How to be a real fighter and defend yourself

Hello, I am a skinny white guy and want to know how to defend myself against savage people with better "genetics". My question is if you know dirty tricks of knocking out and/or kill people in a self defense situation and how to deal psychologically with savage people who want to impose theirselves physically against you and distabilize psychologically then when you don't have a gun.

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Stopped reading right there

Don't deny OP's digits, you 56% gobolino.

Get a gun.

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Legitimately, fight dirty. If you feel a fight I'm imminent, be the aggressor and attack until incapacitation of your opponent has been reached. If they are facing you and within arms reach, grab their shirt and headbutt them directly in the nose, as hard as you can. Repeat. Usually that is enough to temporarily incapacitate the person for a solid 30 seconds before they can defend themselves.

If you feel that they will come after you at a later date, stomp the inside of the knee while you are still close. No one is going to come after the dude who broke their nose, shattered their orbitals, and blew out their knee in less than ten seconds.

Be prepared to absolutely murder anybody that you meet. Most beefy fighters aren’t prepared to kill, and will sense your determination and deem the fight too risky before it even begins 99% of the time.

Basically always carry yourself with cold confidence and you’ll be good to go.


Learn a martial art. Preferably BJJ or wrestling combined with kick boxing. Street fights are messy and can end in your death, running away is always plan A, but if you are cornered you need to go for the eyes, testicles, throat at full bloodlusted determination or you will get rag dolled and wrestle fucked.

Mr Colt made all men equal.

Get a gun


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Stab them, genius.

Do the Joe Rogan OP.

I've done some MMA and kept in shape, that'll help you a whole lot. Simply getting in shape is important but the other half is simply learning how to fight. You train your brain and and what you can do in a fight.

That's all bullshit, just carry a gun and pop motherfuckers left and right then bail. Oh wait, there's cops and shit. Nevermind.

Skinny white guy wont beat someone above his weight class that is trained in bjj as well. If hes gonna be a mugger in brasil he probably can scrap mad decent at least

do krav maga. It's all about leveling the physical playing field. Groin kicks, eye gouging, movement, situational awareness, etc. The best defense is never getting yourself in that kind of a situation to begin with. Psychology won't destabilize somebody during a fighting situation, striking first and fast will.

learn to throw a knife and repeat this till you master the skill. After practicing on trees move on to moving objects like animals. Then humans.

the answer to the second thread is yes.

Jewish profs are very racist and always mark against white students when possible, especially white Germanic students.

a real fighter accepts death so you are no long inhibited psychologically to perform to your best of your abilities to defending yourself. Obviously put yourself in training in bjj or mma and try not to dwell into flashy techniques or shit that puts you at risk when fighting on concrete. Alot bjj is based on sports so that can get you in trouble on the streets, basically train so you can condition your mind to be in fighting mode regardless of the time of day or your energy levels. Also always remember the best thing you can do is run, besides training martial arts you need to work on your cardio to outrun these savages in a long distances as well as being explosive in your sprints so you dont get your ass whoop while trying to take off. Running will trigger a predator prey instinct from your attackers and they will naturally chase after you. Luckily these savages are lazy as well as prone to drugs and smoking so they might not chase after you at all. Also fighting on the streets is very dangerous you have to look at every confrontation that there is a possibility they will pull out a knife. Do not become overconfident in your training always remember to run, there is no pride in fighting thugs on the streets, you dont walk out the house with the goal of fighting but to carry on with your life.

It's so simple, OP: go for the eyes. Go for the soft spots.

>giving your enemy a knife

It's simple-- when you are dealing with a fight, the only rule is the single natural law: might makes right.

You don't fight "fair". You fight to kill the other person. Use whatever you have at your disposal, everything is a weapon. If you are outnumbered and have to fight instead of " tactically retreating", do not let yourself get flanked, do not take the game to the ground, and do everything in your damndest to fight one person at a time. Regardless how things go, you are going to get hurt, so mentally prepare for that, because people who are there to fuck you up aren't going to stop if you cry Uncle.

>Skinny white guy wont beat someone above his weight class that is trained in bjj as well.

That really depends on the level of the skinny guy and the someone, a guy that has trained for 10 years will school a bigger guy that has trained for a shorter period of time.

Isn't Bolsonaro-stein relaxing gun laws in Brazil?
Anyway Brazil has some of the best MMA and BJJ teams in the world and has high level kickboxing/MT teams as well, just join one of those.
You can't throw a salgado without hitting a martial arts gym in Rio.

is this a new slide thread format? chime in any time now, OP.

don't look like a victim. you need deterrence, not a dirty trick. find a way to project "fucking with me is not worth the cost". otherwise don't go where you don't belong. weak kids in the hood either strap up or start boxing at age 7.

My Haitian friend showed me a neat trick years ago when we were at a club. Long story short some guy was trying to cause problems with another friend of mine. My Haitian friend moves his watch from his wrist onto his knuckles in case he needed to cold cock the dude. Now I walk around with a heavy broken watch just in case.

This entire post. I haven't had a fight since grade four. I'm now 42. 6'0, 200. Stocky and solid. Shaved head and beard help. No interest in violence or fighting. But I have PTSD which has given me an odd nihilism towards coming to harm. I carry myself with an attitude that's mostly cold confidence and more than a bit of hyperarousal from the PTSD. Anyone steps up to me with the slightest malice I'll headbutt then stomp in knees and hands. Look for them laying on ground with fists balled. Stomp those and you'll destroy someone's hands forever. If shit gets bad enough I have a knife. I've been through too much shit in my life to die at the hands of some street filth. I will never look for trouble. But if you start it I guarantee I will finish it. Fight dirty BrazilBro. The days of noble gentlemanly fighting are long over. Eyes. Nuts. Windpipe. Fight like an animal or die like one.