
>racial and ethnically diverse
>greek influence
Why does Jow Forums like the romans again?

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they were based until the fall of the republic

Before immigration:
statues of big strong men and fertile women
After immigration:
muscles turn to noodles, women turn to men

Didn't all that come towards the end? Like, aren't all those signs of a civilization in decline?

That was in their age of decadence that they were like that.

Tell that to Zeus , the stories were before the fall

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And historical revisionism never existed back then? give me a break

Homosexuality was actually illegal in ancient Rome. It was just illegal in the sense that jaywalking is illegal. And Romans were not polygamous, I mean, not anymore than any other society. Monogamous marriage was the norm in Rome.

What if these statues are to symbolise why they fell. Not glorify the act but to condemn in stone

>yes goy, Romans were actually a bunch of boipuccie fucking, nigger loving degenerates
Why do they always try to perverse any and all historical figure?
>yes goy Jesus actually looked like this and it’s scientifically correct and just a coincidence we made him look like a fucking cave gorilla even by Middle East standards
>yes goy ancient Britons were actually negroes
>yes goy medieval europeans were backward and beyond retarded unlike the glorious advanced muslims

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