Oh boy here we go
Biden's Wife Tweets He's Running
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A fucking white male
I so hope he wins. I can't wait until Trump is out of office.. he has been a disgrace the entire time (except to loser white trash)
Invoking the shrillery curse this early is like spitting in the face of karma
Oh boy
This should be good.
post creepy uncle joe pics please
creepy uncle joe
gonna take a go
he already killed his 2020 chances
what a stupid idiot
To the goy*
Ftfy but the rest of your statement is on point.
>Throwing in a fucking white male into a DNC that is at least giving a chance at progressivism
Watch as the DNC try to anoint ANOTHER old white person only to get BTFO by retarded progressives whining about muh white man
>no blue checkmark
>Jow Forums brainlets think this is real
Miss Biden got the envelope
>no (((bluecheck)))
these people got nothing left in them
I thought your subject said Blade's wife and was immediately disappointed when it wasn't.
hilarious that all which remains on this site are obvious paid shills, trolls trolling trolls and literal spambots just shut it down already desu goyimpai
Uncle Paedo/Aging Whore 2020
There's your ticket dems, be proud
how has he not been metoo'd by now
hmm time to kill myself
Because he's immune, metoo is entirely artificial.
"This is not a funeral. We got your old dog and you are next."
This is amazing, we need to push for him to beat the shitshow of diverse windowlickers of the Dems, then watch him get destroyed by Trump. Biden 2020
I don't know why there's such a conspiracy with these envelopes. They probably are just thank you for attending notes.
Creepy Joe is actually our best hope to prevent turning America into a socialist country. If he wins in 2020, he'l probably be reelected in 2024 and there's a very high chance that a Republican wins in 2028. By 2028, the "new democratic party" will be forgotten.
Oh nice his first major faux pas of the 2020 season
Supoenas on camera
Yes, that's why Loser Bush looks really happy seeing it.
I can pinpoint the exact frame, when Loser Bush figures out that he and his whole Nazi family is fucked.
Bring me the pedophile headlines from CNN and WP, I have been waiting all year for this. I hope this campaign absolutely destroys what little positive image Biden had left for both parties, just because it would be entertaining.
Because that Shillary Clinton happy bday tweet aged so well.
Fucking boomers
The memes would be catastrophic
>CNN bashing fox for its unyielding partisan policies
El oh el
But it was spot on?
Start spreading them now, lads, so we all have a copy to share with our friends. Also don't spread them on normies book until the primaries. People's memories are too short.
What was in the envelope, to reckon?
Gosh it's so obvious, it was served at this time because they will all receive them on camera and can't pretend they never got one, which is the usual trick
>If defeat them, they win
Are you a leaf?
new orders for the blackmailed
the whole thing is an internal power struggle to know who will lead the cattle for the chosen peoples
Biden would demolish Trump. I honestly hope the Democrats will push Biden instead of insanely bitchy cunt kamala harris.
maybe he'll divide the field and let bernie win
He's white it won't happen
Unless he paints his face black and calls himself
>Jamal Oboudin
I'm just pragmatic. Sometimes you just have to compromise. Besides, U.S demographics are not on the side of the Right. It's a simple risk/reward calculation... if socialists are not contained now, they will destroy America. Just think about it, Trump is all republicans have right now. Without him the GOP no longer exists. 2024 will be a fucking nightmare (small hint : AOC will turn 35 in October 2024)
He looks quite familiar.
Socialism isn't the problem, moron
Found the commie.
Yes it is
kys discord tranny
>shitlibs are gonna vote for a privileged white man
Well, he’s toast
He's 100 years old, just another Democrat cannon fodder for 2020 elections. They understand Trump will do two terms.
I have to be honest, I would LOVE to know what was in those letters. They all looked genuinely scared.