Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that activates pleasure centers in certain parts of the brain...

>Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that activates pleasure centers in certain parts of the brain. Heroin and cocaine manipulate dopamine levels by slowing down the rate of dopamine reabsorption. Caffeine increases dopamine levels in the same way.

caffeine is a crutch. put the bottle down, baby, and grow up. artificial stimulation of serotonin and dopamine distort your perception of reality. war is coming. to survive you must not be complacent.

withdrawal is difficult, but necessary.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Caffeine is fine nigger. May as well ban every other macromolecule that affects your body.

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>giving a tiny spider the same doses you would a human being
gee, I wonder why it's all fucked up?

>getting this ass blasted over caffeine
I drink coffee almost everyday and I can still go a day without drinking it with no side effects because its my only source of caffeine. High fructose corn syrup is the real problem.

I've quit caffeine several times. I went through a phase where I literally only drank water for 2 years. But it doesn't have any negative side effects and makes the day that much more enjoyable so fuck it, pass me that coffee

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They did not give the spider the same dose as a human. If they did the spider would literally explode.

he forgets to add that caffeine is a nurotoxin to bugs

I sure do love slide threads

I'm not saying ban it. it's about personal responsibility. do you want to walk through live on crutches or upright like a man?

>About 90 percent of Americans consume caffeine in one form or another every single day.

>withdrawal is difficult
I switched to decaf (because I wanted to stop taking caffeine but I like the taste) and didn't notice a thing
caffeine withdrawal is either non existent or heavily over stated
still stick with decaf cuz I wanna not build tolerance to have the option to use caffeine when I really need it

this is the real redpill
you can go without it ascetic style, sure, but you'll go back to it unless you have really strong religious convictions or something
there's a reason people started drinking it in the first place

spiders have a completely different kind of circulatory and movement system from humans. they move by shunting blood back and forth between their limbs. because caffeine increases heart rate it completely fucks up how spiders move.

It hits me hard

I gave my 6 month old son marijuana. Specifically, cannabis butter in milk. Funniest shit ever, he was convulsing and screaming.

Stupid piece of pink, annoying HAIRLESS SHIT.

Its a fake image

>literally only drank water for 2 years

I hope it wasn't tap water because you'd be better off with coffee

Fucking based.

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Sure you did Cletus, sure.

Yeah I noticed that too

>not taking natural MAOI inhibitors such as caapi and peganum harmala

absolute plebs

You over simplifying nigger do spiders have a liver? Kidneys? Endocannibinoid receptors?
No, they don't. This comparison is retarded.

I did 2 months of no caffeine recently and noticed absolutely NO difference (besides the first week of caffeine withdrawal headaches)

Iv'e got enough of an issue with my methadone habit to worry about my occasional caffeine usage. And if I stop the former it's likely going to be a quick shift from complacent to fuck your optics i'm going in. I am trying to cut down my dosage to find that sweet spot between too comfortably numb and borderline psychosis.

Well played

Why monoamine oxidase inhibitors?

I'd rather not feel like I'm gonna die

They fuck with your brain patterns . Just some a cigarette and find out

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because they inhibit the literall neurotransmiters in your brain from degrading and let you stay awake
on a serious note they make you feel horrible like said


OP is literally a nigger. You know who else grows up quickly? Africans.

Shit beat me to it.

I get complete anhedonia and sleep a lot while in painful headache for 3 days. Sometimes I have felt suicidally depressed.

Then why do you drink it at all? Nothing for free vs nothing for the price of withdrawals

>war is coming


Nice one, russianbot-sama.






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The real truth behind Jow Forums
It's not called "the dark web" for no reason.

>May as well ban every other macromolecule that affects your body.
Caffeine is different because it's a neurotropic drug. It passes directly through the Blood Brain Barrier and interferes with the basic communication between your brain cells. In small doses, it shouldn't cause much harm, but it takes remarkably little caffeine to kill yourself.

Based Russian Spiderpoaster

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is black coffee ok to drink in small doses a day? That's all the caffeine I take, never drink coke or any energy drink full of caffeine.

I suffer from chronic tinnitus, I've read that regular coffee helps with that. So I'm not dropping it any time soon.

This is not how caffeine works, stop posting this every day.

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>Even coming close to a caffeine overdose with normal consumption

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fuck off teafag

>not drinking Japanese sencha imported from Japan
lmao just lmao @ your shit life pleb. No wonder you're hiding flag, you're a shitskin; all you drink is contaminated shit water in your shithole country.

>withdrawal is difficult, but necessary.

Caffeine withdrawal is for faggot babies. Try quitting nicotine you little homo faggots

>worries about dopamine and coffee
>is addicted to instant gratification from posting on 4channel all day

based comrade

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You come for my coffee and I'll kill ya.

It will kill you eventually. It fucks up your heart

Redpills on being a man
>The best thing you can do is not jack off. Pic related: One masturbation session makes your dopamine levels plummet for up to two weeks. Your prolactin shoots up, which turns you into a beta male over time. Hair loss, man boobs, puffy cheeks, no ambition.
>Coffee can only be used once a day and is best used in the morning. Drink it black or don't drink it. Drinking multiple coffees a day is pointless since you can't force dopamine to recover that quickly. After drinking a coffee, eat something high in vitamin C during the day to sustain the stimulant effects and prevent a "crash."
>ashwagandha cures depression and ADHD in 80% of people.
>Avoid alcohol like the plague. It numbs the emotions needed for spiritual growth and makes you feel content with being a poor wageslave. Stop drinking today and reap benefits for the rest of your life. Don't get stuck in the bottle, you could be stuck in there for YEARS and not realize you were even having a problem.
>Exercise, semen retention, and fasting are the cure to health and lifelong fulfillment. Even during marriage you should retain semen as much as possible.
>Music is a drug, use it wisely.
>Don't worry about tomorrow, let tomorrow worry about itself. Seek the kingdom of God now, in this moment.
>Your negativity shows in your face. Being hateful, racist, dishonest, sexually depraved, etc starts to make you look like a Sith Lord. You age super fast if you live a negative life, let go of your anger.
Good luck this year, Jow Forums
Remember: The devil is trying to trick you using hatred and anxiety to get you to accept a life of slavery and abandon Jesus. Don't fall for it.
Deny wageslavery and wealth hoarding, embrace the future utopia that benefits all mankind. Stop being racist, stop judging others. Allow others into your lands based on spiritual purity, not race. Most older age whites are Israel shilling boomer wageslaves or low IQ white trash. Embrace Jesus

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It's a risk I'm willing to take faggot.

>being this much of a weeb

are you suggesting we test drugs on africans?

>implying there's anything wrong with being a weeb

No joke, I started having semi-schizo symptoms for a few months last year, where I'd feel like my thoughts were flashing visuals I couldn't control whenever I closed my eyes. I tried fixing my sleep schedule, nofap, removing different foods but though those things helped the symptoms didn't go away until I quit caffeine (was having 2-3 cups of coffee a day) .

Please take all of my kek.

Pic kek


This. Soda niggers btfo.

some people have to work for a living and don't live in incel basement where all their shit is provided for.

you can't work without caffeine. what did our ancestors do for thousands of years? buck up lad

I drink coffee because its bitter taste reminds me of the tears of the Nicaraguans who harvested the beans for my luxury. The caffeine boost is merely a plus.

Besides, I'm not a Mormon and a cup of coffee gives me the best, most bowel-cleansing shits possible

Jow Forums is a crutch. put the keyboard down, baby, and grow up. artificial stimulation of serotonin and dopamine distort your perception of reality. war is coming. to survive you must not be complacent.

withdrawal is difficult, but necessary.

>war is coming
>he still believes in day of the rope
get with the times, boomer old man. Get right with Christ.
repent, you're on the wrong side right now.