27+ Thread

Do losers even exist anymore?

I look at Jow Forums and it's literally just simple problems that will fix themselves over time or with a little effort, blatant bait threads or even threads where "be yourself" still applies mostly cos the vast majority of anons here on this board are under 25.

Anything more complex problems presented by older anons just get a couple of posts and just sink to the bottom. Is it just our fate and natural selection is just killing us slowly?

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Such as?

No social life nor skills to develop one?
Never have worked in your life?
Looming mental issues?
Your family doesn't get any of the above?
Be yourself? Fuck you, I'm in this mess by being myself.
>t. 27 yo

>Getting a career when most of your early life is either NEET or a wageslave job.
>(Re-)entering society when you've spent a long time in isolation.

I don't think I've ever seen thread with an older user end on a positive note.

Uh, there are older anons here posting all the time. What you describe sounds like not an age thing but someone not wanting advice and only whines.

>Looming mental issues?
Oh jesus that's been, ironically, on my mind for a while, especially today when I got mad after dropping half-cooked food on the floor, cursing at my lack of anything and cursing god for making it this miserable. Then I sat there for an hour or two watching the steam from the mess on the floor slowly dissipate.

When Christmas is over and I finally get some time off from work I'm going to go my GP and see what they can do for my mental health. Cos god in heaven I can't stand this anymore, and if they can make me numb all the better.

>Uh, there are older anons here posting all the time.
Far and few between. Show me one that ends with actual actionable advice.

Older user here. What exactly do you want advice on?

Why does it need to be a thread asking for advice? It doesn't seem to stop other threads from accumulating (you)s despite them being blatant bait.

What advice can you give me that isn't
>I'm 30 and I fixed my life
>at 23

You're not making any sense.

Tell me about your life and problem and how you fixed it.

Yeah me but I don't want to be told to kms and then try to argue why I shouldn't because it's kind of difficult to argue thinking about it so I'd rather not talk about it. So yeah you're not alone user.

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That's a lie.
I am Alone

How are you getting by? Life has become almost unbearable.

27 here

I sympathize. Now that i have life figured out, all the problems I see here are so small and easy to solve. It's amazing. I can't believe this is what I used to be like (I can relate to 90% of these posters). But i suppose this is what growing up looks like.

My problems now are more complex and self-inflicted. Like I challenge myself stuff just to keep life interesting.
Like, should I be more egotistical or altrusitic?
What kind of woman do I want to start a family with?
Already a richfag, but I want to make a few million i the next few years. How can I do it?
Where should I live?
And what should I do with my life, now?

All are delightfully hard to answer and not really something I can use this board for. I think my best shot for advice is to ask senior citizens desu. Because generally they have everything figured out. Or at least tjey have hindsight that I lack.

Pic related. On bus to Paris.

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Yeah they told Hitler to just be himself and we all see how that happened.

Maybe try leaving your comfort zone. First decided what you want, then break it down into steps, then work on each step like a challenge.

Treat challenge as something fun. That's a big mistake I see in our generation.

>Maybe try leaving your comfort zone. First decided what you want, then break it down into steps, then work on each step like a challenge.
It ain't gonna work.
I have zero resources to try something like that.

Thing is, being 27, I assume you turned your life around earlier than that.

And there seems to be nothing that's low entry, everything seems to be high-energy even for things that don't require it.

Then wither in despair.

Lol it sounds like such a joke to me
"I have zero resources to [blah]"

Like that thought literally never crosses my mind. If I don't have something, I ask myself "How do I get it?"

"I don't have resources."
"How do I get resources?"

Lol like it's so fucking obvious. My advice is redundant at this point. Because before I said to take a goal, and break it down into steps. Getting resources is apparently your first step and you just stop there. You don't even bother breaking it down into smaller elements or anything.

So fuck it
You're not just 27+
You're 27+ and moronic.

Oh yes, mock me.
I have been trying to get a work for fucking 5 years.
No work means no money, no money means no familiar independence, no familiar independence means a shitload of bullcrap that I'm not gonna name, etc.
Being a complete social pariah is just a bonus at this point.
Fuck you dude, you ain't giving any advice I haven't heard in the past 8 years.
Go, go to Paris. Live your successful life. You're as useless in giving advice as everyone.

But you are an incel who wants pussy and doesn't get any?

I was homeless with nothing, no friends nor family and I pulled myself out of it and into a good job in less than a year.

You'll get nowhere by throwing a pity party. You're the only one who keeps you alive.

And when I was living in shelters and stuff, I heard that "catch 22" bullshit from them all. Those men are probably still homeless to this day. Real men figure it out.

You NEED to be mocked and told hard truth if you want help.

Throw a pity party if you want, but I don't accept your invitation.

uh no?

>You're the only one who keeps you alive.
My three suicide attempts suggest otherwise at this point.
Go, keep mocking others.

Heh, a thread filled with people who just want to feel sorry for themselves and refuse to see that unless you're older than 40 you can still build skills to pick your life up

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Like that's any different from the rest of the threads.

>older than 40
You can do it until death.

I sorta doubt you can pick up your life after 40 if you've made no progress before then.

Why not?

>the pity party continues
No one cares about you. You committing suicide will be a fart in the wind.

Just live your life. Or don't. The world doesn't care.

Well you couldn't really expect a person in their early 20s like yourself to understand that people are still productive past their 20s anyways.

Medication fixes social skills, motivation, and anxiety. Just take Adderall and some anti depressants and you're good to go.

If you haven't gone through the basic rites of passage that most people go through before 25, how the hell do you expect to at 40?

You didn't even understand the post.

What can you do at 25 that is not possible to do at 40?

>is natural selection just killing us
If you depend on Jow Forums for survival, that is grim. I hope you get the help you need.

This is OP? Well from what I notice a lot of people out there are suffering from socially related issues because they didn't work on that since they were kids or because their life sucked when they were kids.
It really and I mean really pisses me off when I see people talk about how their families are trash and use garbage religion to manipulate them into thinking everything will be alright as long as they live life the way they (the sheep) do. I think here where I'm from DCF should step up their game and identify kids when they're young and in school to talk about their problems if they see these kids are isolating themselves already. If you see a kid who is not even in high school spend a lot of time by him/herself and not around anyone else this kid likely has problems and it's your responsibility as an adult to see if there is anything you can do to help. Some of these kids believe what their families tell them and the problem is, it's all good until they're adults and they realize how wrong they were to believe in their deranged kin.

>What can you do at 25 that is not possible to do at 40?
Don't frame the question like that. That's low.

The question in it's correct form: How is not possible to *start* life at 40 compared to 25?

It isn't. That's over 30 years of socialising you missed out on.

>it's all good until they're adults and they realize how wrong they were to believe in their deranged kin.

Lol. I learnt too late my parents know nothing.

Getting a career. Once you're 40 without any experience, you are not given any chances.
Aside from that, building a social life is still possible

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>building a social life is still possible
I can't visualise this. All I can imagine that being is the warhammer figurine painting group which, as far as I can tell, not in the mainstream. Yet.

True getting a social life is possible but it's not simple, I remember when I started working I had quite a few co workers around my age and they seemed reluctant to let me in their circle because I carried the loser label. I had no friends until then, they thought it was my fault and didn't want to get involved with me I imagine. They talked to me at work but that's as far as things went.

Don't frame the answer like that. That's low. There is literally nothing stopping you at 40.

Alright explain how you can start life at 40.

That's the problem with a lot of kids today, they believe their parents and they think their parents know how life works. When I came of age, I realized they didn't know shit and that's putting it mildly. They didn't know what to do beyond sweeping floors and scrubbing shit. Funny thing is they raised me to be successful and have a great job one day yet they completely missed the social aspect of human life. They're basically the kind of people that lived in these narrow minded villages in foreign territory and couldn't even stand their own families for stupid reasons. You have no idea how I regret not just going against their wishes when I had the chance, the more time passes the more I fear it's too late to turn things around.

The same way you start it at 25.

>Funny thing is they raised me to be successful and have a great job one day yet they completely missed the social aspect of human life.
Oh shit are you a long lost sibling? I failed on the great job part in the end cos getting a good job also requires social skills, hell, getting that shit shelf-stacker job required being a "people person".

At 29 with no friends, no gf, a wageslave job and a few other lacks, I don't know what to do.

>none answer
I don't know why I expected something more.

What do you plan to do now?

What can you do now in terms of skills? How old are you? Do you have working experience?

I'm 29 and I stack shelves. That's the entire extent of me.

You didn't answer how you can start life at 40.

Well I'm trying to get a job and hold on to it for a while. I was the guy that a year ago didn't know how to do anything at all. This year 2018 I learned how to drive and pretty well in a city. I got 2 jobs the first one being fast food which sucked because I wasn't fast enough to make burgers and fried trash food at the same time. Then I worked in hospitality for a while in an entry level position where I did much better and felt useful for the first time. This was actually my first job a few years back when I was in my early 20's but I quit because it was heavy and I worked in a factory like setting where it was pretty hot and some of the work was extremely monotonous. Standing next to a 300 degree ironing machine is mind numbingly exhausting when you do it beyond 4 hours. This was the first time I was also able to open up to other people my own age since forever, I told them a little bit about myself something I didn't even do back in high school because I didn't trust anyone.

Now I'm hoping to do something I know I can do and not feel like I'm worthless.

>Well I'm trying to get a job and hold on to it for a while.
Anything in particular?

>people my own age
I find that people my own age (27-33) are now in careers or something, cause I never find them in the wageslave jobs I do now.

Congrats on learning how to drive.

Do you have a background in higher education i.e college or university?

A degree in maths. Hasn't come in use for the past 7, coming on to 8 years.

Because you failed to provide a single reason why being 40 makes it impossible compared to being 25.

No one's going to hire a 27+ year old fuck up over the 22 year old who got it right the first time. 25 is the cut-off for success unless you're a CEOs kid or fucktoy.

3 posts have given you various reasons. But you're not gonna answer because you don't have any and just collecting (you)s.

Which posts?

Teenager detected.

You're not even gonna try are you?
Here's your last (you).

People who avoid doing nerdy things because they dont want to be seen as nerdy are the biggest bitches on the planet. Video games make more money than movies. You can buy board games beyond basic bitch entries like monopoly and scrabble in Barnes and Noble. The biggest and most popular kickstarters are for play pretend army men. It really shows how little you get experience you have of the outside world. Go to a hobby shop for once, Comic Book Guy hasnt been a relevant stereotype for a decade

>Go to a hobby shop for once, Comic Book Guy hasnt been a relevant stereotype for a decade
You really are a kid aren't you? The point of the post you're replying to went straight over your head.

Well the thing is I don't know where I want to end up for the rest of my life or for the foreseeable future but I have some idea what I can and can't do as of now. I struggle with jobs where social interaction is a must so being a cashier in a store keeps me from applying to a lot of retail jobs because I'm afraid they'll try to cross train me for that and I know things won't end up well if I do that right now. I did pretty well in jobs in the hospitality industry so I might do something in that field or maybe I'll go into something requiring technical knowledge of things like being a mechanic. I'll try to figure it out before the year ends.

That's how it is in my case with most of the people I knew back in HS, they are a lot more successful than I am now. They did things the way they should be done at their stage, so I expected nothing less. I feel like I'm one of the few that were doing well back then and then I nosedived so fast after that, I don't think I would be able to look at anyone I knew eye to eye and tell them what happened. I knew a lot of them for 5+ years but wasn't close friends with any of them.

Thanks, I had an idea back when I was around 21 but I was afraid of getting in an accident and put in on the side.

>I feel like I'm one of the few that were doing well back then and then I nosedived so fast after that, I don't think I would be able to look at anyone I knew eye to eye and tell them what happened.

Turns out that social skills are worth a lot more than academics, especially since most good jobs seem to be gotten through networking or a silver tongue.

You tried being a teacher? Well at least you're good enough with math, that's the reason I didn't make it in college I was going for a career in STEM.

>You tried being a teacher?
God no, I wouldn't be able to handle it. I still remember my science teacher being kicked down the stairs when I was at school.

Which jobs are good if you can into socializing?

Finance? Economics?

What kind of job would you see yourself doing?

Practically anything besides shit that requires actual academics like medicine and engineering but even then movement upwards in those careers require social skills.

I knew of a guy who got just a pass in his bullshit degree, applied for some position that required at the minimum a 2:1 but because he knew how to talk they gave him the position.

>Finance? Economics?

Need a good grade for the graduate schemes and you need to be able to talk well.

I'm hoping to do something IT related. Seems like a lot of money there but apparently time is running out fast for me AND the industry.

Well if you have some support from friends or family you will be ok and I hope you figure out what you want to do.

Part of the reason things went the day they did was because right now no one gives me advice or motivates me in a meaningful way. My parents are in their 60's and were peasants their entire lives (they don't even speak English) and my only sibling is in a similar predicament where she doesn't know what to do with herself and her job isn't good enough to live off from although she has some form of insurance. I'm on my own and have been since I was out of high school.

im 28, ive been working as a delivery driver for the last 2 or 3 years. i got a dui a couple months ago and that took me out of the game for a minute obviously. ive been thinking about going to school to become a plumber because this driving shit is a dead end, and now especially with a dui getting hired somewhere better might be more difficult.

Dude weak. Cries for help are so 2003.

Yeah bro just take some pills bro a doctor wouldn't prescribe them if they don't work lol

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>the 22 year old who got it right the first time
Aye, a unicorn.

I fucking got the fuck off the internet and went to therapy, and that was to help overcome the grief of my father dying when I was 8

So let's fucking hear it, what have you done about your lot in life? You're 27, no excuses. You wanna be treated like an adult, prove you can act the part.

Trades are always in demand. Plumbing is good because it's good to be able to fix yourself and people are always gonna be shitting.
Electricians also manage work though I've heard you probably wanna start in commercial work there?

No friends dude, just one or two people who check on me from time to time to make sure I'm not dead. One literally said:
>I know it sounds selfish but I don't want your death on my conscience.

Similar boat as you, no real motivation. There was one femanon I was talking to, similar age and interests and situation even, for a couple of months who kinda (or a lot even) motivated me but she disappeared.

>that was to help overcome the grief of my father dying when I was 8
You trying to play Top Trumps with tragic backstories? Why don't you just tell him at least he's not starving in Africa?

People get over their shit all the time, it's fucking annoying to sit here and see people causing their own problem at 20, it's another thing entirely to see that seven years later they still can't get their shit in gear. Like for fuck's sake, the dude opened up by belittling other threads. Well fuck me what's so bad about his life then?

Life sucks. Wear a fucking helmet.

These seem eerily similar to the issues of the average 22 year old on here

Yeah, but he doesn't have the benefit of age on his side.

You can still be a virgin, in a wageslave job, socially awkward, etc but after 25 people expect you to have some sort of direction in life and some relationship experience.

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They expect you to have just an ounce more strength and willpower than "I mustered up the courage to complain online, on an anime-rooted imageboard, on its board for Jow Forums that is-- by my own assessment-- filled to the brim with people drowning in their own non-problems."
I may be working a wageslave job but fuck, man. I push myself for SOMEthing.

>They expect you to have just an ounce more strength and willpower than "I mustered up the courage to complain online, on an anime-rooted imageboard, on its board for Jow Forums that is-- by my own assessment-- filled to the brim with people drowning in their own non-problems."

What fucking path is there besides just shouting into the void?
I'm gonna do that next month when my wageslave schedules clears but I don't have high hopes for it. I mean, like I'm sure my depression is caused by a shitty life that compounds on itself rather than a chemical imbalance.

>I push myself for SOMEthing.
And that something is?

>Do losers even exist anymore?
Yes, I'm a loser, AMA.

If I was 22 again, I would do everything, try everything, I would make an ass of myself with no care for others thought of me. If I still ended up in the same position as I am now, at least I would have the ability to say I tried.

>No friends
>No college education
>Never worked (Live in UK)

How do you even find what you want to do in life? I hated school, it was like a prison, and I detest the trades. I've never been interested in what society offers, never really wanted to do anything but I can't stay like this forever...

I also have no idea how I would lose my virginity at this age, people expect experience, and women say it doesn't matter, it's the reasons why but their emotions about you change instantly.

I hope I get in to therapy in the new year...

*How do I even get over and live with all the time i've wasted. Depression and anxiety just doesn't cut it as an excuse no matter how true.

UKfag too? I'm gonna book an appointment with my GP in the next month about my mental well-being.

i lost mine at 28. i was in this weird emotional affair with this girl that had a boyfriend and eventually i realized i was just wasting my time with her. after that my attitude changed and i gave up on holding out for her. i went to bars with a couple friends and now all of a sudden i could focus on other girls that actually wanted to fuck me, and then it happened. and honestly it was easy as hell, the girl i lost it to was a one night stand and she came at least a couple times, of course i didnt tell her i was a virgin and she had no idea. ive just continued doing that since then with a longer fling here or there.
i wouldnt say its made me happier necessarily but it is what it is. i thought i was hopeless in that area but it was just me getting in my own way with bullshit. i think a solid relationship would make me alot happier, but thats a whole different issue. anyway point is if i can do it you can do it.

Yeah, I need to get an appointment. I have a "first for well being" booklet which can help you get in to therapy as well. Going to try go to my GP and check them out in the new year.

>visit parents for holidays
>Hoping this year things will be a little brighter
> All they talk about is how "were busting our ass and you don't do shit!" Or "why are you so depressed?! Your problems are nothing compared to ours!"

Anybody else have shit parents like this? Sometimes I just wish they could tell me how good of a job I'm doing in college or how they're proud of me for holding a job.

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>then it happened. and honestly it was easy as hell, the girl i lost it to was a one night stand and she came at least a couple times, of course i didnt tell her i was a virgin
Something feels like you're either not telling the truth or there are massive information gaps in your story.

>Anybody else have shit parents like this?
Fuck 'em. It's partly their fault you turned out like this. I've watched my parents re-interpret the past in front of me, take when I had this idea, a dumb geeky/stupid idea that wouldn't fly back in the 00s, but I remember them stopping me from pursing it because to them it was a stupid idea, Then someone, years later takes the same idea and becomes pretty successful and wealthy because of it. I bring this up last year or the year before, and they act like they gave me free reign to anything and that it was my fault for not going ahead with the idea.

when tf did you lower the age? wasn't it +30?
i'm 27 and completely lost

i have no reason to lie to anonymous strangers on the internet. we were both pretty drunk so judgement was no doubt impaired. im just trying to say that its not that big a deal and you dont have to overthink, which was my problem for a long time

>im just trying to say that its not that big a deal and you dont have to overthink, which was my problem for a long time
I have nothing to talk about and I still stumble over my words when it comes to women.

27, quit my job 1 month ago.

Got a job interview in 2 days actually.

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Any advice guys and gals?

"Np just get over yourself. Thats what I did, I was not better, then i was better! Take it from me, my life turned around when it turned around!

Break it into steps, use my 1 step method:
Be better!"

Wow I never thought of it like that. Thanks for talking down to everyone without actually imparting wisdom!

>27+ Thread

Why did this get bumped down from 30+? I can't really relate to 27 year old kids, no offense.

And there's always like a 5 year margin where the 30+ threads have 25 year olds popping in being like HEY GUYS ME TOO RIGHT WAIT UP so now this thread is gonna be filled with like 22 year olds


Probably because the 30+ threads were slow as shit and would die out before a week.

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i literally wasted the past 10 years...