Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Fucking Zoomer Edition


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>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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>AfD TV (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>A f D W A V E

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Other urls found in this thread:

Checking in.

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What the fuck is wrong with Germans?

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Yeah but every 60 IQ nigger gets hired for muh diversity points

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Moin Krautbros! Long live Vaterland! Deutschland nur für Deutsche!

>Das Europaparlament veröffentlicht erste Umfrageergebnisse zur Europawahl. In dem Stimmungsbild liegt die EVP vorn, die Parteien der Rechten werden vermutlich kräftig Zulauf bekommen. In der Mitte gibt es aber einen überraschenden Gewinner.

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Does recording scat porn count as open defecation?

AfD will get under 10% in the euro elections
it is over


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Truly based

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Er strafe es!

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Well you sure convinced me!
>gives wife away to Jamal, enrols children into Madrassa and moves into cuckshed

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>Sweden ... cuckshed
>Austria ... rape dungeon

Subtle differences ... ;)

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It's been damn long since I saw "Gott strafe England" chainmeme...
it warms my heart :D

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Servas, fren. btw, why didn't you tell me that you had made such based movies?! yesterday I watched Die Wand. true kino experience!


>aut vincere aut mori

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how is Germany darker than India?

Because it's fake?

Are you krauts ok with a yugo moving to ur nation if i learn german and respect the customs?

>Die Wand

Damn me, did not know that one yet!

"Im angesicht des verbrechens" its really good. Is it there more krimi series like these?

Attached: im angesicht des verbrechens.jpg (1175x1600, 397K)

Hey, fren! Yes, coffee is a good idea now ... anstrengender Tag ...

>You must carry the flame! ;)

aren't we in a good mood :D

has anyone read this?

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also very good froggie movie - Une Hirondelle a fait le Printemps (2001)

>nothing of shamings! I of sure!

Check this one.

I think it's because of the german scat fetish

Please tell me there are nudes of her. You Germans are so liberal about your nudity so i refuse to believe there aren't pictures of her naked tight body out there.

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>coffee is a good idea now ... anstrengender Tag ...

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Could maybe recommend "Sennentuntschi" here ... Swiss production, horror movie, quite intense and with some severe Kellerflair ;)

>marathon runner
>also a bank robber
most definitely wilco! thanks for the tip!

>nothing of shamings! I of sure!

Attached: threeway.jpg (600x3440, 356K)

>checks out in the description
>sub (torrenting.begin) begin

Must have been the white man's burden ... I should check my privilege! :D

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but dont you French people also urinate in public?

Would you fuck Kraut and Tea's mommy and SPÖ mayor Bettina Lancaster, friends?

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don't miss this special austrian humor

Would you give her your vote for a blowjob, my austrian friend?

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>white man's burden
have a question. lately I am noticing more and more the absolute state of Lithuanian IQ. how would you proceed to raise nation's IQ (unlimited power, do what thou wilt)
pool f available high IQ people is not that big...

Metal Slug Loidde!

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Disgusting Bergtroll...

OMG!!! the trailer alone is a fucking pearl!!!! still kekkin' THANKS!

is the attention seeking green fag still a regular here?

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> pool f available high IQ people is not that big...

Always been like that everywhere. My answer would be an environment that rewards high IQ. An environment where being dumb gets you killed.

War is a classic. A society modeled on ancient Sparta might do the trick. Or a new frontier to conquer. Geneticist-san will probably bring up our manifest destiny now :-)

And as frontiers go, space - being a particulary harsh mistress - is is a bretty gud one.

the guy with the rainbow flag?

Fake you silly frog

Haha, delicious.

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Scheiss Auslaender! Wir sind stolye nayis!

Not used to the Besatzertastatur, are we?

he already did with all the inbred pakis and curryniggers

no, the negro apologist starting or ending every post in lol or lmao

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P*risians do

Qwertz = enigma

>Sparta model
meh... stronkly dislike their approach. too narrow minded, dead endish even. single direction doth not protec against kill :D
too much risk for the high IQ pplz, although ... yeah... a bit implementable
discriminant in a somewhat different are - innitiative and risk taking more than IQ, IMHO
that is humanity's manifest destiny as soon as the kikes get wiped out! aroused.png

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i wish Romania Mare were here, we still need to talk about that group he wants to make.

She gets naked in the series in a couple of scenes.

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>calls others AuslAEnder

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>that is humanity's manifest destiny as soon as the kikes get wiped out! aroused.png

Let's hope we don't get though...

this is fucking hilarious. so much fun incoming, soon.

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>this is fucking hilarious. so much fun incoming, soon.
the Alman fag, whether homo, metro or hetero, still will not fight back

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>Emperor preserve us!

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>be dumb ass Ossi Nazis
>cant find any brown skins
>be literally terrorizing your fellow men
>your own huwhyt brothers

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If true then that's really stupid and senseless. That it appears in the Zeit makes me skeptical though. Anyone can confirm or refute that?

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>more fat white whales in hamburger than blacks

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natives or immigrants?

Pensions and lack of talent are solved, falls. Now we're winning with the refugees.

(I know her. Her scheme lives from CSR money and donations.)

:'( Please never ever forget about the 6 million INNOCENT jews gassed by the nazis for absolutely NO reason.

and gib shekeru! gib shekeru more imbordand!

That sounds adorable. I like shekeru.

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Here to do my daily reminder of looking for a German husband.

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Did you try a dating site?

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Banned for saying MAGA in description, was reported by German men as well.

Let me recommend 'Peaky Blinders' to all fellows in this thread. Great acting, great costumes and suspenseful story.

Reminds me of my selfmade jam

Eugenics maybe unless you want to rely on slow selection (creating a society where low IQ puts a 'penalty' on reproductive success in some way). Genetic screening would speed that up for sure (if you know what to look for). Also, take a close look on behaviour too, intelligence without the 'correct' personality is not worth much I'd say.

>manifest destiny

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Mostly immigrants but I saw some youth natives doing that as well.

These beehives were invented by Australians, they are automatic, turn a nob and bee butter comes out, the cells I think are plastic however and they break when you turn the nob, releasing the honey.

lets make babies in our butts

>intelligence without the 'correct' personality is not worth much
so, it seems no shortcuts on this road...

You haven't answered my question, mate.

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Check Daniel der Zauberer

Double kek. What a bummer. Damned soja leftists. Well, dating for Jow Forumstards isn't easy. Tried /soc/?

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wtf did you just recommend to me???

>bee butter


Sometimes I dream of owning some land with a comfy house and a huge garden with all sorts of things. The girl plucks some veggies and fruits from the garden while I hack some Holz.

Show tits

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Only the best for memeflag faggots.

Ok fine, watch Kommissar Rex. We grew up with that shit.

Blasting this in the morning on my way to the law office.

As mentioned before, I do not trust in our capabilities in direct genetic manipulation in humans ... yet.

Sorry, phased out a little bit there. ;)
Yes, a harsh mistress and new frontiers ... as I see the true merit of intellect in its application in stepping over boundaries. Pioneer's spirit. This is what the phenotype was made for. In its 'truest' form it always comes with restlessness, with an urge to survive, to conquer, to spread against all odds. Without new frontiers this phenotype is extremely maladaptive. It withers and dies.

been there, done that.