ITT we expose the Masons as useful idiots and evil and their secrets just to piss them off.
What is freemasonry? It is basically a good goy club coming under the guise of christianity to gain trust while the doctrines are leading you directly away from it. It promises to be able to ascend through works and knowledge even though Christ is the only way, and as such tries to seperate man from God, claiming its about liberation when its just rebellion freeing us from the "oppression" of God and becoming gods themselves free from any foreign restrictions, basically >Why do the nations ragea and the peoples plot in vain? >2The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together, against the LORD and against His Anointed One: >3“Let us break Their chains and cast away Their cords.” The chains and cords being the morals and laws that restrict us.
Crowley believed to reach the most high you must first sink to the lowest. You do this by doing everything you dont want to do, as things that disgust or repell you are merely chains that bind you and keep you from doing something, thus limiting your potential. Morals and Ethics, the little voice in your head, are merely obstacles you need to overcome, you need to silence.
You dont like seafood? better eat oysters and such until you dont mind anymore. You really dont want to hurt that little child? that feeling too is just an obstacle, overcome it, rape it and kill it. You like vaginas? Better engage in gay sex orgies all day long until its normal for you. By this you free yourself from the selfimposed "limitations" and unlock your "true potential"
Also there are 2 type of Masons: First type are usefull idiots. They came to make some connections, get some knowledge and/or have some gentlemens club. They unknowingly disguise it as such gentlemens club while their higher ups are fucking over the world.
The checkers board is meant to symbolize the duality of this world, black and white, good and evil, heaven and earth, sun and moon, and by extent stands for this (material) world. Just like the 2 pillars Boaz and Jachin do too you always see in such imagery. However it also represents a playing field in the literal sense. They see the world as a game they play to win, with us as their pawns and themselves as the players that ascended the playing field, the duality of this world, even out of the vision of the pawns they control.
Kaballa is basically about ascention, how to raise beyond the mortal plane. In freemasonic symbolism you see this by the checkered board with a (jacobs) ladder going out of it, symbolizing the ascention. And they rise above this state, out of the duality of the world (with the help of moral relativism, not being held back by morals and ethics anymore) and become gods by abolishing their care for others and this world (see Cremation of Care at the Bohemian Grove), player unseen by the pawns they controll.
Some related the kaballah to different planets similar to how different deities are attributed to the planets. In this interpretation I heard the theory that the hidden sephiroth (the connection points in the kabbalah), daarth is the equivalent of the black sun which is the connection point between this world and the other world, from where our spirits come and which is used to communicate with other spirits aka demons.
Book of the secrets of Enoch also gives another account of creation. He for example says God took from the invisible (primal matter i guess) the light, and fixed it at the highest point, then took from the same invisible the solid/matter, and put it on the lowest point. In between, iirc, he puts the water and the air too. which you see in pic related too, with the material fixed on the bottom and the realm of light on top which they usually attribute to Lucifer.
Annunaki Demiurge Old testament god is the demiurge Cult of Anu aka jews
Kevin Cox
One example of Masonic Symbolism:
This is in front of the IRS building 5000 Ellin Road. you see for once he 2 pillars boaz and jachin, symbolizing the sun and the moon, famous freemason imagery. also probably representing the 2 temples (like the twintowers were too)that got destroyed on tisha bav, a jewish holiday associated with destruction of their 2 temples and other misfortunes. the 2 pillars are seperated in 13 parts. In Base 12 mathematics ancients used across the world and is still used today (12 inches in a foot, 12 months in year, 2 times 12 hours a day, 12 Zodiacs, etc.) 13 is the end of the old and a beginning of the new (world order?) Also there is also the 13th zodiac being the serpent bearer like the serpent in garden eden.
The pillars are black and white, symbolizing the duality of good and evil, as above so below etc. with the hands doing the as above so below gesture even.
The pyramid is a symbol of hierachy. Also in old times they thought the gods live on the mountains, so people build their own mountains (zygguraths/pyramids) to reside upon them with themselves being the capstone, the all seeing eye overlooking their realm In this case on the pyramid is written „we the people“ together with the constitution on the black part, the white capstone on the other hand, the top of the hierachy, the godlike elite is seperated from the constitution and its rules, literally above it
>help us achive our independence of course he doesnt specify independent from whom or what, but i suppose he didnt want to say its just a rebellion against God
Pic related is a ring with common masonic symbolism. On on side you have IXXI, 9 (IX) and 11 (XI) being a clear hint towards the occult influence behind 9/11, which was a ritual sacrifice planned for that very day since before they started building the towers 33 years before (33 being an important masonic number) Furthermore the IXXI can be seen as 2Ms, turned 180 degree to another and put upon the other. From this we propbably get the many MMs around as a tip offs to other masons
Mickey Mouse (Disney even having Club 33) M&Ms/Marshal Mathers/Eminem Master Masons Marilyn Monroe/Manson JiMMy KiMMel >Since 2003, the building's theater has been the home of Jimmy Kimmel Live!.[5]
Furthermore the ring could then hint towards MMXX, 2020, maybe even IX XI MMXX, 9/11 2020. 9/11 numerology is also related to the jewish holiday "Tisha Bav" on which both the temples were destroyed which harbored the pillars Boaz and Jachin I mentioned couple of times as the day falls on the 9th day of the 11th month in the jewish calender counted from new years
When OT God is then so would be NT as Jesus confirmed he comes from the same guy >17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.
The demiurge is merely Satan LARPing as God just like the Annunaki are fallen angels that started LARPing as gods after the fall. Modern Jews are not related to those Judeans of the bible.
Some background on Satanism and what it really is: satan (associated with saturn) meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. But then there also is THE Satan, Ha-Satan.
6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes. Think About how molecules and icecrystals form in hexagonal shapes. saturn being the 6th planet with hexagon on its northpole). 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by thus the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil. The 666 could also stand for the dimensions of the cube, 6x6x6, entrapping us in the 6, our weakness and temptations.
Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entity. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity (well, some do that too). they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.
Pic related. those 7 circles are called the seed of life. One interpretation i saw is that its meant to symbolize the creation week, or symbolize the same as the creation week does in the bible The center being conciousness, that expands to the circle. The conciousness then moves to the border of the circle where it expands again creating the second circle and so on until you got the seed of life. the 6 days of creation around the 7th one, God, the seed of life or whatever you want to call it. By connecting the points of intersection you gain the (black) cube, as above mentioned symbolizing the material world and as such Satans rule.
I have to say here that the 6, and all these patterns are commonly seen as a positive symbol as it is the blueprint of creation of life, but its only the material part of this, and according to the Bible the source of temptations, the Satan's, which we should work on overcoming with
So in this light atheism is low key satanism as both are about the material, about power, wealth, the flesh. Christianity is about rejection of the flesh and embrace of the spirit. Where christianity tells you everything is God, thus you yourself too and everything else it means everything is connected to you while satanism and atheism teach seperation. no underlying connections and thus seperation leads to worship of the self, and only caring about the ego. Where satanists and atheist desire to be blessed in this life and having it comfy christianity tell you you will have it hard in this life, prosecuted and attacked for doing the right thing, so you may have delight in the next live instead
im not that knowledgable with the sumerian myths, however the myths and legends around other pantheons often fit the narrative of angels and the fallen ones in the bible, so im believe the different pantheons were angels and fallen angels which were worshipped. If somewhere among them is the one true God i cant really say.
The serpent in Eden is identified as Satan >2He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.
Revelation describes Michael BTFOing Satan and throwing him to earth. Earlier Satans fall is described >18So He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. which i believe is a good link of Michael to Jupiterian deities, but thats another issue.
Eitherway we can say from this that the serpent is satan is the dragon is a fallen angel. Lucifer brings knowledge, the serpent did exactly this, so we can assume that Lucifer is Satan as well. The aztecs have Quetzacoatl, the feathered serpent that brought them knowledge, like the serpent in Eden, and he is identified as the planet Venus which is Lucifer when appearing as morningstar >Lucifer (/ˈljuːsJfər/ LEW-si-fər) is a name that, according to dictionaries of the English language, refers either to the Devil or to the planet Venus when appearing as the morning star.[1][2][3] Just like the Venus, associated with Lucifer, and even called Lucifer when appearing as morning star, The Lucifer will at some point not the morningstar anymore, not Lucifer, Satan that was Lucifer and then fell. Same as the Pentagram, which gets drawn with the Earth and Venus, can be a symbol of protection (when pointing up) or of evil (when pointing down) having the same symbolism behind it as the planet Venus and Lucifer/Satan has
The 2 (Venus and Saturn) being connected (via Lucifer-Satan) gives also then some connections to the bull symbolism of moloch when he ruled possibly back then still as lucifer and thus is the golden calf as Venus is the planet that rules over Taurus
Prince of this world is Satan that's why all media is satanic. Got anything on mkultra butterfly?
Oliver Hernandez
Some connections between Saturn and Satan. Saturn being the planet the furthest away from the sun still visible with the naked eye, the furthest away from God. The 6th planet with the hexagon on its northpole forming the cube. (both satanic symbolism) Being in greek the embodiment of time and thus ultimately decay and death like Satan, is the source of sin with sin causing our death/mortallity. The 6s in its seal (pic related) The 6s encoded in the the Seal of Solomon (6 small triangles with 60° corners) and the hexagon. Sun is associated with Gold (perfection and the highest) in alchemy as Saturn is Lead (being in ruin and the lowest), polar opposites once again
Pic related then shows clearly who their god is, Satan, this material world and their own ego.
not on the butterfly specifically, just that its used in MKUltra symbolism. this here is all i have on MKUltra and similar stuff
The unification of the polar opposites is something that stretches itself across many cultures. Be it the marriage, uniting male and female, often dressed in black and white, resulting in the magic of a new kid being born. Or be it the solar eclipse uniting sun and moon together. In the egyptian mythology osiris dick (male) that gets eaten by a fish (female) (pic), or the Washington Monument (a dick, male) standing in the vesica pisces (female). The 2 pillars, Boaz and Jachin which stood before Solomons Temple and represent the sun and moon, and again the polar opposites. Sol, solar, sun. mon, moon. Sol-o-Mo(o)n. Even the "Star of David" is representing the male and female being united with the opposing triangles. There is NO Star of David, it is the Seal of Solomon and possibly Star of Remphan, Solomon used to commune with other spirits after his 700 wives tempted him. They called it Star of David because David is seen as a good king and thus tried to make this black magic symbol seem good
In case of the "star of david" we have the triangles that also additionaly symbolizes the 3, or with the 2 triangles the 33 All good things come in 3, the holy trinity, 3 nails used to crucify jesus, he came back from the dead on the 3rd day. 33, 3 plus duality, good and evil, male and female (the "star of david", which originally is not a jewish symbol depicts the 33with 2 triangles coming together, the male and female energies coming together.) it is believed where polar opposites meet magic/miracles happen and especialy unification of male and female is a holy event in pretty much all cultures which creates the miracle of life (trannies are a perverted version of this most likely uniting in one body what god seperated mocking him and his creation. Jesus died on the 3rd april 33ad at the age of 33 at 3pm. Counting all the connections and connectionspoints including the hidden one on the tree of life/kaballah gives you 33. the number is also associated with gods promise
cronus (saturn) ruling during the golden age i see as a metaphore for the antediluvian society Cronus was eating his children in order to stay in power which is achingly similar to moloch recieving childsacrifice. i believe both were a metaphore originally for a lifestyle filled with egoism and greed, making yourself live comfy but resulting in your children/descendents having to clean up the mess just like we do right now, poisoning the oceans, air and land, cutting down forrests, nuking the shit out of desserts causing radiation everywhere, all which our children have to clean up, and by doing so we are eating/sacrificing them and thus letting cronus rule. its the result of our worship of satan aka our weaknesses and of course the literal sense of childsacrifices, wether ritual or abortion sacrificing the unborn for a better future of yourself which is the same like satanism, which basically is egoism and egocentrism caring only for your own well being.
pic related a woodcut from 1492 of saturn eating his children with a jewhat.
My theory regarding the 6 symbolism Life is made up out of 5 elements, components in alchemy just like on the 5th day the first animals were created aka life. However we were made on the 6th day, having the number 6 relate to this/our reality. So my theory is what gives all of this material world in Christianity the negative touch is the missing 6th element, time, which creates death, makes us fear death and starvation, having us worried about the future which in turn makes us easier to corrupt by abusing these fears and tempting us with comfort in the future. Now time is basically an illusion, all happens at once (block universe theory) with us only experiencing one moment at a time instead of it all at once giving the illusion of time flowing. Now Saturn is the 6th planet, is father time, Chronus , is Satan the deceiver (giving us the illusion of time) adding a 6th element to this all, the cube
Another clear sign that Freemasons fuck shit up: Disney has club 33, I repeat, thirty-three, like the masons favorite number showing the connection to those guy. Remember all the popular MKUltrad teeny stars coming from Disney. And how are people MKUltrad? They are tortured and abused until the personality breaks, and creates new personalities to cope with the thing to protect itself at which point the new personality/personalities can be shaped. They probably use some drugs to enhance the effect while also building in a trigger to bring the desired personality to the front. Like giving them some certain shirt before the abuse starts or whatever. And since those kids have to be groomed/abused to be superstars you can be sure they think they can not only create the next superstar willing to promote their agenda, but also give all the pedophilic elites some fun time by letting them do abuse the kids. quit pro quo
no coincidences so many of their stars have some mental collapse later in their career. a week after pic related was released FBI released the pedosymbols by the way. any chance someone got pissed?
also note: A bear, fat hairy faggot, snuggling with a barely clothed young boy furthermore orange is the only colour that adds to 33 in (Pythagorean) Gematria
Another link of freemasons to disgusting acts: Pic related is the screen of Viacom on Timesquare. If you didnt hear about this company it owns various TV channels like MTV, Comedy Central (CC/33) and for us most importantly Nickelodeon (the orange colour being a good additional hint to masonry and Viacom). Like Disney they also feature a lot of Childstars. The boy you see on the screen is Desmond Napoles, 10 year old drag queen and icon of the LGBT community. Of course pushing ones degeneracy upon a kid (according to the mother he decided on his own at the age of 2 to be a Drag Queen when he first saw them on TV...) is not enough. Look at the spiral that they had to put on his head giving again the pedosymbolisn. Coincidently sexual abuse is related to satanic abuse as well as MKUltra as well as drugs which desmond seemingly gets too In the video you see one of them trying to give Desmond something, to which the other says "He had one of those already" so probably nothing normal to drink. >Desmond’s personal drag style has evolved over the years. Currently, he is most influenced by the colorful club kids of 1990s NYC nightlife So what is Clube kids? >During this time, Alig and other regular clubgoers began creating flamboyant personas, and later became known as "Club Kids". The Club Kids wore outrageous costumes that former Club Kid and celebutante James St. James later described as "part drag, part clown, part infantilism".[9] They were also known for their frequent use of ketamine (known as Special K), Ecstasy, Rohypnol, heroin, and cocaine.
And one of the guys in that vid is appearently Michael Alig himself (as an autist im naturally faceblind, so look yourself if its the same guy) >After The Limelight was closed by federal agents and an investigation found that Gatien was allowing drugs to be sold there, Melendez was fired. Shortly thereafter, he moved into Alig's Riverbank West apartment[18][19] On the night of March 17, 1996, Alig and his roommate, Robert D. "Freeze" Riggs, murdered Melendez after an argument in Alig's apartment over many things, including a long-standing drug debt.[20] Alig has claimed many times that he was so high on drugs that his memory of the events is unclear. >After Melendez's death, Alig and Riggs did not know what to do with the body. They initially left it in the bathtub, which they filled with ice. After a few days, the body began to decompose and became malodorous. After discussing what to do with Melendez's body and who should do it, Riggs went to Macy's to buy knives and a box. In exchange for 10 bags of heroin, Alig agreed to dismember Melendez's body. He cut the legs off, put them in a garbage bag, cut off the head and put it in another bag, and stuffed the rest into a box. Afterwards, he and Riggs threw the box into the Hudson River.[21] This is who the parents led roam around their child.
Also back to Viacom The guy in the pic is Dan Schneider, producer for various shows on Nickelodeon. And here he is with Jennette McCurdy, actress from iCarly who you can also see here >Hey Dan Schneider [...] Look what you have done to me
hey been reading all of your autistic posts. big fan, seriously. was that you who posted the twin towers were built to fall post? the NWO occultist one. i unironically agree with all of it
Hudson Hill
What's your opinion over 'Gnosticism' ? Is it good or (((bad))) ?
Also, are you (ID: v/QWR2q1) from the other thread?
Jeremiah Kelly
you mean the bit in ? if so, yes that was me, figured im too lazy to repost all the time so i just screencapped it. also im happy every time someone likes my threads, but most of what i have was given to me either in earlier threads or the discord i made when threads started getting shoahd. i just collected sources and put them in some context. basically just an archiver
Gnosticism is a difficult issue. Im sure the bible contains a lot of teachings which would be considered Gnostic (even though im not sure which teachings gnosticism specifically includes). They got it right that materialism is evil and should be avoided/rejected, which is made pretty clear in the bible, but then they go full retard claiming OT God and NT God are different, and that the OT God is the demiurge based on that he created this material world and supposedly wants us remain ignorent (claiming the serpent was the good guy) and created evil. Jesus made clear he is from one and the same as the old prophets were. The issue with why an all loving and good God would create evil is fairly simple to solve: Free will. In order to have free will you must be able to choose, and to be able to choose truely you must be able to choose wrong, and choosing wrong in Gods eyes is what objective evil is. So Evil exists for us to lear evil and avoid it by choosing correctly, and the fruit wasnt for us yet as we were basically infants in adult bodies at the time incapable of making any proper decissions yet. but if it werent for us at all the tree wouldnt be in our vicinity at all. So they got some stuff right, and some stuff wrong, like its the case with everything. and yes, i made the thread yesterday too.
My Gnoustic Priest from the Johannite tradition is a 32nd degree Mason and head of the Templars in America. His iq is 185 and told me Solomon's temple was never physical, it was symbolic or something.
baphomet is the perverted embodiment of the unification of opposites what God seperated in the beginning is united back, destroying the duality, like it was done with 9/11 symbolically body of man, and head of the beast, female tits and a male dick, the dark and the bright moon, pointing above and below, the head forming a hexagram (afaik usually associated with the material and the world) and a pentagram (afaik the spirit). weirdly a goat isnt among the animals associated with saturn. The Goat symbolism likely comes from Capricorn, the zodiac that Saturn (associated with Moloch, just like Baal, Cronus (eating his own children like Molochs childsacrifices) and of course satan) rules. So they push trannies to bring this bullshit to the next level, and yes, most of the higher ups are trannies to exactly for that reason
Also it basically underlies the believe that there is no good or evil, that all comes from God, and that (((they))) merely embrace the side of creation others deem ugly and which Christ told us to reject and overcome and follow the spirit instead, pursuing the flesh, embracing the beast In example while normal unification of male and female results in new life being born, thus being a unification of life and creation trannies are the same principle, unification of male and female. but their endresult is infertility and usually suicide. they are a unification of death and destruction. a mocking of Gods creation and order
the source is the symbolism and their deeds which i explain and link back to freemasonry in the following posts.
well, the temple that matters now is our body as Jesus said, in which and through which we worship and sacrifice (in example sacrificing time or energy to do good to someone else bringing glory to God through our deeds)
Jews and Masons are just useful proxies used by the Catholic church/European nobility who descended from Roman nobility that descended from Babylonian priest king bloodlines.
Mason Carter
>the source is the symbolism and their deeds Where's the citations that explain this symbolism?
Like in this post >Another link of freemasons to disgusting acts: >Pic related is the screen of Viacom on Timesquare. If you didnt hear about this company it owns various TV channels like MTV, Comedy Central (CC/33) and for us most importantly Nickelodeon (the orange colour being a good additional hint to masonry and Viacom). Like Disney they also feature a lot of Childstars.
You speak about a link, but then just start talking about Viacom. Where's the actual proof that Freemasons own Viacom and orchestrated this Desmond kid?
Lucas Walker
yes that one, i'm a big fan. granted, i've been posting and lurking a longgg time, i'm pretty deep down the rabbit hole. Never thought i'd start to agree with this stuff, let alone believe it's true. the 9/11 one was a big pill to swallow. still working on some of the demon stuff... haven't seen a lot of good stuff on that, still working on the truth of the bible as well. have you checked out 'solving 9/11: the deception that changed the world'? It goes into just how the (((zionists))) pulled it off
Cooper Lopez
Agreed, the macrocosm and the microcosm. And gnosis of the divine of the true reality and the relationship and dharma of our unique individual role in this cosmos play. Salvation comes through experience, Brahman and Paramatma relatization lead to Bhagavan realization. That's why very few people get it and those who truly understand strive with all their will for the straight and narrow path to Godhead.
Look at the position of washington's index finger and thumb (left hand pointing up), that's not even anatomically correct
Aiden Rodriguez
and by left i mean right
Noah Martinez
Actually, on Washington and Baphomet, didn't Washington come from a star family? Basically in masonry, "star families" descend from Templars that kept documents from Palestine and Egypt and fled the Friday the 13th crackdown.
Hunter Butler
You remind me of myself like 4-5 years ago, 7 years ago I swallowed the 9/11 pill and that was tough at the time. I have developed greater insight through experience in real life and all the rest. Like realizing the true origins of humanity into the abyss of Kali yuga and the Abrahamic religions being a perverted whore selling humanity materialism over the truth of Lord Christ, Lord Krishna. If you really want to save yourself and make you're valuable short life worth it, get off the internet and go to you're closest Krishna Temple and start reading Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. No illicit sex, no gambling, no meat, and no intoxication is a start for spiritual life. AMA, you'll get there one day, only takes a second but lifetimes of wandering around.
>Actually, on Washington and Baphomet, didn't Washington come from a star family? Basically in masonry, "star families" descend from Templars that kept documents from Palestine and Egypt and fled the Friday the 13th crackdown.
You're aware that the Jow Forums logo is literally a disguised Templar cross are you?
Just wait for that autistic "Catholic warlock" to sperg out at you and scream about how Rome did nothing wrong and even questioning it makes you a mason yourself. Sure he'll be back in the thread
Joshua Sullivan
the fingers are associated with planets . the middlefinger for example is associated with saturn which may gives relation to pic related making it a bloodsacrifice to saturn. on a side note, the ringfinger is the sun finger, the sun, being a symbol for God and the finger also associated with courage and passion. I believe rings and circles are meant to seal something away, and the ring at marriage is never mentioned in the bible and likely is a ploy to corrupt it, and who would have known, after the marriage passion and courage dies off just killing the marriage.
>You speak about a link, but then just start talking about Viacom. Where's the actual proof that Freemasons own Viacom and orchestrated this Desmond kid? again the symbolism. Old logo made sure to include the opposing Vs as in . The channels it owns also almost all have some symbolism, wether its Comedy Central with the CC being 33, or VIVA whichs logo has 2 sets of opposing Vs even. Nickelodeon conveniently having a the orange colour as logo which is the only colour adding to 33 in (pythagorean) gematria. CBS with the all seeing eye as symbol. We could even assume that the M in MTV is a hint towards the owlsymbolism where the owl in hieroglyphs is the M and called Mulak which itself may be why they use owls for moloch/molek symbolism (ancient hebrew has no vowels, thus both would be MLK)
no, didnt hear about that one yet. anything in there that you dont here often?
yes, just ignore that its similar clothing style for "pants" and nothing to cover the upper body, with the arms pointing the same directions. the difference in fingers makes it completely unrelated.
Fed or CIA takeover of Jow Forums was in 2009-2010, coincidentally just as Chanology became big, and "anonymous legion" stuff with the Fawkes mask started. CIA is mostly Jesuits all educated in Georgetown
Julian Cook
what are your thoughts on psychadelics? I've had some strong doses of LSD which brought me closer to God imo, but also i've had times closer to him in little personal things, like when i have a nice cadence, or i'm 'in the zone' making something, or dreaming. The Hare Krishna guys at the music fests i've alwaysf ound intersting, but never delvd deep into the Bhagavad Gita
Aiden Richardson
Don't do it, Pharmakeia will only let demons influence you and you'll end up like OP
Michael Bennett
i think OP is posting a lot of truth and i'd wager he's against drugs, don't diss him
Hudson Butler
All for it, 100%. Whether it was the soma rasas or Greek philosophers it was essentially going deeper into human consciousness the sub conscious. Drugs are good, but in them of themselves they are the not ultimate key, that is up to you my friend to discover how valuable and instrumental you are to the plan and to find out who you truly are. Having said I'm all for pyschdelics only done one super large dose of LSD myself and was in the Temple chanting and best day of my life, realized the simplicity of life and how beautiful all of creation is. I'm a Hare Krishna myself and aspiring Bhramcharya, only good use of time in this very short of material existence. They have the truth, but some guys are super corrupt and have tried watering down the movement but still very pure.
I didn't make the pic. I took it from my last jewish mysticist vidya thread. It apparently originated here: Jow Forums has been a honeypot since 2006, with the law enforcement portal and the Google captcha.
Alexander Hughes
Excuse me, you make some Biblical claims that are supposed to be taken at face value going by only on your interpretation of this "symbolism" you don't even provide visual examples for. There has been a lot of researchers about these topics like Texxe Marrs that provided citations and clear logical progression from one claim to another.
> I've had some strong doses of LSD which brought me closer to God imo You given yourself brain damage. CIA used LSD for their mind control experiments, this is widely known. It does irreversible damage to the brain and/or psyche.
Anthony Long
>anything in there that you dont here often? yes, a LOT. i've been meaning to put together a list of it all, but it's so easy to get distracted and drowned out by other crap.... the dancing israeli's everyone knows, and you've even gone further than bollyn (the author) in some ways by delving into the zionist mythos, but bollyn hits the airline security company, every jew agent in the us from the guys working at the israeli owned airline companys here, the security company, the 'drills' on the day of the attack...he mentions this company 'Wings' which he found in florida somewhere... they were selling beachware, chairs and shit. he noticed everyone working there was israeli, and he can speak hebrew so he spoke to some of them. he suspected the company of being an israeli trafficking front. i found this interesting, so i googled the company. nothing too weird on the homepage, besides there not being links to anything at all, just a logo. but better yet, check out their address for the store in new york.
high level insider user (hlianon, google him, someone has a page of all his posts), mentioned the same thing. for them, but when you're up there, don't forget to bring back something.... bring back the bacon if you know what i mean.
also reminder to everyone in the thread to NOT respond to bait / shill posts
Isaac Thompson
this seal is a typical depiction of Ra holding up the sun disc. In this disc is the Seal of Solomon shaped with 13 stars. The Seal relates back to Saturn through all the 6s (6 small triangles, the 60 degree angles, the hexagon) encoded meaning that Saturn/Satan is (((their))) sun/god.
It also holds up twig with 13 leaves and 13 arrows. >In Base 12 mathematics ancients used across the world and is still used today (12 inches in a foot, 12 months in year, 2 times 12 hours a day, 12 Zodiacs, etc.) 13 is the end of the old and a beginning of the new (world order?) >Also there is also the 13th zodiac being the serpent bearer
i wouldnt be suprised if drugs can help with communing with spirits and see what else there is to this world, but how would you be able to trust what you see? how do you know you are not mixing real visions with random hallucinations, building your worldview around that then which in the end corrupts you. Its maybe a shortcut to spirituality, but good things take some time. its usually Quick & Easy, but those are expensive Easy & cheap, but those are not quick Quick & Cheap, but those are not easy
which bit do you take issue with, specify that and i can possibly get clearer on that issue.
Rome is the entire reason Jews rose to the levels of power they have. Jews were actually property of the Monarchs though all the Monarchs wealth was placed in a trust controlled by the Vatican. Rome and Jews worked hand in hand their entire history. The Inquisition and Jesuits were both founded by Jews. Popes passed Papal Bulls to criminalize blood libel while at the same time burning Christians at the stake for the exact same sort of accusations.
Nicholas Peterson
also have you looked into dreams at all? some of the old philosphers believed when you dream, you're going to a real place, not just something your imagining in your head. obviously a lot of modern psychologists (jung freud) devled into dreams
Hudson Rodriguez
Stop comparing masons to Jews. Wthey are not the same.
Samuel Barnes
Interesting. Also got to choose what you want, you can continue down the infinite material rabbit hole where you continue to find out messed up the world is and the many lies or you can begin to climb the ladder of eternal spiritual knowledge and perhaps enter the spiritual realm, the kingdom of Heaven in this life. Would recommend the spiritual route, the material route ultimately dies away and is a illusion, for example who will remember let alone care about America in say 1,000 years or whatever. With that said knowledge of the past dealing with true origins is important and great devotees like Hitler should be remembered and exalted for his deeds and his spirit.
Dreams are interesting, different wave lengths in the mind. Some give good messages and realizations but most are nonsense and traps like wet dreams. My counselor Hare Krishna told me don't look much into deja vu, it's just the mind going through loops and you out to get of it, becomes detached from the material.
The Washington Monument depicts a giant dick, and thus symbolizes male energy. It stands in a vescica pisces, which symbolizes female energy. The unification of polar opposites like good an evil or male and female is where its believed that magic springs into existence. In case of the unification of male and female for example its the magic of life that happens as a new child is made. The washington monument also gets mirrored by the Pond. As above so Below. Some people try to argue it is supposed to be one of Ras sunrays petrified, but the sun again is a symbol for male energy and thus wouldnt change anything really also the washington monument is 555 feet high. usually an obelisk has 20% of it underground to make it stable making the total height 666 feet. 555 feet are also 6660 inches 6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons). 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
>With that said knowledge of the past dealing with true origins is important and great devotees like Hitler should be remembered and exalted for his deeds and his spirit. i've been reading mein kampf as well, and man there are a ton of great quotes in there that aren't circulated on Jow Forums that really should be. i've recorded where they are, i just have to get them out of there. here's one " The impression which I often get, especially of those so-called religious reformers whose creed is grounded on ancient Germanic customs, is that they are the missionaries and proteges of those forces which do not wish to see a national revival taking place in Germany. All their activites tend to turn the attention of, the people away from the necessity of fighting together for a common cause against the common enemy, namely, the Jew." Qanon (who i believe is connected to the current administration and is a high level) commented how Hitler was a 'puppet'. Imo in a way Hitler was, because he was financed by them, but that doesn't make a lot of his beliefs any less true. i still like hitler
Angel Collins
How did they manage to convince pol and tons of right wing Catholics that Jews and Masons ate all opposed to Rome ?
Isaac Parker
Hitler on npc's But if the aggresor should go only half-way and fail to push home his success by driving his Opponent entirely from the scene of action, the people will look upon this as a sign that the aggressor is uncertain of the justice of his hown cause and, that his half-way policy may even be an acknowledgment that his cause is unjust. The masses are but a part of Nature herself. Their feeling is such that they cannot understand mutual handshakings between men who are declared enemeies. Their wish is to see the stronger side win and the weaker wiped out, or subjected unconditionally to the will of the stronger. It is possible to succeed in making the masses national-minded, only if, positive though the struggle to win the soul of the people may be, those who spread the international poison among them are exterminated.
Justin Adams
>which bit do you take issue with, specify that and i can possibly get clearer on that issue. Ok here are the moments i would like some clarification on:
>Crowley believed to reach the most high you must first sink to the lowest. You do this by doing everything you dont want to do, as things that disgust or repell you are merely chains that bind you and keep you from doing something, thus limiting your potential. Morals and Ethics, the little voice in your head, are merely obstacles you need to overcome, you need to silence. Crowley wasn't a Mason, he was a member of the Theosopihical Golden Dawn, and then formed his own religion of Thelema. Why do you present his worldview as being from Freemasonic?
>You dont like seafood? better eat oysters and such until you dont mind anymore. You really dont want to hurt that little child? that feeling too is just an obstacle, overcome it, rape it and kill it. You like vaginas? Better engage in gay sex orgies all day long until its normal for you. By this you free yourself from the selfimposed "limitations" and unlock your "true potential"
What Freemason literature or doctrine states this?
> And they rise above this state, out of the duality of the world (with the help of moral relativism, not being held back by morals and ethics anymore) and become gods by abolishing their care for others and this world (see Cremation of Care at the Bohemian Grove), player unseen by the pawns they controll. Source for this symbolism interpretation, and Bohemian Grove being connected to the Masons.
Again, something that firmly establishes Freemasons behind this. Why do you pin MK ULTRA on Freemasons, when it has been firmly established that these experiments were based on the Nazi research obtained through Project Paperclip?
Were the Club Kids backed by Freemasons? You just throw pieces of information that are not connected to each other by anything.
Charles Thompson Robert Sepehr and his other channel Atlantean Gardens is an excellent source on the matter, independent anthropologist and that objectively presents the evidence for the master race, Aryan. Mein Kampf is good, keep on reading the good lit because there's like millions of books and don't waste you're time and memory on worthless pursuits. Hitler is the most blasphemed saint of the 20th century because he followed the laws of nature, loved his people, and did what needed to be done that led to his destiny. And no 6 million never died, big hoax, but the holocaust is real, I'm currently in one of the cities where it happened, Dresden. Hitler was not a puppet, he fought demoniac influence and gave the German people hope and pride.
Hitler on the Freemasons Finally, the Jew gained an increasing influence in all economic undertakings by means of his predominance on the Stock Exchange. He secured, if not the ownership, at least the control of the working capactiy of the nation. In order to strengthen his political position, he directed his efforts towards removing the barrier of racial and civic discrimination which had hitherto hindered his advance at every turn. With characteristic tenacity he championed the cause of religious tolerance for this purpose, and in the Freemason Organisation, which had fallen completely into his hands, he found a magnificent weapon which helped him to achieve his ends.
Asher Sullivan
Sage thread. Imagine thinking Freemasonry being anything but a gentlemans club
Do better op
Levi Morales
Faggot, it's a retirement home get it right!
Jose Martinez
>Crowley wasn't a Mason, he was a member of the Theosopihical Golden Dawn, and then formed his own religion of Thelema. Why do you present his worldview as being from Freemasonic? because its pretty much all the same just with another brand slapped on it. Look who was around crowley was around with, who praised him and was influenced by him. People like Churchill and Savile. Also there are some reports around of Crowley actually joining the masons.
>What Freemason literature or doctrine states this? thats extrapolated from crowley doctrines.
>Source for this symbolism interpretation look at the symbolism which is all about break down of the duality, the order God established. or 9/11 being the destruction of the duality and creation of something new that incorporates both or baphomet being the embodiment of that . Do you think Morals and ethics are excluded from this all?
>Bohemian Grove being connected to the Masons. look who is going to the grove, and look who is calling the shots. Then look at all the things the masons evidently fucked up and realize they must be the same that are calling the shots, and those also usually go to the BG
also i didnt say MKUltra is done only by masons, but they use the same principles. i provided the symbolism of the companies involved which all hint back to the masons and similar occultism.
James Howard
9/11 was an inside job by the Jews to give them an excuse to take even more freedom away from the people to protect them from terrorists (while they are the biggest terrorists themselves), you're probably a kike trying to distract from the real issue
Matthew Lopez
t. Snake
Noah Bailey
The mural in the bank of america is interesting. black and white are the traditional colours for the duality, polar opposites. good and evil. Black is generally evil and the colour of saturn it seems (can get to that) When you see somewhere in movies a checkered board as floor you can be fairly sure of the masonic influence for example. The checkers board, black and white (usually) symbolizing the duality from which this entire world is made up off , and being a playing field which they rose above of through the knowledge they aquired and hoarded, as gods, the players, being the only ones even seeing the board and the game played with the common plebs as simple pawns.
You see the stairs on the side, likely jacobs ladder symbolizing ascention and i saw it mirrored sometime showing the tree of life/kaballah. Note also the orange colour, orange in pythagorean gematria is the only colour that adds up to 33 which is why the masons like to use it Also the pyramid and an eclipse which is the unification of moon and sun in the sky and thus once again the polar opposites. Also the women trapped in the cube user in an earlier thread brought up how both stairwell as well as the strings entrapping the women in the cube lead outside the painting, out of view. Through the aquired knowledge they ascended out of view of the average pleb from where they now can pull the strings. Also suggested the burning bush/tree to be a symbolic destruction of the familly (family tree). Possibly could be a reference to the bibles burning bush too
Masons is just a good goy club taking up spiritual talmudism and kaballah. So obviously their deeds are aligned as well as their symbols. Masonic involvement in 9/11 means basically Israel is involved too. But its evident the US government was involved too. Could that may be strategized among the masons?
Nonsense, stop trying to distract, the Jews are the biggest threat to the entire world. You're only helping them by giving 1000 names to the same snake.
Sebastian Sanders
was brought up yesterday, this is what i found in it:
>starts with butterflies MKUltra symbolism, seemingly these are even Monarch butterflies so most definitely no coincidence. then the wandering around with giant trees and talking animals seems very alice in wonderlandesque which itself supposedly (didnt watch it) is full of MKUltra imagery. he then runs up a tree, maybe the tree of life and thus symbolizing ascension until he encounters a beehive which makes him fall down again. earlier someone brought up bees is one of the symbols they like because they want us to be programmed drones like bees, thus this drone behavior lets us fall into the base state of conciousness, the lowest form. >penguins always remind me of the cumpanda references during pizzagate of which im fairly sure meant the children which gets supported by >SHIPMENT OF FROZEN PENGUIN GLANDS
thats about all the masonic stuff i found aside from the racemixing propaganda and that you see if i saw it right the mandala bay hotel. but i probably oversaw a ton.
>dont talk about the kikes various proxies and how to recognize their deeds goy
>because its pretty much all the same just with another brand slapped on it Not a source, where's the proof that it is "the same"? Any book, any historian. >Also there are some reports around of Crowley actually joining the masons. What reports why aren't you posting them then, this is what i asked for.
>thats extrapolated from crowley doctrines Freemasons existed before Crowley and didn't "extrapolate" anything from him, again, why do you present his own personal religion as Freemasonry? This is literally dishonest.
>look at the symbolism which is all about break down of the duality What's the source for the interpretation of this symbolism? Any book, any researcher of Masonic symbols.
>look who is going to the grove, and look who is calling the shots Who? Freemasons? Post names of Freemasons that went there or were organizing it? >Then look at all the things the masons evidently fucked up What things?
>also i didnt say MKUltra is done only by masons Yes you did. >Another clear sign that Freemasons fuck shit up: Disney has club 33, I repeat, thirty-three, like the masons favorite number showing the connection to those guy. Remember all the popular MKUltrad teeny stars coming from Disney. And how are people MKUltrad?
Now you're going to pretend you're not trying to link the two?
You didn't provide any concrete answer, not a single citation. Did you just make this shit up? "Look at this" is not an answer, again, because you want my to take YOUR statements and interpretations at face value without any PROOF. Why all this dishonesty?
Logan Fisher
Typical divide and conquer by posting embarassing horoscope tier nonsense, what you're posting is on par with people looking for messages in songs by playing them backwards. Fuck off kike
Sebastian Fisher
How can you know for sure that he wasn't controlled oposition? Wasn't he financed by the Rothshields? Why didn't he attack Moskow in summer but instead waited until winter arrived even though his generals were against it? Also, why wasn't there are corpse of Hitler? When he successfully managed to flee to Argentinia (and this was no secret that high ranking National Socialists fled there) why did they not kill him? Questions opon questions. I have deep symphies for NatSoc and Hitler - but this just bugs my mind
Matthew Robinson
>everything I can't accept is D&C
Joshua Bennett
Does anyone have the screenshot of Alexandria Ocassio Cortez with the Freemason cards? >Originally it was intended to be modelled after and associated with European Freemasonry,[1] such as Masonic Templar organizations, >Theodor Reuss (1855–1923) collaborated with Kellner in creating O.T.O., and succeeded him as head of O.T.O. after Kellner's death. Under Reuss, charters were given to occult brotherhoods in France, Denmark, Switzerland, the U.S.A. and Austria. There were nine degrees, of which the first six were Masonic >Within the year, Crowley had written the Manifesto of the M∴M∴M∴ which described its basic ten-degree system with Kellner’s three degree Academia Masonica forming the seventh, eighth and ninth degrees. you literally cant claim that there is no link between crowleyism and masonry.
>What's the source for the interpretation of this symbolism the various myths and practices i explained showing the dualism of the world is a theme in all cultures, and especially the checkered board is self evident for said duality with its black and white. with boaz and jachin you always have the sun and the moon right above the pillars symbolizing their alignment with either, and by extent to the whole of dualism.
>What things? in example 9/11.
>Yes you did. no, i said they are involved, not the only ones using the practices. big difference.
Are non-countries allowed to post on Jow Forums now?
Ryan Wright
We know by his actions, he went after freemasonry, degeneracy, Western influence, and jews. He shut down Rothschild banks in Vienna and had exhibitions exposing masonry. Operation Barbarossa commenced in June 41 and it almost succeeded as most Russians thought it was liberation. Maybe he escaped, maybe not, still the mythos of the story will live on forever as a epic and a tragic hero. And at the end of the day, though the homeland was overrun and raped and pillaged, the most devout and luckiest were able to escape to South America, and to new homeland of Antarctica. Look up Admiral Donitz quote on this matter of Antarctica and the Fuhrer.
Reminder that OP and HKanon are apart of an ongoing Anti-Japanese shill raid to convince Nips that they must follow Jewsus and Christcuckery. They’re also for open borders and refuse to accept that Jews are the source for the worlds problems.
The Truth only seems like trolling to the wicked. The "b8" meme is designed to demonize the concept of being a Fisher of men
Dylan Lewis
East Asia is smart for rejecting your disgusting sandnigger religion. Every christian nation is also pro-open borders. They want black men to rape female toddlers while also preaching to the word of god. When DOTR happens, amerimutt priests and nuns will be cruicified just like their jewish savior. Death to Abraham
kikes ALWAYS finance both sides of a war. It prolongs it, causes bigger destruction and after it the can buy in the loser country far cheaper than with a quickly ending war while additionally making the winner indepted and influencable. them financing hitler does not mean that hitler is a puppet, but that kikes just did what kikes do typically
>things i never said anywhere
i do know user, its even worse. look where the extended bits land.
You’re the same christcuck who supported Boers getting killed off and how whites shouldn’t be allowed to have their own countries. Jesus killed the West with his distructive religion and all of you amerimutts who push it will be castrated.
>Manifesto of the M∴M∴M∴ >This Manifesto is no longer valid, as Freemasons are no longer directly admitted to the Grades of the O.T.O., and as the locations, offices, subscription fees (etc.) have changed since 1912 when it was first published, but is provided here for the curious. – Fr. HRN IIIº
Yes i can, and i will. >the various myths and practices i explained showing the dualism of the world is a theme in all cultures Please post articles or books by any researchers that support these statements.
I came in this thread to learn about secret societies symbolism, like many researchers like Jordan Maxwell, Texxe Marrs and Jeff Rense exposed. But you didn'y provide a single citation from them or any other researcher that back any of your claims, and deliberately mislead people.
Oliver Foster
Another Russian jew joins the thread that’s meant to demonize all people who reject abrahamic fairytales. The west will be saved once we burn all stuff relating to the Bible and Torah. Praise kek!