Besides when cutting strong onions I haven't cried in years. Help me out bros. What is the saddest song you know?

Besides when cutting strong onions I haven't cried in years. Help me out bros. What is the saddest song you know?

Attached: saddpepes.jpg (1200x800, 103K)

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Firstly read this story.

Do you want to cry because of something sad, because of something good happening to people who deserved it, or do you want to cry and hate yourself?

Thank you for that.

Limousine-Brand New

read it with Annie's song by john denver playing in the background, that's sad. I wish she was able to see the movie

many sad things all piled up

giving it a shot thank you

a song for one person might not work for another

what are your greatest regrets in life and what is your music taste in general?

regrets..maybe deleting my facebook without getting contact information from friends.
music taste is all over the place desu

think bigger... it has to be the type of feeling that could create a patronus, only sad rather than happy

Play Lisa The Painful, it made me cry.
As for a song, Tears in Heaven is often considered one of the saddest songs ever made, if you want something less mainstream I suggest "Hope" by apocalyptica.

Also try the speech in "The Great Dictator"

>tfw staying up to watch the sun rise over Ukraine in a live stream during the euromaiden protests

bigger? I'm not sure

thanks for the suggestions, putting on "hope" now.
charlie's speech is inspiring, I love that one

wow that was beautiful thank you!

if your biggest regret in life is that you deleted a social media account i'd say you hardly have reason to cry in the first place

Think about the 2 million innocent Germans who were starved to death on purpose in a concentration camp by the American's after the war ended.

The pacifist ending to Undertale made me squeeze out honest to god tears for the first time in almost a decade

Believe it or not, "You'll Never Walk Alone" from "Carousel" - but you have to sit through the whole movie for the song to have its effect


I had something like that too. Was a hellish crybaby in school, then the supply got closed and didn't cry for emotional reasons in years. That is, until I found Cowboy Bebop and GitS Standalone Complex.
Sweet Jesus

This band should make you want to kill yourself

Xiu xiu - dear god I hate myself

Where the wild roses grow.

Maybe read a book called "Flowers for Algernon"
maybe its sad or maybe im just a wuss