in our interest
No cope friend, just me being realistic. You keep whining about the Jews on Jow Forums, it suits you. But you just stay here ok, don't want someone to put you in home if you ever end up going outside and start ranting like a lunatic.
good goy
I'll give you something to be proud of.
I'd rather be a part of the winning team than be a part of an ideology that only lasted ten years. How long have the Jews been put through shit only to persevere? They sound like strong people to me. Stronger than loser weebs complaining on the internet.
Difference between Japanese and Murican Vidya is actually a pretty good topic. Also checked.
>*walks in front of class*
>You're a bunch of fucking inbred retards
>*audience laughs*
>Shut the fuck up!
>I'd literally kill every single one of you if I could
>I'm fucking better than you!
>Hey fat dyke with the mustache
>Yeah, you in the third row
>You look at down at your phone one more time during my set and I promise I'll bash your fucking head in with a hammer
>*audience laughs*
>I'm not fucking joking!
>Look at all you depraved fucks
>There's enough flaming faggots in here to fill an entire HIV clinic
>*audience erupts in laughter*
>Heckler: "Yo fuck you nigga I ain't no motherfucking faggot bruh"
>Throw his ass out he's a nigger!
>He's a nigger!
>Look there's a nigger!!!
>Oh this shocks you
>Alright you see?
>This shocks you ...
>It shocks you because I'm deliberately triggering your instinctual emotional response and you all fell for it
>Kind of like mainstream media news
>It's what we insiders in the pro wrestling business like to call being "worked"
>Crazy huh?
Warn them about Cultural Marxism and what it’s done to America:
The Athiest Jews were The architects of Communism in the early 1900s. A group at the Frankfurt School developed Critical Theory to convert the West to Communism.
Basically, the Frankfurt School plan was to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. They called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life to de-stabilize society and destroy what they saw as the 'oppressive' order.
They hoped their policies would spread like a virus--'continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means' as one of their members noted.
To further the advance of their 'quiet' cultural revolution - but giving us no idea about their plans for the future - the School recommended (among other things):
1 The creation of racism offences.
2 Continual change to create confusion
3 The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4 The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority
5 Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6 The promotion of excessive drinking
7 Emptying of churches
8 An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9 Creating dependency on the state or state benefits
10 Control and dumbing down of media
11 Encouraging the breakdown of the family
It is if you are a true MIGApede which you should be.
You gonna LARP harder, internet tough guy?
>Winning is all that matters
11 Encouraging the breakdown of the family
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud's idea of 'pansexualism' - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an 'oppressed class' and men oppressors
Following Adolf Hitler's rise to power in 1933, the Institute left Germany for Geneva, before moving to New York City in 1935, where it became affiliated with Columbia University.
That pic is a lie. (((Conservatives))) have conserved nothing for decades now.
>the end is neigh
Hold your horses
Make up some bullshit that would just be opinion based. Tell them Hulk Hogan is our all time national sports hero.
Jewish question
>I have to do a 5-8 minute presentation on American culture to Japanese high schoolers tomorrow. They probably know everything about America already, so what should I do it on?
Everything is Walmart and burgers. Americans have no culture. They have been ruled by the (((international bankers))) since forever. In a few generations, everyone will be brown.
anything americana. you know, the america we all dream about but is seemingly lost to the past.
Print catchy memes.
Oh I'll deposit some culture in your bank, buddy.
how much you love Israel
>Oh I'll deposit some culture in your bank, buddy.
You don't have to. Inflation does that automatically.
I've got some inflation happening in my pants.
That was the point ittybiddy baby. Kys.
How do you cope with the fact that you will never win? By circle jerking in your echo chamber? Rhetorical question. I mean Jesus Christ, have you ever won? You've just lost so much you think it's winning. I remember you guys bragging about how you meme trump into office. Good job picking the "wrong" guy stupid! I'll see myself out. Enjoy talking to the other 35 unique posters in this thread. You losers truly are making a difference
Try to emphasize the unique things about American culture. Our gun culture, the amendments, the multiple genres of music we introduced to the world, our positive and negative impact on the world, some of our famous authors, the crops we offer like almonds and cranberries, our famous inventors, etc.
the jews
explain second ammendment
start with WWII
American culture? You can talk about consummerism and that's pretty much it.
There are good things in every culture, for America its guns, cars, legal to hate niggers.
oh yeah, they got a good freedom of speech enforcement
Do the American values, guns guys and god.
Why is freedom so important, and what happens when It's gone.
Should be easy right