Why do white families adopt nigglets

white birthrates are at all time low and there's hundreds of thousands of white orphans but white families always adopt little dead eyed nigger roaches instead

i mean really you could have at least adopted a cute smart little asian kid but no they go out of their way to adopt some little jungle rat what the fuck by the time they filled out the application form 1000 new niggers were shat out whats their endgame

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I have like totally no idea

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If you gotta live with them, might as well train a few and hope it spreads.

Imagine getting home from a day at the office, you walk into your lounge and you see a fucking nigger.

It's because white people have big hearts and love people of all races. Unfortunately, they just don't know how things really are

They look Jewish.

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Some animals can’t be domesticated. We have been trying to take them for centuries now and it hasn’t worked

It's like raising a pig for the slaughter. It's kind of a pet, buuuut.....

we are brainwashed to believe there is no difference between the races except for the environment that they are raised in.

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My sister and brother in law adopted a fucking 15 year old Russian kid who is real bastard. I honestly wish they had adopted a nigger.

13 years from this day Tyrone will be cucking this neck-bread while he's away on business.
You heard it here 1st.

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white guilt and they want to show how progressive they are while underlining the fact they think the poor blacks need their help

No matter what you do for black people their blackness is the most important thingto them and takes priority. There was an article about this rich black family that lives better than 120% of pol sitting at the breakfast table looking all depressed and downtrodden because of some make believe racism, oppression and discrimination against them.

So they can be on Good Morning America

because there are millions of orphans and creating life is not a big deal to some.

Liberals just love owning blacks

To show the world how racist they aren't.
Many of them already have white children too.
It's a horrible thing to do to your actual child. Bring home a nigger to rape, rob, and murder them.

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They're the easiest to adopt. Nobody wants a niglet so the agencies almost give them away. A cuck sizzledick husband goes along with it because his broad wants a baby.

be obama
white mama/ asian father
grow up to hate all white people
(see also kaepernick)

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You never see black people caring about white people or even pretending too. Stop helping people who hate you.
Whe was the last time a black person ever did anything positive for white people? It’s all hate. Fuck them

Christianity. I have been to church twice in my life, and both times they were shilling adoption and Israel. Made me gag so I never went back.

Obama care

>the are Christians
Yep. Christianity is cuckoldry.

i miss watching that show duck dynasty

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