Grumph believes he is the victim of a "palace coup"

The delusions are getting more severe.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is a hot, fresh and sadly all too real tweet

too bad he's such a huge cuck that he is never going to do anything about it except act a fool on twitter what a fag

The only "coup" is by Israel, and Trump is an active participant.

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This! This faggot could take down everything and destroy obama and the DOJ, instead he whines about it like a dumb little cunt on twitter.

>Have been trying to impeach him since day one
>"What?! never! Also impeach BLUMPH"

>its a coup to question a jew

>accuse people of treason
>be most powerful man in country
>do nothing except cry on Twitter


Dem discord trannies be pushing slide threads like it's they job

If he's so aware of all this, why hasn't he hung anyone yet?

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This. Discord trannies are out in force.

Where are the public hangings Drumpfy.

low-IQ post

I definitely remember him saying in one of the debates that he would unilaterally implement extrajudicial killings for all traitors and broadcast them on live TV in front of his 100 foot tall wall. 3 full years later and nothing.

Only clueless people think he's not doing anything about it.

I believe I should be able to kill you legally. Waiting...

Exactly. This is bullshit.

I dont recall that.

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If he calls up the militia youll all fill mass graves
If he cucks and sells out youll all fill mass graves.
If a Dim is elected next election youll all fill mass graves

EVEN IF YOU WIN youll all fill mass graves, this time itll be you filling them with you.

Why he's not dead yet?

ITT: A bunch of whining pussies.

Fuck off Trump shill you people are worse than the Christian fags

Trump has done jack shit and needs to make room for a real supreme leader

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How is he wrong?
>Investigation sought to ultimately remove the president started by fabricated facts and evidence and abuse of top federal investigation agencies
It was politically motivated, people charged were charged for unrelated crimes and were intimidated and pushed to give up dirt on Trump.

Bongino. What a name.

Why does this faggot not do something about it instead of bitch like a teenage girl on twitter?

Who gives a shit what happens to Open Borders Amnesty Don? Throw him to the impeachment wolves. Fuck him. He needs to be primaried.

He's too busy signing bills that ban the wall and open the border while giving a free pass to millions of illegals

Most of you are completely retarded and beyond redemption in my view.

>ITT: Shills still angry their government jobs got BTFO by the big bad orange man.

Life is good.

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He kind of was desu

Repeal the 25th amendment; it's unconstitutional!

>he is never going to do anything about it
sadly true

But seriously, he was acting in cahoots with Israel. There is obviously no Russia conspiracy, but there is very clearly an Israeli conspiracy with Jared. Trump is now carrying out the full kike NWO agenda opening the borders and banning himself from building a wall. Let his ass get impeached.

>The only "coup" is by Israel, and Trump is an active participant.
This looks to be true to me.

>Discord trannies are out in force
I refuse to buy that a fellow Norwegian is this stupid, so you must be some sort of mud.

At the rate Trump is going, I would have rather seen the FBI's attempted coup and the aftermath than him bitching on Twitter and not really doing anything. I have serious doubts the wall will be built, even with all the money he got from the 3 executive actions.

They need to just drop the pretense of "democracy" and "elections" and install Jared straight-up, and tell Americans if they got a problem with that, they can start a rebellion. Nobody will. They could even change the name of the US to United States of Israel. Nobody would do a fucking thing about it, guaranteed. A lot of evangelical idiots would celebrate it.

Unbelievable. He better giver Israel more money over this.

fucking mudslimes go home

Hold up. You shills aren't actually trying to deny the coup they've been pulling since before the man won, are you?

It's irrefutable at this point, regardless of how you feel about Trump. Obama & people, plus the Dems/FBI/DOJ did a bad, bad thing. Easily a top level felony.

What a pathetic fucking boomer.
>USA planning coups in Iran and Venezuela...REEEEEE FOX says they wanted to coup ME!!!!

Fucking Hypocrite, Dotard J Hump

Don't underestimate the power of words. He may not act, but he doesn't usually have to when the Left freaks out 90% of the time. Liberals do the work for him and are idiots for keeping his tweets active.

Excuse me but how is he any more of a servant than any other president? If he opposed Israel he WOULD be removed no questions asked. You guys are gurgling windmill-brain retarded.

Yes it was a coup attempt, but instead of whining about it like a bitch in twatter he should FUCKING TAKE ACTION ALREADY.

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Should be bomb them with droids like your favorite US Nigger President? Or go back to laughing at John Oliver making fun of your Government.

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Our lord and savior used to be free from (((Their))) control, but now his mental state is deteriorating and he's becoming one of the many puppets (((They))) control

What a loser. If there had truly been a coup, then rosenstein wouldn't still be working there. It's all theater.

Oh the 25th Amendment stuff? Yeah that happened. Rosenstein was going to wear a wire for it. Top Kike.

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He's completely in the right to call it that.
You fuckers have been trying to overturn the election since before he even started.
Everyone involved in the attempted coup needs to be banned from US politics for life.
Preferably imprisoned with the worst actors getting executed.

Yet it was Trump who hired him. And Trump who has refrained from firing him.

>Obama my fav president
What the fuck are you talking about...when did I mention Obama?
>John Oliver

And we can only hope for a devastating end to the means.

He wanted to but our anglo 5-eyes allies and top level politicians BEGGED HIM not to release the FISA declass.

I think it's funny how leftist shills hate the guy even when he throws then all KINDS of bones. Leftists are ungrateful sub-human scum for this.

And no your Zionist angle doesn't work because it makes no sense at all when stacked up against reality. There's a reason George Soros is actively bitching. He bitched when Xipeng impeded "Jewish" influence too.

Untrue. The coup by Obama is real regardless of whether post-election is theatrics by ex-scum acting out parts as part of a plea deal.

The coup is true. Its also true that Trump can stop it at anytime and refuses to do it.

Draw your own conclusion.

McCain’s death was suspicious, though.

>What a loser. If there had truly been a coup, then rosenstein wouldn't still be working there.
He's ratting people out to save his own ass, typical Jewish behavior.

This news is over a year old, and now its being shilled heavily, why? Looks like shit is finally about to pop off to me.

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>show weakness
>get backstabbed
boy it sure is great trump is so magnanimous to these vermin. MAGA

>Looks like shit is finally about to pop off to me.
I bet it doesn't.

Not sure if you watched the McCabe 60 Minutes interview, but he literally admitted that a group of them were conspiring to enact the 25th amendment.

That's literally a coup, discordfag.

Do they not brief you on how to properly apply subversive propaganda before you stumble into Jow Forums with your slack-jawed faggotry? Rope will come for you all and I'll happily pull that trap-door lever. Twist in the wind, faggot. Twist in the wind. It's going to be so comfy.

My conclusion is, they felled our old government behind closed doors but are keeping up appearances to prevent the usual globalist re-takeover.

The globalists genuinely can't figure this guy out and they think they can ride this out instead of attacking full force (not just with memes and EU laws) because he won't pull the trigger.

The average American is so fucking clueless that if Trump pulled the trigger, half our country would be fooled into fighting him on it. Oh how tewwible it would be to remove undue foreign influence.

Who gives a shit at this point what happens to Open Borders Amnesty Don? Fuck you

>implying that it is acceptable for the department of justice to participate in a 25th ammendment application

Treasonous traitors, the US flag is supposed to fly higher than any other, and here it's obvious that Israel's flag is higher. Why the fuck are they even flying on US soil?

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He should QQ about it on twitter like a castrated retard.

TRUE ...but?

If there was a coup, Trump would already be removed. The real coup would be taking out GOP senators.

Because Israel installed him. His job is to carry out Israel's will, period. There is no other task for Trump. Immigration doesn't matter, draining the swamp doesn't matter, nothing matters. The only item on Trump's agenda is helping Israel as much as possible.

Shalom, just found the jews of the board, mazel tov to me.

Go ahead and kill me a shill. This guy is fucking losing it and his tweets make him look guilty as fuck. Wanting to jail people in the mueller investigation? Why want that if he wasn’t guilty?

He's still gonna do that. To national socialists.


>The only "coup" is by Israel
yeah but they work for Germany

>This faggot could take down everything and destroy obama and the DOJ
how? they shot Kennedy because he thought he was the president

Trump don't have those kind of balls apparently

>The bad men made me sign a permanent halving of the corporate tax rate into law while raising it on the middle class plz halp!

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>I bet it doesn't.
Like I said, you faggots wouldn't be shilling a year old story if that weren't the case. Mueller can't run out the clock forever.

Once thats over, all the pretext of "Trump interfering with an ongoing investigation" will be gone and the public executions can begin. Hope it was worth the $0.05 per post.

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I'm willing to wait for it.

okay there, hasbara

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>The coup by Obama is real
what I don't understand is why they would bother to go to a judge with any of that, if they wanted coup time they could have taken him out before the primary, then it's Hillary against Cruz and Hill probably wins especially if they feed Cruz some lines about some shit that will turn people off

why bother with the judge thing when all it does is leave a paper trail and expose you, they don't need a judge to implement a wire tap at all

USA vs Trump was never going to end up in court unless it happened a decade after the 2016 election and Trump didn't win

>Mueller can't run out the clock forever.
his thing hasn't lasted as long as Starr's yet

>b-b-b-but trump isn't the only one!
He's the only politician kikes are actively pushing here on Jow Forums.

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Say it with me:


This is what he gets for not arranging his own SS from the very beginning, from literally weeks before his Inauguration. That and preparing a long knives cotillion to shut down all national media Erdogan coup style would have been my first and second steps upon election. This is politics, not teddy bear tea. If you recognize this is a palace coup, either prove it by taking immediate corrective steps or admit you're in it too, take their 30 pieces of silver for sabotaging the nation, accept your fate and shut up.

>his thing hasn't lasted as long as Starr's yet
Kenneth Star had actual crimes to investigate.

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>why put criminals in jail if you aren't also a criminal!?
Leftists are so retarded

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wtf is an "illegal coup"
come on now how the fuck can a coup be legal
this whole shit show is to cover the real coup that started long ago the 5th column of dual israeli citizen that control every branch of US government and the monetary system
so yesterday Junior says a conspiracy is not a conspiracy anymore when it's averred to be true and now we got the "illegal coup" pretending some kind of coup can be legal ?
fuck this poorly produced reality tv seriously

>israel controls everything
>israel installed trump
>israel is also couping him

Flawless logic.

>israel is also couping him
where the actual fuck do you get that part from tho ?

>where the actual fuck do you get that part from tho ?
Israel is the ally that turns on you.

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they play both side they always did

>Kenneth Star had actual crimes to investigate.
and just happened to be frat brothers with the subject of inquiry and also did his best t omake it about sex instead of treason

Trump knows he hasn’t done shit about restricting immigration and is trying to scrap up whatever time he has left. He’s a jewish shill.

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>doing nothing about it
>all of the senior members at the FBI and DOJ are gone

got it, I hope he keeps "doing nothing"


Trump is a leftist, he literally grew up in one of the biggest degenerate strongholds.

> believes he is the victim of a 'palace coup'

He is. Some mid-level management under his direct chain of command attempts to rally people 4 levels above his pay grade to overthrow the elected leader of the country, what would you call it?

This is possibly the most dangerous thing to happen since the Yeoman Radford incident.

>Israel is the ally that turns on you.
it isn't specifically that they're turning because they were never your pals, they're a global identity with a role to play, and only just in case anybody bothers paying any attention at all

all these entities like Israel just follow their orders and march around, the idea is to keep as many people as possible in total poverty and loving it, if they had their way you would work your balls off all day and fuck anybody who asked you in any way asked in exchange for food

which is basically what everyone has including the super wealthy elite

this is devil business

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All those members were replaced by Bush-era conservatives who would literally sell their soul to Israhell.

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not even Kalama's anti-lynching bill can save them from the day of rope