Suicides per 100000 people

Suicides per 100000 people
South Korea: 20.2
Japan: 14.3
North Korea: 10.6
China: 8.0

why are capitalists always killing themselves?

Attached: east asia flags.png (1661x732, 95K)


consumerism, degeneracy, long working hours


no gf

Because we don't have glorious communist leaders to do it for us

The real question is why are Asians killing themselves. Here in the UK, the rate is between 4 and 5 per 100000.

Despite being a commie myself, there is nothing wrong in suicide. Life expectancy is what matters, and aversion to suicide is the false dogma of Christian background, which Asia has to a much lesser degree.

idk maybe because north have double population of south korea

In japan it's the culture. Once they are really old some people kill themselves and besides that a lot of people kill themselves if they make one small mistake. For example a conductor killed himself because his train was late by 2 minutes. I presume it is similar in south Korea. In north Korea they kill themselves to avoid starvation probably.