They’re distancing themselves, rightly, from Jussie Smollett and retracting their messages of support.
Hey incels, they did nothing wrong by just believing someone who claimed to be attacked. That’s called basic fucking human decency, something you sorely lack.
This isn’t a political win for you. You just look like the assholes for using this situation to delegitimize all the real hate crimes going on. You’re fucking scum
>not realizing that Jussie is a Trump asset recruited by Kanye early on >Jussie infiltrates Dems and reports info to Trump >it was Jussie that saved Trump's life when he reported on Pelosi's coup attempt >the fake hate crime was designed by Trump as a means of both embarrassing the media and extracting Jussie >tfw Jussie is the hero we needed
Incel master race here, imagine being so cucked by women that you have to ride the coattails on whatever they say and you still dont get laid.
Henry Nguyen
Angel Flores
>they did nothing wrong by just believing someone who claimed to be attacked yet they refuse to believe those two women who got raped by the VA Lt Governor
Gavin Collins
Troll Level: Journeyman
Jonathan Cox
>You just look like the assholes for using this situation to delegitimize all the real hate crimes going on.
What was that saying? They accuse you of everything they do?