Help me, help my friend in need

So, my mate is 19, first year of uni and he's still a virgin, he had a GF before but he never had sex, he gets really depressed about being single and stuff and its really annoying since we live in the same accommodation. I've started to go gym with try give advice to him but so far no success, you reckon hes too much of a lost cause or there is still hope ?

Attached: virgin scale.jpg (680x363, 43K)

Btw, he's polish, 5'8, blonde hair and blue eye, kinda fat, his sweat is disgusting (smells super bad) and has little confidence

Sorry but your pic

>optimal age
>perfectly well adjusted sex life

>last call

>point of no returrn

that is absolute bullshit, I can tell this was done by a virgin to troll other virgins

I knew loads of attractive girls and guys who were still virgins in their early 20s. personally I had my first sexual experience when I was 16 and finally had sex when I was 18 - I was literally the first guy in my group of friends to have sex.

>perfectly well adjusted sex life

oh boy, I've been with 16 year olds and man they have a lot going on but a "perfectly well adjusted sex life" is definitely not one of them. Eddie Murphy has a great joke about how teens don't have their 'sex face' yet they just all have that one shocked look on their face when they fuck because everytime that they fuck they can't believe that it's happening they're just so shocked and surprised.

Anyways, don't try to fix everything about your friend all at once. if he fuckin smells and he's fat then work on that for now. If he's had a girlfriend before too then he's obviously got something going on.

>Eddie Murphy has a great joke about how teens don't have their 'sex face' yet they just all have that one shocked look on their face when they fuck because everytime that they fuck they can't believe that it's happening they're just so shocked and surprised.

but teens who have fucked hundreds of times make that face. I think the more mature expressions might just be results of the 40 hr work week.

also, yeah, it is bullshit. anyone who isn't an incel can have their first time at any age and nobody really gives a shit. being an incel at any age is bad.

yeah I see your point, my problem is him being a depressed faggot all the time

>hundreds of times

that's nothing, relatively speaking. If you're in a serious-enough relationship with someone and you're both healthy and sexually active you can fuck that much in the span of a handful of months.

The "sex face" definitely comes from countless hours of practice, you know what you're doing and how to do it. obviously if you started to fuck were you were a teen then you do get a better grip on yourself sooner than someone who first started having sex in their 20s or 30s.

If he's just staying indoors feeling sorry for himself all the time it's going to have him spiral even further down. Just go out and do whatever with him, it doesn't have to be anything that will have him lose weight or meet girls right away, just anything to change his mind.

>that is absolute bullshit, I can tell this was done by a virgin to troll other virgins
No shit, most early Jow Forums memes are

>you recon he's too much of a lost cause?
are you saying he has a really depressive personality? like, every time you tell him not to worry about how he looks, for instance, he starts saying, "waaaa I just know they won't like me because my neck is too thin. take the neckpill."

I had a gay friend who was a virgin because a.) he had standards, and b.) he was an overweight alcoholic who demonstrated no will to change. talking to him honestly about it would be the same as like, berating him for being fat and alcoholic.

>If he's just staying indoors feeling sorry for himself
yeah we do go out clubbing and stuff but he's too scared to talk to other girls, I tell him everytime to no worry about and to not give a shit about what others think but he wont improve

He's not genuinely depressed but has that feeling of loneliness he is trying to better him self but he gets disappointed because the results are not instant, I just don't know what to do

he could actually make a giant asshole of himself. are there easier places you could take him to meet girls?

we go pub and lessons, but no matter what he just waiting to meet a friend of a friend or something like that, any good places for meeting new people ?

To "get better" from loneliness, he'd have to have an intimate relationship, right? That can be hard to achieve for the average socially awkward young man.

Like I said immediately pushing him towards of a group of giggling girls at a club or bar may be too much for him to handle all at once. Just go out to clubs and bars and just have fun with him without being all GO FOR IT BRO COME ON MAN, if he happens to accidentally talk to girl then that's great let it happen somewhat naturally, the more you force it the more he's going to shut down.

College clubs, and online meetups with single people, can be good. I'm not that social myself. Aren't girls in college pretty desperate?

I didn't get laid til I was 21. From there I had quite a few girlfriends and then happily married.
Don't worry so much about women. Just have fun, talk to them when you get a chance and ask em out. Don't be a pushover and if you find one you like.. don't be afraid to let them know it. Hiding that shit makes you look like a pussy.

nah not even there was good looking girl that was all alone, he could of spoke to her, yeye that what we do bro go there for fun

YES HES A MASSIVE PUSH OVER, that's his main problem I'd say, i am taking him gym already but any other ways to not make him a push over

Well we go to a uni london, so the girls here can be a pain, i thinking of just getting md and throwing him out there ya feel me ?

If he's a massive pushover, then trying to do everything for him isn't going to help him at least definitely not in the long run.