Redpilling your gf

How do you go about it? It's really hard when they have gay nigger friends and can't imagine having kids before 30. Even worse, what if she wants a career?

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make her cum and she will follow your lead

But not really

take them to some shithole like Jackson Mississippi or Detroit, drive around the ghetto and show her the reality of the world outside her suburban utopia.

Normies already know how it looks, but they blame it on whitey because they don't understand shit.

If she has gay nigger friends she’s too far gone.
Find a girl who doesn’t care about politics and mold her

>my gf

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she doesn't really care about politics, or if she does she doesn't mind that I'm pretty right wing.

Redpill them on the past, the first step is to teach them history is written by the victors, everyone accepts leaders of the past lied so no one argues against this. From there you just have to show examples of why the leaders of today are the same as the leaders of yesterday in the way they twist their facts. This doesn't make them redpilled but it sets the groundwork for redpilling

You mean ex girlfriend.

D&D. I fucking shit you not.

I redpilled my gf so hard she started crying

>not subtly collecting as much data on her during the courting ritual by being genuinely selfless and giving with no strings attached, ultimately to open her mind and see her values through conscious measure

well my dude you maybe exactly can't go over 9000 if you really like her or else I doubt you'd have made this thread. alright buddy just fucking rig the fuck out that shit and get it man. just whip your dick out and get her off as many times as possible, when you're done and she's starstruck just remind her it was the Jews

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Women will usually shift their entire political stand point to that of her partner simply out of subconscious submission to the dominant force in the relationship.
Point out things that don’t make sense.
Why are we teaching kids about homosexuality and trans before they’re taught about reproduction?

Mine is a feminist and radical leftist. So far I managed to turn her center leftish, I'll come back when I make her a nun so I can go for the next one.
Trick: If she is devoted to you even the hardest challenges become possible. Always be emotional about things, they'll cave in even if it doesn't make any sense.

My wife just found out how much refugees get paid in Toronto. 1700. Fasted redpill there is.

You are supposed to protect her from the evils of the world, not thrust them upon her. Make sure she relies on you to tell her who to vote for, but don't involve her in political discussion.

How come you people always have leftist women?

This is accurate. My dad and I took my hyper feminist cousin on a trip through Detroit a few years back.
We explained that the city has been Democrat for half a century.
We explained that the city has been run by niggers for almost as long.
She was silent the entire drive.
As we left the city, she finally began to speak and it was exactly as you'd expect out of an unrepentant npc commie retard.
I mused out loud to my dad in front of her that she probably only stayed quiet in the city because she was afraid we might make her get out and walk.
It didn't change her mind but shut her up again.
These people are just lost causes. Yuri B said it right, they're so indoctrinated, so brain washed that they'll refuse to see the truth, no matter what.

LOL no. You have to vet a woman you dumb fuck.
The idea though, isn't to see if she agrees with you, it's to see if she will submit to you. If she submits, then she's a keeper.

Explain to her how women having careers is bad for families. If she doesn’t want a family or disagrees then you should not pursue starting a family with her. Pretty straight forward


how is women having careers bad for families again

All women are the same user. They all want to submit to an alpha male. Some just don't know it yet.

>be gone thot

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who cares. shen they start saying anything you dont like.... just bend em over. it buys some time until you must repeat the process

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>It prolongs them having children.
Women will focus on career and then think about having kids around 30. This has a lot to do with low birth rates.
>leaving you children with baby sitters and day care is bad for child’s mental health.

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because you’re a retarded discord tranny faggot and should kill yourself

don't date girls like in your pic OP
they are miserable cunts, pump and dump only

Screw trudope

>Redpilling your gf
You marry her

I start with the easy stuff if women hate women how is feminism good for women? Make her compare women's happiness present to the past and how much women hate each other. For race is about how while women 'say' they aren't racist how many actually date outside their own race?

Basically you just gotta know how to ask the right questions and guide them to the right answers. You would be surprised at how many women already are secretly red pilled to some degree but just don't say anything due to social pressure.

whats bad about having kids at 30?

>she's a THOT!!!!!!!!

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Marry her and when she wants more responsibility over household fininances because she’s a strong independent female say that she can handle your Section 8 houses. For non Americans you invest in Basic Urban Housing and get money from the Feds but you have to deal with Niggers all day long. Now she’s basically Hitler that wants to compulsory abort the buglers of unwed nigger mothers.

lol i sure here that alot

You cant have as many as you would if you started at 20

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i would be happy to just give that one the dpill

Ask her to move with you. Rural America is amazing. Then you begin the procreation.

so is 30 better then?


My phone autocorrects niglets to burglars, nice

I agree with this quote, if it’s even real. In any case, she needs to die.

>when you describe them it just right

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blacks are aborted in the greatest numbers

is RBG secretly a racist?

This. You can’t have as many.

But also if you are a woman who is single,30, and career oriented... it will very hard for you to find a “good” man who wants to be with you. Because no man who is worth a damn wants to fuck with 30 year old woman who has been fucked by 100 dicks

that certainly is creepy and controlling

fuck her hard. light choking and slapping. then she'll be your cumslut and do whatever you say.

literally how it works

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have fun creating a bunch of autists and downies

How to convert lolbert gf into something a bit more natsoc? Already drilling into the fact "just because it doesn't concern you doesn't mean it won't affect you" through (California) Prop 8 being overturned against the will of the people, allowing malignant [nigger] culture to exist eventually spreads beyond its "containment" zone, and traitors being worse than the enemy. She is already on board with "integrate with culture or get out" and is const. fundie, but believes that people will just leave and let be if govt. steps back enough and subversion isn't a thing

This. Stop caring about her opinions. Put a baby in her. Raise the kid how you want. Be a man.

/thread. If she isn't parroting your political views, you aren't the man she respects most in her life.

Rape her.