Gun Rights

I voted Obama in his second term.

I voted for Bernie.

I held my nose and voted for Hillary.

I recently bought a LCP 380 after learning that my brother in law keeps one for self defense.

I feel much better knowing that I have something I can defend myself with. I even bought federal premium hollow point ammo at wallmart today.

I've learned that democrats don't want me to own this.

I will be voting Trump in 2020.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nice poem

>I voted Obama in his second term.
Nigger lover

So you are using a boot pistol, basically the back up to your back up gun, as your primary carry?
Nigger you need to go lurk on Jow Forums more.

This has got to be bait.

>vote for gun grabbers
>buy a gun
>vote for another gun grabber

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Good for you.

The most far left anti-gun activists usually support bans that are unrealistic and unpalatable to pretty much all democratic politicians.

99.9% of democrats don't want to "take your guns away" and at most just want to introduce stronger background checks. Most liberals are in favor of being able to own a firearm, regardless of size and power, if exhaustive background checks are in place.

Its similar to alt right extemists who have a platform built in part on the "fuck the jews" sentiment. No republican politician would actually turn their back on Israel.

They're just extreme talking heads barking at each other.

Meme gun!

i don't have $500+ for anything better right now.

And I wear t shirt and skinny jeans. Even this is hard to carry

What is an exhaustive background check and how does it differ from current background checks?

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Based on your voting record you should probably just turn that on yourself and do us all a favor...

>99.9% of democrats don't want to "take your guns away"
So much this! They don't want people to be able to buy them in the first place! Upboated!!

>Even this is hard to carry
Spend the money on a good leather or kydex holster, it makes a world of difference over a cheap one

Shills shilling to shill

It is snowing on Mount Fuji

>skinny jeans
Put the gun to your head, faggot.

Good, right in time for Trump to turn you over to his Jewish overlords.

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>99.9% of democrats don't want to "take your guns away" and at most just want to introduce stronger background checks.
What a load of shit. Semi auto rifles have been all but banned in california. Magazine limits, deliberately unreasonable transport and storage laws, and shit like social media checks are ubiquitous in democrat controlled territory. And they propose more and more restrictions, taxes, longer wait times, ammo limits. They ALL want to take your guns, just in such a way to avoid causing armed rebellion.

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>380 auto
tits or gtfo thot

.32 acp master race reporting in

Nice b8 m8. If you really believe that you need to reexamine the policies they broadly vote for and introduce.

Also if you want a doctor involved in any part of the process what you really want is a defacto ban because no doctor is going to take that liability.

classy bastard this guy

Is that a famas?

What about a BODYGUARD 380?

You do know Trump passed more gun legislation then Obama. Democrats say all the shit but do not have the political will to do shit on guns.

t. Democrat AR15 owner.


Same. I voted for Obama twice. I bought a gun after my house was broken into. Unless a better Republican comes along then Trump has my vote in m 2020

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They will ban your shit the instant they gain the power to retard. They see guns as a gateway drug to individualism and voting Republican. Its in their best interest that guns be as unpopular and hard to get as possible. It simultaneously helps grow the anti-gun voting bloc by the sheer fact there are fewer gun owners.

When, when has this ever happened in the US. Background checks are not a bad thing. A 3 day waiting period is not the worst thing in the world. Lowering gun counts in the inner city is a good thing. Guns treated as toys like the NRA does pisses me the fuck off. They do not need accessories they are made to kill. That being said I do want a RPG so find me the Republican that wants to give me that and we will talk. Otherwise Democrats are the same as Republicans when it comes to guns.

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>When, when has this ever happened in the US.
Every blue state has retarded gun laws. If you want a national example, the clinton assault weapon ban.
We already have background checks you fucking retard. It's called NICS. What democrats want is to make the system more cumbersome and costly, and to try to regulate privvate trade so that they can eventually illegalize it.
>A 3 day waiting period is not the worst thing in the world.
Correct, it is a stepping stone.
>Lowering gun counts in the inner city is a good thing.
Actually it fucking is. If nobody is armed, criminals merely need to be stronger or more numerous than their targets. The less restrictive civilian gun ownership is, the more dangerous performing an act of violence is.
>That being said I do want a RPG so find me the Republican that wants to give me that and we will talk.
You can literally buy one today. You'll pay out the ass fof it because of the faggot ATF, but I would get rid of the ATF.

I hope this is bait but maybe all my time on Jow Forums has insulated me from pussies like you

Background checks are a terrible thing. They require the law abiding to prove that they aren't criminals, while criminals don't even bother
getting one. Wrongful denials vastly outweigh the number of criminals they actually put in prison.

They're literally feel good nonsense for actual retards.

Point on one single crime that was ever prevented with a waiting period.

You people are walking fucking stereotypes. We legitimately need to start institutionalizing you.

>it's a liberal can't answer specific questions about the laws he supports episode

Still better than nothing against a knife

Just become a fucking socialist. Socialists don't want to take your guns.

How are you going to afford a gun when you're waiting in line for bread all day?

>thinking the Zionist puppet cares about his rights
Just here to call OP a faggot

I live in Oregon we have background checks for private sales. It is an extra $10 and you go through a gun shop to verify the background. It is not a big deal and stops gangbangers from getting guns.

>The less restrictive civilian gun ownership is, the more dangerous performing an act of violence is.
Gangs do not give a fuck, they have numbers and more guns then any one person. Getting guns out of criminal hands is a good thing. Someone who provides a gun to these fuckers should be held accountable for that gun.

I can be a gun manufacturer and make an automatic but no I cannot make explosives outside of binary.

We need teeth to prosecute people who go around background checks.

>Point on one single crime that was ever prevented with a waiting period.
Hard to prove a negative but we do know of domestic violence where a dude buys a gun then shoots his wife same day.

Guns are not toys stop treating them as such. They are tools and need respect. If you cannot lock up your gun and you son shoots himself or others that is also on the gun owner. This is simple shit we should all support.

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>LCP 380
>something I can defend myself with

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Many people will be, who are in the same category.

Use it on yoirself faggot

Wew lad

>I recently bought a LCP 380
chick detected, show tits plz

The feds have a 10% conviction rate on background check cases. In the federal court system with its 90% conviction rate.

The vast majority of murderers in this country have felony records and can't even pass a background check. There are half a billion unregistered guns in circulation in the US. It is literally not possible to prevent people from getting one.

No one treats guns as toys. That's libtard projection at its finest.

Stop trying to waste everyone's time and money. Check yourself into a mental institution and save society some trouble.

>we do know of domestic violence where a dude buys a gun then shoots his wife same day.

Literally never happens.

buy a less pussy-ass gun. fucking 380 often fails to crack nigger's coconuts.
get a 9mm if you intend to concealed carry or a rifle if you're just going to keep something at home.

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>99.9% of democrats don't want to "take your guns away"
calling bullshit.

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tell it to the democrat party, asshole.

cheaper than a divorce.

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Get a good Kydex holster. I wear relatively form fitting clothes too, yet I can pretty easily conceal my Glock 26 (thicker, longer, taller than an LCP) in pretty much everything except tight stretchy shirts

You would have been more convincing if youd left the accessories part out.

>No one treats guns as toys. That's libtard projection at its finest.
TV show produced by the NRA

>10% conviction rate on background check cases
The goal is not to convict but just stop them from getting a gun. If the cops find a felon with a gun fuck em and send them to jail forever. Back track where that asshole got his gun then get that guy as well. We know 90% of gun crimes come form 10% of gun shops. Only 3% of gun crimes come from people who legally bought their guns. We currently cannot target the people who sell them illegally and that should change.

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The NRA isn't even a pro-gun organization. Fucking lefties and their NRA boogieman.

Background checks demonstrably do not stop criminals from getting guns. What does a cop finding a gun on a felon have to do with background checks? How are you going to back track where someone gets a gun when there are half a billion unregistered guns currently in circulation?

Why are liberals all walking buzzwords? The NPC meme really is accurate.

>More than 33,000 people die in gun-related incidents each year in the United States,

First line of the study.

If they have to include suicides, police shootings, lawful self defense, and accidents, you can safely discard whatever conclusion they dreamed up regarding crime.

Guns are just tools bud. The respect you should treat them with is no different than the respect you should treat a hammer, nail gun, welder, or car. They *are* toys for almost every enthusiast who owns them honestly.

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Jow Forums Carrie's some ridiculous guns. .380 is acceptable. A controllable 9mm would be better. Komandos are sticking beyond full size guns in their pants with fleshlights while package weighing 3lbs. That's not normal.

>The NRA isn't even a pro-gun organization. Fucking lefties and their NRA boogieman.
...The National Rifle Association is not pro-gun? I have nothing wrong with guns but people who do not treat them with respect.

>How are you going to back track
Ask them? The gun has a SN and most unregistered guns are pre-1980 and antiques. Those guns are not commenting crimes and I really do not give a fuck. We have unregistered fully automatic guns out there but their value keeps them out of criminal hands.

The NRA has never been pro-gun. They helped write the national firearms act ffs. They're openly calling for more gun control right now.

>most unregistered guns are pre-1980 and antiques.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

Thank God you people are so fucking stupid. We'd never be where we are today without the liberal need to share their ignorance with everyone.

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And this is why the fear mongering disgusts me. I have given reasonable arguments on the left side and people still assume I am coming for their guns when nothing could be further from the truth. We need guns for the eventual fall of the union, not for the hard on it gives conservatives to think they have power.

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You haven't given a single reasonable argument.

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And there it is. You think background checks to stop criminals is not reasonable. Gun violence has been on the fall for decades, the system is working.

There is nothing reasonable about background checks. They are completely ineffective.

>"Looking only to official criminal records, data over the past thirty years consistently show that the mythology of murderers as ordinary citizens does not hold true. Studies have found that approximately 75% of murderers have adult criminal records, and that murderers average a prior adult criminal career of six years, including four major adult felony arrests. These studies also found that when the murder occurred "[a]bout 11% of murder arrestees [were] actually on pre-trial release"--that is, they were awaiting trial for another offense."

>"The fact that only 75% of murderers have adult crime records should not be misunderstood as implying that the remaining 25% of murderers are non-criminals. The reason over half of those 25% of murderers don't have adult records is that they are juveniles. Thus, by definition they cannot have an adult criminal record."

>Gun violence has been on the fall for decades,

And yet here you are, bleating about more gun control.

Liberalism is a mental illness.

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Duh, gun control can't work if it's not nationwide.

all majority black cities as well...

Trump is a kike puppet. Buy more guns and ammo and prepare for armed National Socialist uprising, cause thats the only way to fix this world

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>When you have to post decades old numbers to pretend you're making a point.

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Wait are you arguing that gun violence is on the rise in America? Odd pro-gun argument but sure whatever you say buddy.

If you have nothing of value to state I am out. You may want to check your pants however I worry the fear mongering you do about gun grabbing may have made you shit yourself.

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Please don't, it's so much more fun with a squad

>Wait are you arguing that gun violence is on the rise in America?

You are genuinely retarded.

No one cares about black and hispanic gang bangers killing each other, sweaty.

>being shot by another american

lemme guess, all the mohammads and jamals count too?

American "white" "people" are still murdering more than europeans

No they aren't.

Are you going to tell me you have never walked past a smug Frenchman and thought he had it coming?

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No one cares snow nigger

Wtf is this gay ass bait? Kys my man

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This. Bitch, you know teh rules

Sounds like youd be subject to any confiscation real quick.

>It is not a big deal and stops gangbangers from getting guns.
Hahaha holy shit you can't actually be this fucking stupid
>Gangs do not give a fuck, they have numbers and more guns then any one person. Getting guns out of criminal hands is a good thing.
Private background checks don't do shit about this you retard. The law is unenforcable, it's used to turn law abiding citizens into criminals and track which civilians are armed. Niggers will just buh them from the drug dealer. Better that everyone be armed than just criminals.
>I can be a gun manufacturer and make an automatic but no I cannot make explosives outside of binary.
Actually you can do whatever you want, because again, the law is unenforcible. And if you do make a primary explosive, nobody will know about it until you use it.

It does give me power. The difference between a free man and a dlave is the right to bear arms. Every single weapon law is a mechanidm of tyranny.

>99.9% of democrats don't want to "take your guns away"
Thats demonstrably false
>at most just want to introduce stronger background checks
They dont even know what goes into current background checks. Theyre thourough enough that the vast majority of firearms used in crime are bought illegally. Making them more strict will only further infringe upon rights with zero reason.

>.380 is acceptable. A controllable 9mm would be better
Dan Wesson 45
taurus governor or 410 sawed off

thats a ton of stopping power, that 410 will go through both sides of a car to get somebody

>...The National Rifle Association is not pro-gun?
they chose the biggest drug dealer in US history to head them up, not a good sign

>Making them more strict will only further infringe upon rights with zero reason.
no jury in the USA will ever convict a gun owner for possession, if you show intent thats something else