How does Jow Forums feel about volunteer work?
How does Jow Forums feel about volunteer work?
Probably better than being a discord tranny nigger who volunteers their time being a complete faggot
>for free everyday, 24/7
its part of not being a slave
in free societies people choose to work
weird that i have to explain this to you
Why do I have the urge to say:
when I see PEPE in OP picture?
Make a wish volunteer here
I'd be much more willing if I was helping my co-ethnics instead of smug, parasitic invaders who gloat behind my back about taking advantage of my naiveté
Have any of the kids ever asked you to end their misery?
No but I see the pain in their faces and their families faces. It is not easy desu
Janny are you okay?
>he does it for free
Our government forces people on welfare to volunteer to keep their welfare.
Honestly it's stupid why they can't hire these people rather than having them work for free
>Want to volunteer in my free time because I have a huge void of nothingness after handling errands and lifting weights on weekends.
>Every single volunteer organization around me essentially boils down to helping niggers, or helping refugees.
I don't even know, Jow Forums. I live in DC.
Im gonna say it...
A good way to meet wholesome people, and maybe some qt.
Only 1 non white in the 20 kids I’ve done. No blacks.
Also doesn’t matter. These kids don’t deserve this shit
guess its something to do if your not doing anything better
Or do something bigger than yourself. I have wife and 2 kids and ft job. 2 healthy kids.
If you are good at something, never do it for free.
What a selfish faggot
Goyim I...
HH and it’s true, No kill animal shelters are female magnets
Volunteer work huh? How much will I get paid? Will there be an union?
What do you do for free that you're so good at? "Volunteers" are usually just stew cooks, cleaners or tard wranglers.
I've heard this is rarely the case (the meeting a qt part)
Most people who volunteer are older people with too much time on their hands (usually middle aged or the elderly) and I would imagine depending on where you devote your time you will likely encounter a rabid SJW more than a wholesome wife type.
Also apparently these places are starting to get populated by degenerates with the same thought as you "Maybe I'll find a girl I can fuck lol"
it's retarded.
Charity starts at home and stays there. Amerifats and their charity donating half their wages and shit, GTFO.
i'm wealthy enough to go pro bono but for an explicit higher purpose now and then
Good to you
What I do is go to the houses of these very sick kids and get what they wish out of them. I coordinate and then grant their wish. Have to take a break tho. Getting to be too much in me mentally.
Helped with a rec center for kids.
Built Mame Machine
I live in a small town so not a lot for kids to do
Helps keep them out of trouble.
Do you have doormat tattooed on your head little free labour cuck?
fucking peak anglo
its good to help your homogenous community
Go on
I volunteer at my local animal shelter. Why are you asking, discord tranny faggot?
What a loser
>Not wanting to help white kids
Found the Nigger