Grumph believes he is the victim of a "palace coup"

The delusions are getting more severe.

Attached: Grynkys.png (610x275, 50K)

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This is a hot, fresh and sadly all too real tweet

too bad he's such a huge cuck that he is never going to do anything about it except act a fool on twitter what a fag

The only "coup" is by Israel, and Trump is an active participant.

Attached: 02firstdraft-trumpisrael-tmagArticle.jpg (592x434, 89K)

This! This faggot could take down everything and destroy obama and the DOJ, instead he whines about it like a dumb little cunt on twitter.

>Have been trying to impeach him since day one
>"What?! never! Also impeach BLUMPH"

>its a coup to question a jew

>accuse people of treason
>be most powerful man in country
>do nothing except cry on Twitter


Dem discord trannies be pushing slide threads like it's they job

If he's so aware of all this, why hasn't he hung anyone yet?

Attached: 1523130591791.jpg (640x619, 196K)