When did this belief that the US has to take care of everyone

Come from? Just 45 years ago we were protesting the Vietnam War and managed to stop it by voting in anti-war politicians

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Around 1965, really. It was the jews.



Care? The world has been praying for decades for you to finally fuck off

maybe ruskies, everybody else know they are weak as fuck, their hegemony didnt even lasted half a century, they are pathethic

Take a look at your movies, clothes, music, restaurants, architecture etc.

I'm not talking about the world I'm talking about US politics. People seem to think if we left then all hell would break loose

have you ever seen our movies?

thats because the ZOG and your military industrial complex wants you to die for Israel while you think you are doing something good to the world

Because that's what politicians have been feeding them for years - US is the world police and has to help maintain democracy around the world

>have you ever seen our movies?
That's the point, I haven't. And very few people have, but everyone has seen American ones.

Then why does everyone go apeshit when trump wants to leave NATO?