Turning 24 in january

>turning 24 in january
>hate my life
>my life is over

fuck this shit

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Being a virgin doesn’t matter desu.

I’m NOT a virgin but people still think I’m a virgin...

Become MGTOW

There's nothing wrong with being a virgin. If anything, it's a good thing. It means you aren't some sexually depraved animal or some shit. As long as you're not an incel or some shit then you're fine.

>24 in next april
>no gf, not even female friends or acquitances ever
>work in an office job, talks to no one, eat alone
>once in a month I can meet my old friends if i'm lucky

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What are you doing to improve your situation?

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im not a virgin but i havent had sex since i was 18 so its basically the same difference

at least i can reflect fondly on my time in the sun

You neckbeards act like sex is the end all be all of everything. Lmfao, I actually feel sorry for you, placing so much importance on something so trivial.

>hate my life
>my life is over

I'm confused on why you posted this without asking for advice. Is this to garner sympathy for you? First and most important thing is have you actually tried to make your life better, and I actually mean try and not give up when faced with failure. Also how does getting your dick wet correlate to having your life be over, like c'mon that's your fault and goes to why you made this post. How can someone garner sympathy for something that was your choice? You can't. I wish you the best but jfc you should know your life is what you make it. Godspeed

Sex will not change your life

Ah yes, the thing that is talked about nonstop in all forms of entertainment and media, the thing that drives people out in droves on the weekend, the thing that your body is literally screaming at you to have, doesn’t matter. There’s nothing wrong with a man who goes through high school and college, where women’s sex drives are at their absolute peak, when all of them are peacocking and doing EVERYTHING in their power to attract men almost nonstop, there’s nothing wrong with a man who goes through all of that and doesn’t attract a single woman ever.

Have a tiny bit of empathy, if you went through that as a man, how can you possibly have a shred of self esteem? You didn’t attract a single female once in all of high school and college. How in the duck could you be confident when many of your peers have had probably hundreds of females attracted to them? What would you even base your confidence on?

Not him. But losing your virginity will not change your life

People are shocked when I say I'm a virgin. I guess that's a good thing. I'm fucking 26 though.

I’m 27 and people assume I’m a Virgin. not because of how I look, but apparently how I act. I’ve had sex with a few girls. But I feel very uncomfortable being around women, and I act awkward as hell

Somebody asked me the other day if I had a girlfriend. They asked "how come" when I told them no, and I just responded with "women aren't attracted to me." Somebody nearby just went "anonnn oh my god..." and then the guy asked what's wrong with me. Did I mess up?

I definitely act more like a virgin and push women away too. I don't see why it matters since women don't like me. People say behavior makes a difference but even other people now are starting to say they think women don't like me too.

I’ve had women approach and try to talk to me. But I usually try to get away from them ASAP. I keep conversation very very short and find an excuse to leave. Women make me very uncomfortable. It honestly blows my mind how I even had a gf before. I had a girlfriend a few years ago and it was a good relationship. But I can not be anywhere near girls now. I avoid them

Why do you avoid them?

because they make me uncomfortable. I had a girl try to talk to me last week and I didn’t even know what to say to her

I see. I do the same, but I come from a place of low self esteem so

I will even leave the gym if an attractive girl enters. Yesterday I was lifting at the gym, there was only a few other people there and I hadn’t been there long. But this cute girl wearing yoga pants came in, so I had to leave

When I see any attractive girl I'm usually inclined to just ignore them so that I don't bother them...

why'd you tell people you are a virgin?

I don't go out of my way to say it but if the topic of sex and relationships comes up I just say it. It's something I have to get off my chest because when people talk about physical intimacy, it reminds me that they've experienced something I never have, and probably never will, and it makes me so uncomfortable I have to be honest. It's nice that they find it surprising though, I guess

>it's just sex bro
Yeah it's only the whole reason we're alive, and what all of us are wired for. I guess I should just be okay with never having a family of my own or never being desired at all.

i think my ex gf broke me. she was very good to me, very loyal and caring. But after a few years of us being together she started talking about marriage and I think that broke me. That’s why our relationship ended. And now I’m extremely uncomfortable being around girls. I fucking hate that girls will sometimes try to talk to me, or I see them look at me. I want to be a ghost