Ysterday, Blackpilled put out an interesting video on the subversion of Christian ideals & morality using the movie Forest Gump as an example. -- youtube.com/watch?v=IpVIVRIjRfE
In it he comments about how the film-makers go out of their way to portray Jenny in a positive light, and how finally, at the end Gump gets the girl and it's a great prize! -- except it's not, not in reality.
Instead we get a woman who is loose, sleeping around, becomming a drug-addict, mooching off Gump and taking his affection for granted, then leaving only to say (years later) "Oh, I'm dying / you have a son!" -- In other words, as we are told by hollywood, this is the ideal modern woman: she has unrestricted sex, never having to pay a real consequence for her actions (except arguably AIDS, but it's not protrayed as a consequence of her actions), takes advantage of kindness and, ultimately, accepted and cherrishsed after she's finished "finding herself"
Forest, likewise, is the ideal man: a retard, a white knight, someone who unquestioningly follows orders, has few [if any] original thoughts, and is always accepting of moral degeneracy, never having any moral outrage.
>Even as a kid I knew she was a dumb slut that took every chance she good to fuck over Gump. >good could*
The kid isn't even his. Probably has AIDS from his whore mother as well
David Collins
>Ben doesn't care about his sister getting blacked/browned But I betcha he would utterly flip his shit if she married a Germanic och Northern guy like pic related and renounced her Jewish beliefs.
>Anyways, the movie is full on good goy propaganda. Boomer Core. >>is a retard in normal life >>is a genius in the military Good point.
>The kid isn't even his. Yeah; there wasn't anything to suggest that he was other than the word of a dumb, lying whore.
>betcha he would utterly flip his shit Probably.
Brayden Sullivan
Is this a Jenny hate thread? Yes.
Adam Morales
That's the most retarded analysis of Forest Gump I've ever heard. It's so retarded it sounds like something an Alt Right Forest Gump would come up with. Half of the joke is that Jenny is a shitty molested bipolar white trash person and Gump is an innocent retard. There is no endorsement of anything.
Just because someone puts it in video/writing does not make it true. It makes them a loud retard
Kevin Cooper
>Forest, likewise, is the ideal man: a retard, a white knight, someone who unquestioningly follows orders, has few [if any] original thoughts, and is always accepting of moral degeneracy, never having any moral outrage.
Such people in real life tend to reveal the depravity of the world around them and bring great shame to the degenerates. Because we all know in our hearts that those who abuse the innocent are truly evil.
Hunter Russell
>Because we all know in our hearts that those who abuse the innocent are truly evil. This is why Hollywood revels in corrupting the innocent, often by combining it with that abuse they revel in -- hence pedowood (and Disney), and how they totally screw up child actors.
Charles Hill
>Is this a Jenny hate thread? Yes. Why not -- she was a terrible character, fucking over the one guy who steadfastly showed her kindness and love... absolutely ungrateful while being narcissistically arrogantly self-important.
Jenny *IS* the Boomer-mentality. Jenny *IS* their ideal woman, the thing they want all women to be -- and they want men to unquestioningly accept AND ENDORSE this mentality and behavior.
Kayden Price
It's somehow guarranteed that the name Forrest Gump has some Masonic significance. What that is I don't know but this is true about all weirdly named movie characters
Jeremiah Gonzalez
Forrest Gump is an anagram of "Forgets Trump"
Luis Price
I agree but you're missing the underlying story of Jenny being a incest victim. But I dislike.what she did to Forest. Trust me this is how incest victims self destruct unless they actually get real help.
Brayden Lopez
>Trust me this is how incest victims self destruct unless they actually get real help. Seeing the results of Disney and Nickelodeon kids, I'm inclined to expand that from merely incest to sexual abuse...
Carson Watson
>sucking christ dick >black-pilled what a load of shit, fuck off
Ryder Brooks
wait a minute, is OP's pic real? Did his sister really do porn? I thought it was just a shoop
Owen Ross
>"blackpilled" cringe af, worse than jews, worse than antifa, fucking die
Isaiah Russell
I dont feel like the film portrayed Jenny positively lol, she seemed like a dumb whore who made awful choices and ended up with aids. Forrest was the only positive thing in her life which she realized much too late. Her redemption was uniting Forrest with his son. Not sure how anyone could watch this and think the movie is glorifying Jenny, nothing good happens to her at all.
Charles Roberts
It's a shop, not even a good one
Alexander Howard
I don't think Ben gives a good damn about beliefs and ideology regarding Judaism. Religion doesn't matter. Blood does.
Jordan Morales
Wyatt Kelly
>Christian ideals Brainwashing is big ideal, right
Noah Smith
no it's not you retard
Daniel Butler
>The Gump is a friendly mounted elk-like creature head who makes his first appearance in The Marvelous Land of Oz (1904). He was brought to life with the magic substance called the Powder of Life.
> Ben Shapiro motivated by blood relations I’d like to explain Ben’s real motivations, and how it might be money, but first a message from our sponsor. Do you like brushing your teeth, user? I’d like to give you a promo code to get a toothbrush.
>occupational name or nickname from Middle High German gumpen, gumpeln ‘to clown’. from a short form of a Germanic personal name formed with gund ‘battle’, ‘war’. Compare Gombert
It's gotta be some Royal Order of Jesters shit. Forrest being a retard fits with the Fool archetype . Forest Gump = forest trickster basically
Wyatt Ward
I thought you guys had direct numbers to the sever admins?
The Forrest bit comes from Nathan Bedford Forrest, of course. Very high ranking mason (who will be fellated by Jow Forumstards because, like Pike, he was a Confederate general)
Samuel King
it's an accurate portrayal of boomers. more of a redpill than propaganda
Christian Gray
Entering everything into gematrix is one of the worst ways to actually look for occult significance desu. It leads to a ton of disinfo and you just start thinking like a kike
There used to be an annoying tripfag here who used his name.
Liam James
I'm not saying people emulate him, I'm saying he's what Hollywood pushes as ideal -- and just look at how men are portrayed in sitcoms: stupid buffoons, maybe with a funny character-flaw, but always with a smarter and more capable woman to look after him.
>it's an accurate portrayal of boomers. more of a redpill than propaganda Maybe you're right / checked.
Jordan Turner
They didn't portray Jenny as an angel, Forest (literal retard) just sees her as his childhood friend (cant see it, but you the viewer can).
The movie is about Forest who can be equated to an innocent and naive child, he goes through many of lifes bullshit (like women who are loose) and he doesn't see anything that would normally raises a red flag to people with their thinking caps on.
The movie makes no true commentary on any of the events that happen in the film and focus on Gumps walk through the times.
Cooper Foster
Blackpilled is good at exposing Jewguy mind tricks.
The Black Pilled YT channel produces some of the best big brained content that touches on American culture, and the subversion of our country by (((you know who)))
Black Pilled needs to do a collab with Borzoi
Gavin Robinson
She looks like a Pixar character.
Ryder Fisher
yeah but you have to be slow not to see Jenny, the subject of your oneitis, a complete and utter degenerate
Camden Wood
>literally married a nigger
Jackson Cook
it's absolutely real
Henry Perez
would be hot as shit but I see bens face when I look at her
Evan Martinez
You aren't supposed to idealize jenny. She isn't supposed to be the "ideal" woman. Early on we see she is a victim of her father's constant sexual abuse. If you can sympathize with Jenny at all, it's this abuse that sets her up for her terrible decisions throughout the movie. This happens to real life victims of sexual abuse all the time, it warps their relationships.
Forrest doesn't do any of his great things to earn Jenny's approval. He just does it because he wants to. He doesn't waste time chasing her, he moves on with his life. They only reconcile when Jenny finally deals with her own issues and learns to accept something as simple as Forrest's love. Forrest's unconditional love for Jenny even though she is dried up drug addicted whore is what redeems the otherwise unsaveable jenny.
There is also the real ethical question of whether it's ok to sleep with someone who is possibly mentally retarded. I mean, the viewer doesn't really understand that nothing is wrong with Forrest mentally until the end of the movie when his son is smart and he has managed to build an incredible life despite his supposed low intelligence.
Luis Lopez
You have a point.
Jesus has the answer. To be safe for all eternity: A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work. C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.