PUA techniques

What do you guys think of the PUA community?
Does any of this shit actually work?
(Currently 18 and am literally scared of women, wondering if this could help me)

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>What do you guys think of the PUA community?

Modern day snake oil salesmen

>Does any of this shit actually work?

You have to be a very specific kind of guy, hitting on very specific kinds of girls for it to even have a slim chance of it working. Even then what you get out of it is going to get an awkward one night stand and maybe some HPV. You're not going to meet your future wife that way.

The kind of guys who go looking to PUA for advice and how-tos are definitely not the kind of guys that are going to get those girls that the actual PUAs go after either.

What's the best way of going about meeting women then? Just winging it?

>very specific type of girl
the extroverted hypernormie

get vaccinated

some of their advice is good because it's so obvious and generic that it's impossible to fuck up. the rest is snake-oil posturing like the above user said.

General confidence prep talk and a couple of starting points that come from psychology are good.

Specific techniques and routines is mostly bullshit in the sense that you will probably have a higher chance of making girls like you through more normal means before you can bullshit your way through those means.

go where single women are. socialize. it's only a mystery to Jow Forums because we are computer nerds and junkies.

I say success depends a lot on where you live and how non-threatening you look. There are some towns where a guy will just never hook up, and then there are towns where it's easy to hook up by accident. It's all about odds and demographics, but your chances will always be zero if you don't take any risks.

also note that sometimes the more passive women are a lot better people, so don't be a pussy and restrict yourself to women who take all the initiative for you.

I don't know how to socialize with women though. Like I can't just talk to them as if they were guys, I've tried before and it just doesn't work. Do you think pua shit may be atleast a good starting place? or will it affect my ability to have a normal human interaction later on

Exactly, I mean I hate using r9k lingo but it's really just Staceys and Chads. Really fucking dumb Staceys and Chads too.

I've met both guys and girls who were definitely 10/10 in their style and facial structure and their body's physique and you know they were into shitty pop music and going clubbing BUT they had their head screwed on straight and were secretly bookworks and most importantly PUA shit like asking a girl if she has time or for directions like it's the 1980s and cell phones don't exist isn't something that would work on them. They would know that you were trying to flirt with them.

But there are TONS of Chads and Staceys who are boderline legally retarded. They only care about shoes and molly and like mumble rap and the dumbest of pickup line or PUA technique will 100% work on them because of their child-like mind. There's also less-attractive people who happen to be empty airheads as well.

It depends what kind of women my man. You can go to punk shows and pro-abotion protests and meet women there just as easily as you can go to church and anti-abortion protests. Women are not one singular group with all the same ideas and interests.

>Like I can't just talk to them as if they were guys, I've tried before and it just doesn't work. Do you think pua shit may be atleast a good starting place?

Not really.

>oh hey excuse me, do you know where 123 example street is? I'm new around here
>oh yah it's just down the road here take a left two blocks down
>uh....uhm... you.... you too, thanks

that's going to be your interactions with them, PUA shit isn't going to add anything.

Just find girls that you find interesting, that likely share interests with you and talk about whatever it is you both find interesting,

It really depends.

The main point however is to grow some balls and start diong things towards getting laid, daring some new stuff.
You can ofc seek out the more autistic type of PUA (like RSD) who'll teach you a lot of crap about faking a vapid idiot to get vapid idiots into bed.

However, there are also other approaches, I would recommend Mar Mason for example, where it is mostly about finding out what type of women and sort of relationships suit your needs best, and then seekig those out decisively.

The main reason it gets such a bad rep is that its ofc filled with cunts who want to sell shit to desperate and often socially anxious men, which is a load of shit more often than not - then again, in most cases its simply enough if you have someone else push you into approacing women and making moves to notice that most off this stuff isnt really hard.

>I try talking to them like guys and it doesn't work.
Become a radical feminist, or get some confidence. You probably have the best idea of what would make you more confident, what would cause you to place more value on yourself than you currently do.

Approaching socialization like it's some sort of bad thing will just defeat the purpose. Sometimes people say stupid shit. Sometimes they don't like each other. Sometimes it's painful. Sometimes it's funny. Don't try to be perfect.

I can't tell someone to pay attention to PUA in good conscience.

>Become a radical feminist

Not him, but I was actually pretty much a SJW back in the day and I was getting laid all the time.

Obviously I still knew how and when to be a man and make a move and be confident I wasn't like "yes my queen let me open the door for you it's the least I can do after millenia of systematic patriarchal oppression please wipe your feet on my face" I was mostly just far-left with economics and either moderate or even centre-right with some social issues. I can't imagine that dudes on the far right are getting laid with each other.

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A radical feminist is someone who takes issue with the notion of gender in our society. I was just joking. The truth is I don’t give enough of a shit about gender differences to think something like, “I know how to talk to men, but not women.” Most of the time guys are just nervous to talk to women, but they say they “don’t know how”.

And I dunno anything about the far right, but I know there’s a lot of conservitard and faux-conservative qts out there.

This thread makes me wonder about how PUA got suddenly disliked by guys on the internet. MGTOW too I guess, since they get a lot of hate too.

Yeah I mean either extremes aren't great. I'm still leftist but I wouldn't mind a traditionally conservative wife not one of those SHILLARY YOU CAN'T TOUCH MY GUNS ONLY REAL MEN ARE ALLOWED HERE NO SO Y BOYS OR FEMINAZIS ALLOWED crazy far right idiots who have crazy daddy issues

The thing with both extremes is that they stop about having their own beliefs and values and ideas, and start being more about getting into arguments with their other extremist counterparts.


it was always a minority of guys who thought that PUAs could cure them of their virginity and also a minority of guys who thought that MGTOW was somehow a good idea. At first other guys didn't care much but the more that all their shit got shilled on Jow Forums and whatever else, the more that people got sick of their shit.

Also MGTOW have always been faggots, at least PUAs have their manhood intact.

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ive been watching/studying pua and went out last night and got laid. First time ever going out and bringing a woman back same night. The things that I focused on were good frame, not acting needy, and a little bit of negging.

>Like I can't just talk to them as if they were guys, I've tried before and it just doesn't work
if you're unironically saying this chances are you can't talk that that well with "the guys" either.

Nah, hes right.
Do you want to communicate to guys that you want to fuck them when you talk to them? No?
Of course you can talk to women normally, but you need to be able to communicate your interest or in short "flirt" (you may have heard of that) with her if you want anything.
Its not a special way of talking, its just like adding that sexual tensio to a normal dialogue.
Some guys never learned that , and PUA is for those.

>>PUA is bluepill cope.
All the bullshit strategies are made to sell CDs and courses. PUA will insist that picking up women has nothing to do with looks.
I would say looks determines 50-60% of your success.
Anyway I wouldn’t recommend cold approaching. Its better to meet girls from activities/ interests you like doing.That way you’ll get a chance to attract high status women.
The best thing about PUA is the way they lously promote self improvement. If you want help out with personal issues read self-improvement and self-actualisation books. Be careful of the youtube content on self-improvement. They’re are some brilliant creators that can help you change your life but some channels/seminars/videos are just garbage.(Look for creators that you explain in depth and try to help you cultivate a deep understanding)

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Are you saying you like onions boys, feminazis, and Shillary touching your guns?

What I’m hearing about US politics at the moment is that it’s basically ultra rich and coporations essentially paying the federal government to not make progress in certain areas. That, and gerrymandering so that the US doesn’t become one-party.

This is based on podcasts I listen to, so tell me if I’m a fuckin idiot.

I think it’s actually a good thing that the average US citizen has values they’re willing to be outspoken about. The problem is that people are by nature parrots constantly looking for something to shout about, instead of having civil, purposeful talks. Media artifice, basically all the shilling being done by machiavellian dbags like Peterson or even Colbert doesn’t help.

They just tell you generic advice that everyone tells you. The only PUA I think it's good would probably Corey wayne, but he's not really a PUA. Though some of his advice is boomer like.


>What I’m hearing about US politics at the moment is that it’s basically ultra rich and coporations essentially paying the federal government to not make progress in certain areas.

This is a broad-brush statement that is generally true, and has been true for decades and even centuries. Like how major cities were filled with railways & trams and all that shit was right ripped the fuck out, with pressure from automobile and tire manufacturers as well as petroleum, to make way for the hellish nightmare of today that is trying to drive around New York or LA or anywhere else in a car.


I'm not even American but we suffered the same fate all the same with most of our railways and tracks being pulled and demolished either post-war or around that time, and now it takes hours of sitting in fucking traffic to get anywhere.

but anyways

>I think it’s actually a good thing that the average US citizen has values they’re willing to be outspoken about.

My issue is that they're not really real values, more often than not it's just a position that they take to "pwn the libtards" or "make drumpf shake in his boots" or whatever. You're either a SJW Snowflake libtard, or you're an alt-right science-denying Nazi... or sometimes a libertarian pedophile I guess... the point is that there's absolutely no room for nuanced or mixed views or grey areas in American and by extension Western politics.

I was a member of the Honolulu lair back in 2007.

Does PUA work? That's a tough question to answer. First off, I was only in it for 3 months, but I saw lots of guys (most of them not good looking) pull average to hot girls.The few good looking guys we had did better, but we had one short fat dude that would pull hot chicks regularly. Most guys didn't do well (like me), but they were usually newbies that didn't know what the fuck they were doing.

Ask me whatever questions you want, I'll be up for awhile writing a paper.

First and foremost you have to understand what PUA is and what it isn't.

PUA is not some kind of secret martial arts wizardry that will get you any woman you want. PUA is to help you become more successful at picking up women who want to get picked up. It's so that women who are browsing around for a guy will pick you instead of someone else. At the end of the day everyone is out to have a good time.