Good Evening Anonymous! It's Sunday night again! Got a problem with sex and relationships? Holiday blues got you down...

Good Evening Anonymous! It's Sunday night again! Got a problem with sex and relationships? Holiday blues got you down? Job giving you nothing but a hard time? Maybe you'd just like to say hello! We can do all of that here!

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How did all of the help threads start?

They started with Reimu.

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Hey there! I hope your week has been well, Finals are over for me and I’m just glad all I have to do is go to work for the next month.

Now, I’ve been battling with some conflicting advice. I’m all about talking to women face-to-face and being honest about how I feel, if I want to ask someone out. As of late, I’ve been trying to see if my methods are actually worth anything, as I’ve only asked out one person this semester.

I try to get to know a woman as much as I can so that I can decide if I want to ask her out. I’m slightly afraid that I might be too precautious but I also feel confident that I’m weeding out women that wouldn’t be best to spend time with.

I’m only 20 but I don’t feel like wasting my time with a short-term fling or fuckbuddy. I know that I want something meaningful, but am I doing everything that is possibly best to get it?

I look forward to your response.

Hello and welcome to the thread!
Honesty is the best policy. You seem to know what you want out of a relationship. It's just a matter of articulating this .

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What do emotions feel like

I want honesty and I feel like that’s the key to loyalty and longevity. I think I’m also afraid of waiting too long to ask someone out.

Hell, right now I want to ask out a friend of mine but I’m afraid she’ll pull back entirely from our friendgroup if I don’t try and show her that it’s ok to stay friends.

So that person started all of em I see on advice or you trolling?

Let your instinct be your guide here. When it feels right, ask!
That's like explaining the color green to someone who was born blind.

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We are not trolling, sir.

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the lunar help threads began with reimu..
op is correct about that. help threads as a whole; who knows.

also because i know they will see this, hello. this is a pretty nice thread you have tonight.. it's nice to see..

Thank you!
Nice to see you too

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Hey user,
A guy I liked softly ghosted me. Should I send him Christmas wishes? He didn't respond to my two last messages and its been weeks since we talked.

The lunar threads are the Tuesday ones with the nier chick right? I'm assuming since there the only other ones I see. I see these a lot and just wondered.

Hey OP, user with the ex problem here. Thanks for all your help, I've been feeling better since I last saw her due to school finishing. Though I miss her and still have feelings for her, it's better to not see or contact to her if she wants nothing to do with me. I would still like to ask for advice on other things now.

Wish him a merry Christmas.
Then wait and see what he does.

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Hello and welcome back!
Go right ahead and ask!

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What are your thoughts on videos on how to get your ex back? I don't mean the bullshit ones who try to sell you products and 30 day no contact rule, I'm talking about the ones who say do no contact until they reach out to you. Those videos say your ex will reach out to you in the future, but I believe that's fake and just gives false hope. I'm moving on and won't wait for her though, I just wanted your opinion.

Evening Mantis. I hope you're doing alright tonight. Thank you for another thread! I hope it goes well.

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I can't say I'm familiar with any of those. Let's just say that if they were effective, I would have heard about them by now.

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Thank you, my friend! It's always good to see you!

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I don't know if you're a guy or a gal but from outsiders perspective, how pathetic do you think it would be?

Stop avatarfagging for attention

A girl in of my classes likes me, but every time I tried having a conversation with her she would always let the conversation die?
I can't really think of something else to call it, but she just wouldn't naturally move to another related subject.

She would always respond to what I said enthusiastically, or with interest. But she just would never picked it up or talk about herself without me asking first.

Did I do something to fuck it up?

Fuck you and your shitty rp faggot

A simple Merry Christmas is fine. Not pathetic at all. Just leave it at that tho. No more additional contact.

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The same rule applies right? Never contact her until she does? I also realized I liked her because we always went out to places, something I never done before because I had no friends. What should I do about this?

No. You literally did nothing wrong. This might be a quirk of her own social skill set.

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The same rule applies, yes. Let her have her space. Let her have her time.
As far as going out goes, you'll have to go by yourself for the time being. But that's how you meet new girls. So have fun with it!

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What places should I go alone? Sorry to sound dumb, I never went out alone since I was mostly semi-shut in until recently.

You don't sound dumb. That's because you aren't dumb. Go and see local bands. Do your laundry at a crowded laundromat. Go and see local sporting events. Or watch them at a local sports bar. Look up local community events. Whatever suits your fancy, go and do it!

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Basically go where people are and socialize? Malls and theaters too? Also, what do you think of the pseudo-science of writing down the traits you want and don't want about your new future partner? Some people say that trick does work in finding your future partner who will cater to you.

I am a strong believer in taking inventory in general. I think it's a good idea.

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I've been feeling really down and lonely lately. I recently watched spider verse in attempts to cheer me up, but it ended up depressing me more because it made me realize that I'll never go on an adventure like that. I've also just been having a lot of trouble with romance as a whole. I've started getting into weed and the culture surrounding it. i'm sad.

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You know, I should start trusting my gut way more. Any advice for asking out an introverted person out? I’ve been one-on-one with her a few times but I dunno if I should straight up ask her out or just go with more one-on-one interactions, and then proceeding. (A friend suggested the latter but I like being upfront, by nature.)

I doubt that weed will improve your overall mood. I don't recommend it. While lounging at home can be comfy af, I suggest you get a little fresh air. Do something outside. Even a walk around the block will get the blood pumping a little bit.

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If it feels like it's the right thing at the right time, go ahead and ask. If she is introverted, ask her gently. But I will say this: an introverted person will wait around for you to ask. You'll have to Do a lot of the footwork here. But like I say, let your instinct be your guide here. You know what to say. And You know how to say it! Good luck user!

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What do you mean taking inventory? I also wanted to know how do I ask a girl out when I have her number? I managed to get a girl's number, but when I texted her the first text, she replied a few hours later, then I asked her out to meet up but she never replied. What should I do?

By taking inventory, I mean making a list, like you said.
And I say, move on to the next girl, since this one ghosted.

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Anons, I have a gf problem. I can't make her cum. Granted, she can't make herself cum and finds it really difficult, and she barely ever pleasures herself when I'm not around because she says it frustrates her and makes her sad when she tries and fails, so she doesn't bother. I feel it is partially my responsibility as a boyfriend to look after her and make her feel good, so when I can't do the job it kinda hurts my pride and I feel kinda like a failure, even though she says it's not my fault and that she can't really do it herself either.
What do I do? What can she do?

I am looking for Nyan and Luise.
Are they here?

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Should I at least send her one more text? It's been 3 days since I sent the last text.

The first thing to do is rule out anything medical. She should make a doctor appointment. See if there is a medical problem. Her gynecologist should be told about this problem too.

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I don't recommend that. The ball us in her court now.
I haven't seen them

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I was thinking of sending the text a week later. That's a bad idea? Also what is the ideal way to text someone for the first time and ask them out to meet up?

Hi there everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I myself am a little bit older (41) and never married, a friend of mine (same age) got divorced after her husband of 20 years cheated on her and left her last year and hasn't dated anybody seriously since. She's been acting like she's attracted but I'm not sure if she's actually interested or if she's just enjoying the compliments and flirting to build her confidence and make her feel better about herself.

Hello and welcome to the thread!
It's no secret that girls, and women love attention.
Since you strongly suspect this is the case, I will agree with you. She knows you. You are a safe person to practice her flirting techniques on.

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I always say, "start with hello"!

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Is it a good idea to text them awhile to warm them up and then ask them out? Or ask them out by the second or third text? I'm terrible at texting and would prefer face to face chatting.

Should I fuck my mom's friend when I get money later on or no?
She is very hot and shown a bit of interest in me, but fact is I don't feel hot enough for her.
But goddamn she is one fine chocolate goddess.

It hurts but your right. If it makes her fell alright about herself then it some good still comes of it.

>>Should I fuck my mom's friend when I get money later on or no?

I don't understand the connection between the two things here

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There is no magic formula to this. It's not like algebra, where there is only one correct answer for the x variable.

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I got finished paying my bills recently so I won't take her drinking until later on.
That's why there's a connection.
Now morally, that's where I feel worried.

If she does become legit interested in you, you'll know it. Without a doubt.

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It's good that you have a moral compass. And it's trying to tell you something. If it feels wrong, don't do it.

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Fuck morals my nigga. Stick your peepee that MILFS ass.

So it depends on the person then? I'm also contemplating of sending one more text to the girl a week later, will that be bad? I got nothing to lose

I suggest you try it and see what happens!

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What do with this tomboy, somewhat masculine girl I'm interested in?

Op Here
I'm gonna step out for about an hour. But I'll be back.

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My gf lives in a dorm, she has a roommate and 2 sweet mates. How can we have sex over there? Does the whole apartment have to ehe empty? Can we just close her rooms door and do it?

I'll try and see what happens. If she ghosts me again I'll just erase the number and move on.

Tell Roll he's a bitch for me

I saw online that some girls just get into relationships just to be dating, to feel loved, pampered, just treated well and don't really think of their relationship as a long term thing.
How do I know if my relationship is case1? We have been together for a month.

Not OP but it's not really just a girl thing but mostly by people who have attachment issues and are codependent. Does your girlfriend act needy and want attention whe you're not with her?

Op here.
That didn't take as long as I thought it would!

Anyway, ask her out for a cup of coffee. Does she like sports? While houseboat for coffee, and it's going well, ask her out to see a hockey game! Or whatever sport she likes.

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They may have come up with a procedure just for that. Such as a red t-shirt hanging on the doorknob means "I'm getting laid, please go elsewhere". Look into that.

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I wouldn't say needy. She says she misses me sometimes. I would say I am more needy than her but I never t hought of my relationships as a short term thing. I always do my best to make them work as long as I can.

Op here.
It's Zero Dark Thirty here in Op City. Time to get me some shuteye! If the thread is still up tomorrow, I'll be here! If not, see you all next Sunday!
Goodnight Anonymous, wherever you are!

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Hi bros, just got this from a chick.

[] i have to be honest.
[] You seem like a great guy but sorry, I don’t feel that chemistry with you
[] if you dont mind. we can stay friends
[] im sorry if i hurt you

Fuck everybody I hate you, everyone and everything... fuck ppl who say everybody's got problems. Fuck ppl who come up with lil pragmatic solutions. That shit piss me off. Everything piss me off to high heaven fuck you. I'm gonna commit suicide once I work up the nerve, that's the only honorable thing to do... don't want all you lame suburban faggots telling me not to do it either fuck you. The world caused all my problems I didn't do SHIT to deserve this and that's the truth, none of this shit my fault although it is my conclusion. Fuck everybody else in the world and the ground they're walking on they only exist to cause me pain plain and simple, with their stupidity & ignorance like stain on the glass. I'm the only one who understands anything, everyone else is in the dark. Don't try to tell me otherwise lol I don't want some utterly average faggot responding to this post with some overwrought shitpost on how I'm a fuckin smart-aleck or something fuck you. fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

good to see you again dude, I was wondering what are the steps i need to take to self reflect on my bad behaviour and work towards becoming a better person (sorry if too vague just really don't know how to articulate)

Im in love with a girl that it's not my gf.
Sometimes she seems interested, other times not so much.
It's gotten so bad that i think about her daily now.

She is also into another guy (and soon she will visit him) but he doesn't give a fuck about her (cause he thinks she is too dangerous, not to be trusted, with an high chance to go full thot), and he found another girl.

We live apart ( 1 hourish by highway ), and i wanted to see if she is interested by seeing if she will come to visit me in the city where i live.

Knowing her, she will go to the other guy (he lives really far away from her), hoping for a chance, cause she can't stand to be rejected.

Now, should i give up on the "wanting to see if she is interested" and try to meet her half way (i mean, meeting half an hour from where i currently live), should i keep this up, or should i give up on her entirely, and try to go along with the current relationship i have?

See, ultimately i am confused cause i don't know for certain if i am really in love with this girl, or just want to have sex with her.
How do i know what's what?

If she cares for you I doubt she's using you. If you start to see warning signs, address them to her. Also when you date, have the "let's see where it goes" mentality so you don't become overly attached.

i`ll never be a real woman

im in love with sombody how is more then liklely just dragin me along for the sake of a joke

i am literly unable to love myself, ive forgoten how i am only able to talk down to myself and cant even complent myself of a job well done or anything

I appreciate the vote of confidence! She actually messaged me today, which is a first. I’m gonna see where this goes!

How do I get back to dating again? Is it really just a numbers game? What's the best way to text a girl for the first time?

Sottingin my shitty irish pub listening to posh uni students talk fucking NONSENSE. KILL ME.

I'm already dh too attached because I had the mentality of "she is the one" and I really belive she is. But there is a lot of circumstances that we have to go through... Is it too late to change how I feel. I don't want my heart broken again.

You really shouldn't be thinking like that because you will do anything and forgive her for everything just to be with her. I'm not saying she's a bad girl because I don't know her, but if you're already imaginating you two getting married and having kids, if you guys ever break up, the pain will be even greater.

>tense, bored, tired at work
>face muscles feel taut and strained
>see qt colleague smile in my direction, know it wasn't for me but still feel my face immediately relax in a way I couldn't do manually

That got me thinking. To begin to even think of asking a girl like that out, there are so many logistics and prior groundwork to consider. I haven't had friends for over a decade- no sane girl is going to be anything but weirded out by that so I'd need to get friends. But to get friends, I'd have to deal with trust issues and not opening up to people when for the last decade I've been perfecting pretending to be normal in lieu of being actually normal and not needing to hide what a social recluse I actually am. Then there are things like getting hobbies, moving out, getting a decent job, etc. these things I can do as they don't really involve opening up and being normal, just effort and appearing normal for long enough to charm the HR lady or lecturer.

But wait there's more. As lovely as the idea of a gf who loves me and occasionally throws me a face-relaxing smile is, she's a person too! In my mind gfs are a bag of responsibilities and one more person I need to pretend at 24/7. She's going to want to go out (fucking where? I haven't been out ever), have fun, meet her parents which honestly intimidates me(dad left then died and I love my mom but I'm not close, a functioning intact family is as foreign to me as having friends), she's going to have her own insecurities and need for validation and appreciation I need to keep track of, then there's shit like having to plan weddings- holy fuck I'm meant to know enough people to fill half a wedding. I don't know what to do with a gf.

I'm 26 and it's getting ridiculous. I can work on things like getting Jow Forums, education, and work, which I do now. But there is a ever widening gap for everything else between me and normies. It's fucking shit. I'm lonely but the idea of being close or open to anyone in real life feels bad.

Guy who was fighting with coworker (and soon to be former) friend here. I finally mustered up the courage to send the email, one to her asking if we can meet separately, and another to a group we’re both part of. She ignored the one I sent just to her. Should I even bother to send one where I’m more direct about why I want to talk to her, or should I just wait until the next group meeting and hope to catch her afterwards?

And later on today I found out that my department will be closing within the next 2 years since the PI made a surprise move to another state. This is right when I just officially got hired full time.

Why does everything have to go straight to hell?

tfw no gf

I'm glad to hear that, user! Let me know how it goes!

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Can you meet her for a cup of coffee halfway between where you two live?

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You need to work on self esteem and self Acceptance

Sorry to hear about the job. That's a tough thing to deal with. And right before Christmas, too.
As far as your question goes, try to talk with her afterwards.

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>my GF: 180cm (5'11"), large butt, very wet
>me: 172cm (5'8"), 11cm (4.3") penis
Our sex life is doing well, but I noticed that certain sex positions (doggy style, standing, prone bone) are almost impossible because our genitals don't alone or I slip out on the backstroke.

>has anyone been in this situation? And are there any tips or advice you girls/guys can share?

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How do you know when women are flirting with you and how do you move a conversation from small talk into interesting friendly discussion? With all the women and friends I have attracted I found them interesting enough to talk to just naturally. If I'm talking with a woman and wondering how to move things on is that a bad sign?

Can I get an answer to

could you help me at please

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Hey I used to live right down the road from there. That's Wilshire/La Cienega in Los Angeles. Damn she cute, who dis?


>Got a problem with sex and relationships

And my problem is that I have none of that at age 28 and never had.

I've been giong to therapy lately and apparently my fucked up childhood lead to me closing myself to others emotionally so hard that I blocked off even casual sex - although I've had offers from women, have freinds and an active social live.

Now I feel a lot of feelings I used to suppress hard, like my loneliness and my total desperation to finally experience what it is like to meet and sleep with women that it is all abit much and feels like I'll never truly get out of.

>inb4 "meet the right one"
Honetsly I just want to experience the world, meet different women and maye fall in love that way, sittin around and hoping for some magical fairy to appear and make your owie go away does nothing for me.

Are you coming back? 4chinz is really the only place I have to talk about this.

I need to figure out some kind of strategy to overcome my deepseated fear of sex and sexually charged situations. I've posted about how this happened to me previously. I suppose I could go over it again if you like. Anyway, I think this fear is the chief obstacle to me being able to form normal, healthy friendships and relationships with women and I won't overcome it without direct experience. However, I need some help making this a more manageable undertaking. Attempting to just dive in will not get me anywhere. I tried it before only to end up lost and overwhelmed until I discovered I had much bigger issues than I previously thought.

Has anyone here ever dated a girl taller than himself?

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Hey Mantis! Glad to see this thread is still open. I’m going to make dinner with the friend I was talking about! I was surprised to see that she agreed for a one-on-one meeting. I can take this as a good sign, yeah?

Ive dated girls exactly my height (Im 5'11) and it's not a big deal unless its a big deal to you.

I botched hitting on someone; she was taken and I had misunderstood her interest. It makes for very awkward daily situations and I've lost my drive and self-esteem.

I want to be myself again. Fuck, what do?