CNN today: The Jussie Smollett case warranted skepticism from the very start

Is CNN right to effectively say "We told you so!" now that it's evident that he made it up? I didn't hear about them being sceptical before that...

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The only major news source that was skeptical on day 1 was Alex Jones.

Most of what you hear from CNN and other "news organizations" is basically clickbait for money so its usually some pandering opinionated trash. Its like watching the history channel now. They are the cause of all misinformation being spread like wildfire due to the absolute ease of showing how mainstream news sources can't be trusted.

>complete and utter backtrack
They do realize you can’t just erase the things you said a week ago in this age right? I memeber nigger faggot lemon crying about muh hate crime

It's called damage control...

Next will be just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen. And they will go on to thank Jessie for "starting the conversation" instead of prosecuting him for filing a false police report and perpetuating racial divisions...

Pizzagate is real and theyre letting us know in true detective that they dont know how to handle the truth being out

When 100% of these outrage stories in the past four months have ALL been proven fakes, you would think the Jews would stop jumping on these landmines. The only thing they can do to get themselves out of it is to gaslight their own low-IQ mutt viewership, which is exactly what this headline seeks to do.

Anybody who actually believed there were two white guys wearing MAGA hats running around in Chicago at 2 AM is a fucking retard.

I would put money on the outcome you suggest.

Now apply what happened with Smollett to the Holocaust and you'll understand why people question it.

Celebritys and the media believed, mission accomplished

This is what baffles me, isn't this like the third national outrage in ~2 months that turned out to be bunk? One was the buzzfeed fake story and what was the other one again?

Covington Kids. Also there was the Jazmine Barnes thing where the black mother claimed her daughter was murdered by a racist white man and it ended up being two black gangbangers.

Yes! Thank you.

Nobody actually believed. Everyone knew it was gaslighting propaganda.

>Next will be just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
i got you

This is the new norm for MSM. Go maximum-outrage on a story before all the facts are in, and if it turns out they're wrong immediately claim "If anything we were the FIRST people to be skeptical about this story!"

It's one step above just completely dropping the story and pretending it never happened like they used to do in these situations, at least.

Stelter is such a tool.

>The only major news source that was skeptical on day 1 was Alex Jones.
And the notorious anonymous basement hacker known only as '4chins'.

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brian stelter is only 33. that was mind blowing for me. i legit thought the guy was almost 50.he is disgusting.

I feel like CNN is legitimately oblivious to their effect on the wider world. Yeah, they make fake news all the time and dont apologize for it most of the time, but I think they might actually be surprised that they've given their faithful the impression that they can make up news stories at will because they assume outlets like CNN will just run with it.

Same with the kavanaugh hearings actually. Tribalists root for these psyops and get on board.

Pick one
Pure intellect cannot substitute for real world experiences. Both are required.
Abstract intellectualism, not tempered by objective real experiences, is simply dangerous.

>brian stelter is only 33
you're right. wtf?

>I feel like CNN is legitimately oblivious to their effect on the wider world. Yeah, they make fake news all the time and dont apologize for it most of the time, but I think they might actually be surprised that they've given their faithful the impression that they can make up news stories at will because they assume outlets like CNN will just run with it.

CNN and Washington Post create/report the news for about 75% of the internet, local TV stations, and newspapers in America.

My local newspaper sources and credits stories from WaPo on a daily basis, my local newspaper has no employees stationed in Washington DC, so they source their national news from WaPo.

My local TV station, only 2 miles from my house, uses CNN for their national news stories, and they have the CNN logo attached to national stories.

Most "journalists" in the local news here are around the age of 24-27, they are young females who just recently graduated from College, they just log onto CNN/WaPo every morning and simply summarize what they read and then pump out their own stories based upon that.


>CNN: Why it warranted skepticism from the very start
Oh so the 2 weeks of "fuck MAGA hat whitey tryin' ta lynch niggas n shit" was what then?

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>one year for every tooth

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Even by our teeth standards that's fucking disgusting.

When you call every piece of news that comes out a false flag you’re bound to be right at least once

2AM in -40 windchill.

Dumb as shit.

honestly, who are these people that visit cnn to come back here an report their bullshit? no archive link. can only be cnn shills.

Then where the fuck where you at the start you disengenious faggots

Just a friendly reminder that is down lol


and so it begins....

Virtue signaling muther fuckers.....BAKA

wrong think can easily be repaired with doublespeak

Lol oh please, there are very very few legit bate crimes. They are almost always lies made up by nigs.

>When you call every piece of news that comes out a false flag you’re bound to be right at least once
What did we get wrong?

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Why is it down?

>hate crimes----->bate crimes
>bait crimes
that's good

MSM keeps getting played boy Lying Tokens

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Lol, what a crock of shit. If you dared to express any sort of doubt before two days ago, you were going to be fucking lynched yourself.


Keep this link

Even REDDIT knew it was fake day 1

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Why do you go on reddit? Why don't you go back there and not come here anymore you ptg faggot fuck

Females and gay males but yes that is all true then cnn gets their stories from AP or Reuters. There hasn't been real journalism in a while.

>I hope this guy is telling the truth
Even when they know it's fake, they want it to be real.

>be based black
>get medal
>be Jewish Nigger Faggot
>Go to jail
the answer is clear

They tried to believe because it was benefiting in their narrative. But it failed on day 1. It is just February and the mainstream media is falling apart.

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>Pizzagate is real and theyre letting us know in true detective that they dont know how to handle the truth being out
Hello CNN. Reddit is that way ->

Also there was the New York hijab pull some time ago.

> Juxtapose this story against it being Black History Month.

Maybe there should be an old-fashioned lynching.

>the thing we told you happened didnt happen
>but trust us it's happening everywhere
they're following the same old script. saturate the market with the original story and when it turns out not to be true, mention it once for the correction, and say it still represents and overarching truth.

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i dont want to believe someone is this stupid an vapid to lie about something like this.

fuck off kike

>the story was full of holes
>he got a sandwich at 2 a.m.!

Man I've gotten a sandwich at 2 a.m., this ain't weird

Damage control. Next time something like this happens they will jump on it the sameway and nothing will change.

I just did it last night after getting drunk. Having Trump (not Hillary) day off is fucking boss

It was a deep freezing night and there are plenty of 24 hour food delivery services in downtown Chicago. There was no reason for him to leave his house.

The fact it was a big news story raises oncern of the motives from those pushing it. The Liam Neeson thing too. wtf is up america? you're all creepy faggots.

> local news
> their own stories
ha, no.

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>Smollett is Knocked down and attacked at 2 AM
>Subway sandwich perfectly fine
>I accidentally drop my sandwich bag
>Subway sandwich explodes into bits of veggies, meat and bread because they didn't wrap it right

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Duh. I tried telling people this shit years ago and they didn't believe me. Told them The Lost Boys and True Detective were a means of Hollywood exposing their own inner workings. Most people believed the symbol was real (FBI shit) but they just couldn't wrap their heads around most of it. Then MeToo happened a few months later, which I also predicted with Mulholland Drive. Now Season 3 comes out and explicitly mentions the Franklin coverup. Just... Wow.

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Smolletts accusations were so outlandish that it didn't make any sense. It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to realize none of it added up to a normal crime scene.

The absolute audacity of that cunt saying MSM had no part in reporting the “perpetrators” were MAGA supporters, and that it was just celebrities and activists. I’ve never seen such a level of delusion.

It’s amazing that I already completely forgot about that.


Jurnee Smollett Bell (sister) interview talking about a revolution.

I don't see any skepticism here.

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brook whats-her-name literally said "this is America in 2019" and was all "take this serious white people", I remember it vividly

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To CNNs credit they kept calling it "alleged" attack. However they were also showing all of his sob story interviews so they were hedging tgeir bets

What are anons going to do to connect this to Kamala Harris? That's what needs to happen next lads.

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Homies are pissed. Who would have thought we are so close to a race war that one silly faggot almost kicked it off.


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And the Daily Stormer.

>And the Daily Stormer.
nobody gives a fuck about stormfaggots

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Yeah they were so very skeptical.

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Well when you're a 70 IQ literal retard I'm sure this plan sounded foolproof.

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I forgot about a ton of these too

and yet they were correct.

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Ehhh... CNN is obviously very biased towards the left, but I think you guys fail to see that they don't exactly champion blacks unless done so in an incredibly patronizing and degrading way. I feel like only Aussies on here would be able to recognize the incredibly subtle IRL racist shitposting for what it is

Funny what media does to you. huh?

Well to be fair, Chicago is well known as maga country.

Think of that. Some Hollywood faggot is so disconnected from reality, he thinks Chicago is some backwards hickville.

Yasssss! Gods work! Will spread this around

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