Live above a single mother with two adolescent boys

>live above a single mother with two adolescent boys
>every single day


I want to fucking go downstairs and kid these kids in the teeth. I hate them so much. I hate listening to this every day. I don't want to move because I like the apartment and moving all my shit out to a new place would be a tremendous hassle but Jesus Christ why can't this stupid woman tell her own kids to SHUT THE FUCK UP

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Here is an idea
>buy airsoft rifle
>get really good at shooting

Next time the fags go outside put one pellet through each of their necks then they can’t scream

Ask the guy in charge of the complex for help, file a complaint.
The mother knows her kids can be heard but clearly don't want to do anything about it.

Complain to your property manager

Watch porn at max volume every time they disturb you. Hopefully they will get the message.

Report them so they get evicted if they don't stop.

They're little kids. Get over yourself. Are you going to ruin someone's childhood just because you're an idiot who wants peace and quiet in an apartment complex?

Did you try talking to her?

I'm going to squash any notions of this now, unless they're blaring music 24/7 or waking people up with really serious domestic abuse bullshit, you're not going to get them evicted. Your best bet is solving it on your end, either through negotiating with her or with your own soundproofing.

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did you try politely asking them to keep it down?

Epic bait, retard

I've had neighbors like that when I was sick. I couldn't get out of bed for ~5 years due to severe nerve damage. One day I had enough of the loud kids and annoying dog. Crawled out of bed(literally). Stood up slowly. Walked down. Knocked on their door. By the time she opened it I had tears streaming down my face due to the pain. The mom asked if I was alright.

I told the mom that I wasn't because all day her kids and dogs were barking and shouting and I couldn't get rest. And that I was bedridden and couldn't do anything to get away from the noise. She helped me back to my apartment and that was that. They never made a peep again.

My advice is to talk to them. It can't hurt.

Call the police and denounce a possible child abuse situation. Believe me, they'll be really quiet for a long time.

Fuck their mom and have them call you daddy.

It won't solve the noise issue probably but hey silver lining

File a noise complaint with your landlord


>talking to a single mother
they're literally all evil whores, he'd be lucky if he didn't get hit with a large spoon


>they're literally all evil whores

I love the recurring meme of when a piece of shit dad runs out on their kids and his wife, and the mom does her god damn best with what she has to raise the kids, it's still somehow her fault.

That's because no one in this world actually cares about you unless you're friends or family. If you have a weakness, they'll judge you for it mercilessly. They'll throw you under the bus every chance they get.

That's why you need to be damn sure you're not popping out babies with someone who's worthless.

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you're mixing together so many stereotypes my head is spinning

>piece of shit dad runs out on their kids and his wife
You mean forced out and made to pay child support/alimony while the kids live on the state and the whore parties with her whore friends

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Based and redpilled

oh yeah that's exactly what happens all the time you're right I'm sorry, nothing but evil roasties stealing children from honest hard-working men

It's not like American prisons are overflowing with men who have a bunch of kids out there growing up without a dad because they decided that robbing gas stations or running with gangs was their best financial stability.

>robbing gas stations or running with gangs was their best financial stability.
How can they not when their mother was an abusive piece of shit?
or 90% of their income is going to the bitch who has no family values?

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>having a woman-hate folder already ready to go at any given moment

oh boy

As someone who used to be a criminal and knew gang members (never part of one myself) and has been in jail collectively for two years, money is a minor motivator for becoming a criminal. Mostly it's the thrill of crime, the respect you get from other men, interest you get from women, and control over people (especially women) with drugs. Highly addictive.

I also fuck dolls, eat pizza all the time, and love to troll the internet all night long on my days off

But at least I'm not contributing to the downfall of society ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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like I said, the fact that men get themselves locked up in prison when they still have kids to raise isn't women's fault. You go ahead and keep being a piece shit though

Reminds me of this