
(trying out new OP template)
>Seven MPs leave Labour Party in protest at Jeremy Corbyn's leadership
>Police officer Peter Drummond had sex with girl aged 14

__Primary topic of discussion__
>two-party system on the verge of collapse. comfy levels increasing dramatically as brexit day looms.

>(((The London Question))): Britain's Second Empire & The Secret City
>Oswald Mosley - Europeans
>Information On Legally Owning Firearms In The UK

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We know better up north

>commie murros

Of the 7 resignations how many of them are Jewish?

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def __new()__: pass



python sucks

Real talk: if only these seven splitters leave Labour, they will simply be crushed by party stalwarts come the next election. The absolute boy has survived once again.

What do you think the motive is in replacing our countries? They're not making us a minority for a sake of making us a minority, they're doing it because our economic system (money is the only thing that matters) necessitates it. Higher living standards result in lower birth rates and people not wanting to work in menial jobs, new cheap labour from developing countries is the only way to resolve this problem. Diversity/multiculturalism is the PR front for this agenda.

>How come none of the incredibly rich and advanced asian states like Japan, Korea or Singapore fell for that?
Because they only developed until very recently. Japan is on the brink of caving into immigration and has been for a long time.

>hammer sucks, use saw

Fuck off toolbox faggot, nobody needs your shitty analogies

>Because they only developed until very recently
*they weren't developed until very recently

All of them spiritually

Shuker looks pretty jewy to me.

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>Born 18/2/19
>Went a funny tinge 2 hours later
>Death ???

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Why should I care about your sexual preferences? I just pointed out that OP's post looks like Python syntax.

After Hitler, has any politician caused so much fear from the jews as Corbyn does?

Hellooooooo yeaaas

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Why is Japan btfoing us?

So why are the japs fucking us over

>muh money

Okay schlomo, I guess your culture, your identity, your heritage being something worthy of protecting for its own sake is a concept above your comprehension.

You are literally being genocided and replaced yet all you can think about is money, not the core reasons why its happening.

Finally labour can go full nazbol now without ooga booga and shalem berger

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We're not sorry! And we've stepped over the prospect of being sorry.

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>depending on a foreign power for your industry
>industry leaves
wtf how did this happen

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He's saying that money is the core reason m8

the free market will provide (for someone else)

>the 7 most uninspiring MPs quit to form a new party

i bet Corbyn's shaking in his boots

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I guess he just doesn't understand it then. His entire mental framework is set up like a jew's, unable to comprehend what is really going on.

>b-b-buh brexit! they would never dare to leave!!

What's the problem with a second referendum?

I warned you about the Blairites, yet you continued voting Tory.


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I'm not convinced that the two party system is crumbling, just on the basis that the First Past The Post system essentially precludes any rival to the big two rearing its head. Look at UKIP in 2015 winning almost 4 million votes but only returning a single MP. So long as we have this system we can't have a rejig of the party political system because people will keep voting for whatever they perceive as the least bad option.

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tunnock teacakes desu

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>"Obscure right-wing Youtube channels will save us!"
cried the delusional Millenial

>"Anonymous Twitter accounts will save us!"
cried the LARPer

>"Tory policy will turn things around!"
cried the naive reactionary

>"There must be a revolution!"
yelled the cowardly gammon

>"An uprising of the White British to reclaim their lands!"
added the teenage shut-in

>"Things will change, the ship will steady, these things sort themselves out"
cried the contented boomer

And meanwhile Slough became minority White British. Then London. Then Leicester. Then Luton. Then Birmingham. Then Watford. Then Reading. Then Manchester. Then Nottingham. Then the other major cities. Then the towns. The villages. Slowly one replace was supplanted by another, their delusional proclamations gradually muted until finally they could be heard no longer.

EU-Japan trade deal means cars can now be made in Japan and exported without penalty. Would have occurred even if we'd voted remain.

>keep voting until we win

Maybe there's a language barrier or you're just too stupid to understand what I'm saying.

>Okay schlomo, I guess your culture, your identity, your heritage being something worthy of protecting for its own sake is a concept above your comprehension.
Of course they're worth saving, but the nature of *the system* means they're sidelined in favour of making money.

The state is a machine concerned with little else but furthering the needs of the economy. Our identity, our culture, our status as indigenous people does not matter to this system. The people behind this plan recognise the profound social implications this will have so extol the benefits of "diversity" to compensate.

>You are literally being genocided and replaced yet all you can think about is money, not the core reasons why its happening.
My entire point is that our capitalistic obsession with money is the reason this is happening.

I personally couldn't give less of a fuck about money. In an ideal world it wouldn't exist, or would at least wouldn't be the central focus of society.

kinda defeats the whole point of democracy

Can you image if Labour actually goes up on the polls after these jewish mps leave?

How would the media spin that?

What's wrong with that if it's the will of the people? Might as well schedule a third referendum for 2021.

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Get out, this is /britpol/ we don't need any more fucking foreigners.

How? Are people not allowed to change their mind?

Watch the South Park trapper keeper episode from season 4,basically sums up brexit whingers

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This, would of never even made the national news.

>your culture, your identity, your heritage
If you were bothered to learn a bit of history, I'd know that Jews and Brits were together for centuries yet Muslims started to infest the UK in the recent decades.

Any more news about that Hull student? Surely she’d have been found by now if she was still alive?


>2nd referendum before the result of the first one has been implemented
Dude that's like the yanks holding an election in Dec 2016 to get rid of Trump before he was sworn in

>The year is 2045
>Britain has held referendum after referendum on EU membership
>Continuously yoyo-ing back and forth between being a member and not a member of the EU
>Another referendum is held
>Britain votes out again
>Next referendum is scheduled for 2047
>Polls show an IN vote will be the likely winner

will probably turn up in Lithuania somewhere

Nah probably kebab meat now.


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The 7 MPs were in the wrong party anyway. They would rather see the tories stay in power than have a real labour government. The policies of Corbyn are overwhelmingly popular with the public, the establishment just has so much control they can manufacture outrage in order to hinder the will of the people.

You're right, they should also have another American election because the media doesn't like the president. Also fuck off foreigner.

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Python is nice. what do you use?

>The policies of Corbyn are overwhelmingly popular with the public,

those policies being.... erasing uni debt ? and the public being.... brainlet students ??

anything else :^)

If people can't make up their mind, it means that Brexit shouldn't happen.

But they ARE holding another American election. That's how the system works.

Remain would win, as they have been consistently polling higher since the brexit vote and the entire years long clusterfuck would have been for absolutely nothing. In fact, the entire brexit happened because remain had such a huge advantage during the entire campaign, the youngfags thought its victory assured and didnt actually bother to vote.

>My entire point is that our capitalistic obsession with money is the reason this is happening.

Its a cultural barrier I guess but finally we agree on omething.

There is no "system" Its just you, your people and your culture and as a group you have failed. Your people were culturally weak and lazy and chose cheap instant gratifications over the abstract, delayed gratification of maintaining existence as a sovereign cultural entity. People literally chose importing workers from the colonies rather than dealing with price hikes. To us, its as alien, as disgusting as some abbo tribal ritual when they slit their penises in two. Its depthlessly funny in a way how a nation of traders™ has decided to sell off itself. Expecting the same effects from other nations with fundamentally different values would be foolish, though.

Jews were an ignorable, tiny effect on history till only the very recent times.

Re-nationalisation is generally popular with most groups in Britain. From da yoof to the boomers.

Please describe the flavour of Junker's anus

We did make up our minds it was a clear result. The vast majority of constituencies voted leave, only really London and Scotland wanted to remain

Python is simply a scripting language, like shell scripts or so, I see no point in discussing that. Computer science has more fundamental questions to be concerned about.

>bullshit, israel is a greatest ally


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I think we should have a referendum on whether or not we should have another referendum. Also, what if we have another referendum and we vote for Brexit again, should we have another one after that? You know should we keep going until we vote as you would like us too?

>yes I love big giant tory cock in my arse

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money as a measure of purchasing power / quality of life is the motivation for people to move

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>remain would win because polls high
>remain lost because they polled high

the state of Hungary

>nooo my gibs!

I don't like Russia or Russians

And many of those people have changed their mind since then. People can change their mind, they can admit that they were wrong. Nothing irreversible has yet happened, people should be allowed to confirm if they still agree with the 2016 referendum result.

Any biographies of Powell that aren't a thousand pages long?

when will we be able to purchase the death of techno industrial capital

Farage is a clever bastard.
>be Farage
>run Ukip
>media ‘b-b-but dey is wacist, rexrenobics, sexist, homophobic!’
>tarnished and feathered
>had to become multiple-issue party
>win UK referendum anyhow
>gut instinct is that nothing’s this easy
>talk with Battan about sabotaging Ukip to give Nige an excuse to lead a new party
>a one-issue-only party named after the new coined word we’re all fucking tired of hearing
>media has to acknowledge Nige’s the leader and that begs the question as to why
>Nige gets to explain that ‘b-b-but Ukip dey is wacist, rexrenobics, sexist, homophobic!’
>Brexit Party is one issue and only one issue
>that means no need to shift political furniture for faggy things like gay/tranny rights, muh en hache ess, >insert hot topic, white noise talking points
>lead by a man who’s proven to be a tolerant little goy
>completely independent
>will be able to grab the alienated and disinterested voters by the collective pussies
>will be able to chisel away votes from Ukip/For Britain to achieve a single mandate issue
But most importantly
>will be able to use that as a grounding to steal entire swaths of votes from Lib/Lab/Con as Brexit Party has one (and only one) mandate
I wouldn’t be surprise if Trump planned this out for Nige. This is 4D level chess. If the traitors in parliament keep us in the EU, then Brexit Party will win the majority of seats in EU parliament and in the next general elections.

murros is /ourguy/ 100%

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A small part of me wants a "people's vote" just so that we can BTFO them again. But far more than that I just want us to actually fucking leave

Why is brit/pol/ being invaded by 2nd worlders?

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if by our you mean mi5 and the people who think lgbtpol is a real thing

cunt respond to

wtf is wrong with the bloke on the lefts skull

that's what a 1000IQ christian theologian skull looks like

oy vey

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Just read a 1000 page book lad, it doesn't take long if you find it interesting enough

Do you have downs or explaining low voter turnout despite the polls is just a difficult concept for you?

Yet somehow you dont see Saudi-Arabia inundated with migrants. Being accepted is the motivation, not money. No one would move if they know they get machine gunned down on the border and get no benefits.

Brexit was a historical fluke, it would never win again, especially with not current demographic trends.

I thought he fell for the attacks on jezza

>Japan and EU sign FTA
>Suddenly Japan can build cars at home and ship them to the EU with declining tarrifs, working towards a 0pc tariff in 2027
>Jap carmakers decide that they no longer need these investments on the other side of the world can can simply export
>Literally caused by EU's relentless pursuit of (((global frictionless trade)))
>Bluetick scum in Brexit meltdown on twitter

"He's weeerkin' for the securrity serrrvices!!"

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>the holocaust was an undeniable event, we just need to rebuild the chimneys and the ovens though

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