
Hey everyone
23m, quite intelligent, doing my masters.

Anyway, I need advice on something, and it's been a downer for me big time the last couple of weeks.

I just can't stand women anymore.

It all starts at puberty, girls start getting attention from guys, and the few hot ones get the most attention. What happens? Jealousy, girls start dressing differently (especially this generation, more sexually etc.), start using more and more make-up (I also blame the internet) just to also get some of that intention. The result? They get more attention, they get used to that, they can literally pick any guy and otherwise have men lined up for her. This continues until mid twenties or so, meanwhile they've had multiple relationships, quite a few sexual partners etc. Girls in this range of age just love the attention and typically the 'men' hunt the 'women' and as soon as they hit mid-twenties to thirties they wanna settle down, and the roles are reversed. Women hunt men down, whether you're in a relationship or not. Some men, including me, are just not like that, and lack the experience one should gain during those years and I can feel that that has impacted my life in some way.

Basically to me, this just sounds like women are all sluts (ofcourse there are exceptions, but there's been social experiments etc. that just shows how easy it is for a woman to get sex/a relationship.)

I've never been a hunter, and now in my mid twenties I start to get some female attention. But I just don't want any of that. I just don't feel like wasting my time on someone, knowing she could replace me at any moment. Or that that person has had all the fun before me, and I hardly had any. Also I don't trust women. As soon as they get any attention, and they like the person, while they're in a relationship, she still flirts. I mean, men also do, but we think with our dicks.


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If there's this girl hitting on me, I just don't feel the urge to do anything, cus she's just another girl.. What do..?

I know it's nature doing its thing, I just very much dislike the way things go. It feels stupid/dumb.

Don't date Western women. They're degenerate.

Why do you want a woman? Do you want children or what? Women aren't very useful if not for baby making.

I'm only into Western women, so that toughens things.

I don't want children at all. Just hard to find that one person you know you can trust totally.

I don't just think about sex, I'm looking for someone that wouldn't keep letting me down, but I know it will inevitably happen (out of experience). It's just this world we're living in. I feel like I'm too intelligent for this world. Guys and girl, just talking about hooking up and shit. It's not my thing.

I don't do anything crazy, like disrespecting ppl in their face, cus I'm not like that. It just seems like all women are a-like.

Have you tried becoming a homosexual

Don’t know what to tell you, if you don’t feel urges or attraction to women you might have a hormonal issue or depression. Consider yourself lucky, I’m the same age and a flirtless kissless touchless textless virgin.

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not my thing.

atleast it seems like people agree with me on this manner.
Do have some depression so now and then. Maybe that's why.. thanks user

You will find a nice woman user. Search for the shy ones, they usually see things in life in a similar way as you and me. Don't be afraid to be a little vulnerable some times, honest and fulfilling companionship is well worth the risk desu.

Maybe that's true, but the shy ones are often the ones that aren't pretty. That's the thing, the pretty ones are full of confidence like I explained before (cus of all the attention they get).

I don't want to settle down for anything less, maybe my standards are too high, but I don't want to settle for less, otherwise I just can't enjoy a relationship really.

But your words are comforting, thanks user

You might be focussing on a subgroup of women. Like men aren't all chads who are only interested in clubbing and sports women aren't all staceys whose only passion is makeup and dating apps.

And you are using that subgroup as an excuse for not looking fort a subgroup of women that befits you (i.e. shares your interests, values etc.).

Most of them don't have that perfect dating live you are imagining, let alone all women. And even they had what does the past matter to you if you live in the present? These would be past relationships and someone who condems you on a lack of dating experience in your teens isn't really into you to begin with.

Thanks user, guess that's true, but this subgroup of women is so much larger than men's. At least I experience it that way. Guess I should look elsewhere like you said, maybe it will surprise me.

No problem. The amount of superficial people is roughly the same regardless of gender I'd say. Maybe you mistake some women for being superficial.

The point to success is to find the right subgroup of women. If I don't like sports and outdoor activites a professional climber likely wouldn't click with me. After having found that group you can watch for someone who clicks with you within that group.

Again, thanks user. I do judge a book by its cover too quickly, I shouldn't.

One more tipp: Ask yourself what you core values are, interests and prefered life style choices would be. From there you can find activities where you meet either women who have similar interests or at least people through which you might meet women with similiar interests.

This gives you sort of a first "filter".

I agree in that appearances are truly important, but our perception of what we consider pretty or ugly can change over time if we interact a lot with a person. It happens a lot.
Wasn't really attracted to (or disgusted by) my gf the first time I met her, but after spending lots of time with her, learning about her interests, making her laugh, she started appearing really pretty in my eyes. Don't give up hope! Lots of cool and funny, but not superficial women out there, you just got to get lucky, maybe increase the chances by smiling, going out of your way to meet new people, etc

Pretty much this. For me it comes down to a women being my "type". Within that range exceptional beauty is only a bonus but not required for. While other girls who might be looking better but won't befit my type - they might be nice to look at, but what would I have to say to them?

People like you are a big expetion nowadays.
It isnt just the case that only women are sluts nowadays. Men are man whores as well. They start to fuck at age 14. They just dont care about wether partners have too much sexual partners. They just put up with it and dont care about it. Its normal to them and not even a tought that actually comes to their mind.

Especially from the point of view from men. They are very happy that women let them fuck in their teens, enabling them to have all that fun. And therefore they will even wife and have women like that had a lot of previous partners. Thats just a thing they willfully accept.

I dont really know how to put in words. There are just differences in your brain how you are wired in comparison to the people i described

>People are either uber-whores or miserable incels.

I didnt say that. All i was tried to say its all about perspective.

You just need to put yourself in ones position. For instance there is one boy that is very well socialized starting from his late childhood/early teens. He has a lot of friends both female and boys, does team sports and or in is a band forever. Lets say he is 13 and has his first kiss, than when he is 15 he has his first gf and after half year in he takes his gf virginty relationship. He is probably of peer pressure from his friends and once he did it he is on top of his live. But after that he goes to HS whatever, there are also a lot of other hot girls too. So he ends up cheating with his first gf etc. etc... At age 22 he then starts to have serious relationships, maybe 3 for 3-4 years. Then he is 30 something start a family whatever. He can know choose from females with rather less or rather more sexual partners. He just doesnt want a complete pure virgin gf. Because he knows Its UNREALISTIC to find one. Because a 30 something virgin female itself is just a redflag. You just know that its 99% wrong with her. And even is she is sane she will be probably very prude, clumsy and just a normal functioning person. Does he really wants to start a family with a female like that?

I am just saying posts from men her on Jow Forums tend to be from men that are sexual inexperienced with no skin in the game, that just dont represent the reality.

Your upbringing and how you spend your teens will define your personality. Wether you spent it on socialising with friends, experiencing a lot of fun or spending 10.000s of hours in front of your screen by yourself will very much shape your values for life

If you can't handle the fact that attractive people are in high demand and generally live privileged lifestyles then date someone ugly. This isn't one of your animes where all the hottest girls are, for some inexplicable reason, lonely virgins who act like you're the only guy in the world. You have a fantasy idea of what romance is and are upset that fantasy doesn't line up with reality.

>I just can't stand women anymore.

Incorrect. You can't stand yourself. You resent women because you perceive them as not struggling with the things that you struggle with. You're insecure and crave love and affection so you've convinced yourself that the people who you think have the things that you don't are the enemy. You reject women as a defense mechanism to shield you from the extremely painful, extremely daunting possibility that you may not be worthy of love or companionship. You reject them because your insecurity refuses to let you put yourself into a situation in which they could reject you first. Convince yourself that they aren't "worth your time" covers up the sheer terror you feel at the possibility of really falling for someone, developing a meaningful connection and then finding out YOU aren't worth THEIR time. Its basically the "You can't fire me I quit" mentality of life. Its easier to convince yourself that true intimacy with a great woman doesn't exist then to accept that all of this anger and generalizing and toxic ideology is just a smoke screen for how scared you are. Everything you've said in this post, despite its shred of factuality, its merely a byproduct of the mechanism your brain uses to protect itself. This belief system is the framework upon which your emotional armor is built; the armor that keeps you separated enough from the world that you don't feel so scared of getting hurt anymore. Your life, your beliefs and your relationships form one large, dysfunctional monument, dedicated to your continued, day to day mission to just forget about and cover up how inferior you actually feel. Maybe Jow Forums helps. Maybe vidya helps. Maybe achieving in academics and earning social status helps but no matter how hard you try the feeling is always there.

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>nuh uh sweetie you're wrong
Way to help him
Look at the rest of the thread

>Way to help him
I don't think coddling him through the pain of reality is helpful. Fear of discomfort is the reason he's in this position. Seeking help requires facing reality.

You are not "quite intelligent", you are a fucking retard when it comes to women.

That's why u are all alone u think that just for being as you are u deserve the prettiest women, u have to realize that there are levels if cute girly does Not want u, perhaps u are not attractive dude..... Hearing you said that the shy girls are ugly just make me sick, u are as superficial as the girls u hate so much. This retards thinking they are special and deserve anything....

>I don't want children at all.
Easy. Go MGTOW.

Follow Sandman MGTOW on youtube.

bro he's seeing reality pretty clearly right now you can't stop him with your lil female mindgames lol... lame attempt at saying he's in some internalized emotional framework, some selfhating nonsense lol... just shut up and accept that women from a sociological viewpoint are the benefactors.

I see through that wall of text that you're a gentleman of taste, fellow friend.
Do not listen to what others have to say ITT. You're absolutely right: women are just degenerate creatures that will destroy you economically in exchange of sex, only to get #MeToo'd and ruin your whole life. If you really want to fuck something, Fleshlight sells really good products. I hope everything goes your way, friend. Godspeed.

Men on average sleep with more women in a lifetime than vice versa. is right, you are looking at a certain group of women as all women.
Yes, it is true that women get more attention, that's just how it works. Personally I just see it as a compliment that a woman decided to stick with me rather than to go after another guy. Most women want a relationship with someone they like, not just getting laid.

> Wether you spent it on socialising with friends, experiencing a lot of fun or spending 10.000s of hours in front of your screen by yourself will very much shape your values for life
That hurt

Not necessarily true, I did team sports, but the environment I grew up in was very negative, so I never thought a girl would even like me. Had my first kiss at 16 though, but I'm still a virgin.

>men think with their dicks, it's normal
>women think with their pussies, how could they?!

>btw i'm also quite intelligent :v)

all men are cucks
if you can't cope, hit the noose, my man

why you gotta make me feel like shit like that

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Not him/her. But it's the truth, though it could have been stated a bit more nicely.

Everyone with this mindset is making excuses. Because what they say doesn't coincide with reality. For example there are lot of nerdy girls who aren't into hookups or clubbing that much. Also if this train of thought would be true, how could the average male lose his virginity before he is in his middle 20s ( if not to some unattractive women)? This just doesn't make any sense on a rational level, so it must be about something else.

I know its true and thats why it hurts so much

Why? It opens a lot of opportunities while that point of view is just self defeating and miserable. You might dwell on it but in the end you could have it better easily.

I just want you to know, the bar for being intelligent is NOT getting your degree. It's not muddling your way through college, life, your job, getting a masters. Even people with MD's or PHDs can be complete idiots. You kind of sound like you run the risk of becoming one of them.

Your black and white thinking is toxic to your life. It will bleed you dry. I used to do the exact same thing, and not only am I happier for letting go of my bitterness, I'm more respected. People consistently assume that I'm articulate and intelligent. Smart people don't put others into boxes.

If you really want to be intelligent, use your willpower, your smarts, your drive, to fix yourself. Yes, you've acknowledged one of the key aspects of human sexuality. That even average women can have the pick of the litter when it comes to sex. But they CAN'T have the pick when it comes to well-spoken, respectable men. If you really are that, you could understand (within reason, you don't have to marry some dried up cokefiend whose liver is already about to die) that people are people, and the "ideal" isn't out there. You need to get rid of that insecurity that she could replace you at any moment, because if YOU are REALLY worth it, you could easily replace her. Nothing in life is guaranteed, and if you want to enjoy it, you have to get the fuck over it. Also, the assumption that girls "still flirt" in a relationship, that's totally an individual trait. I've never had it happen to me, and the one girl who did it was a complete slut (I was well aware of that fact, it was still plenty of fun).

t. law student (aka falling for the biggest scam ever but whatever, my school is more than decent)

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