why did the number of transgender people explode in the past decade?
what could have caused such phenomenon?
Why did the number of transgender people explode in the past decade?
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giving young boys prescription amphetamines and internet access
they're aliens. their species doesn't have genders and they are trying to emulate "the average consumer"
Looked cuter as a boy
Now just looks like every other fucking roastie in existence
Social media. They do it for the likes.
Cellphone radiation and electromagnetic pulses to the balls from laptops.
Jews pushing degeneracy instead of bullying faggots, plus woman = life on easy mode.
If something is made acceptable then more people will start to take part. If murder was legal it would be a bloodbath
ROGD exacerbated by social media and a massive well-funded push by Soros and friends to promote gender identity ideology.