I know that Jow Forums usually has good insight into race mixing issues so I thought I would come here to ask: I’m thinking seriously about finding a Latina woman and burning my cock inside her. I’ve heard Latina wives are the most loyal and faithful and the fuck 4-6 times per week.
>incredible sex drive >modest taste in clothing >faith based and spiritual >good work ethic
The downsides seem to be:
>will absolutely gain weight as they age with starchy diet >gotta take the whole fucking family wherever you go >abuelita is def gonna live with you eventually >volatile temper and menstural cycles
I married one. Divorced her worthless ass two years later. Do not marry one.
Dominic Long
I don’t know, I’m a virgin incel beta male but bump for interest.
Evan Williams
Why not? They’re sexy.
Liam Gutierrez
>Pure Spanish/Portuguese sure
>Castizo Do with Caution!!!!
>Mestizo and below DO NOT think about it.
Hunter Flores
whats up with her eyes reptile spotted
Blake Scott
That looks like a roach
Landon Jackson
Mason Reed
yea but retarded
Christian Gutierrez
Avoid this option. If you're going to go for something exotic, try Asian/Pacific Islander instead.
Eli Rogers
youtube.com/watch?v=rqFEHXXZtqI ceci sont des eleman pour croire au crist et aller a la messe tout les dimanche et le prier dieu vous oblige pas a croire
who gives a fucc get that succs before she takes your buccs
Benjamin Scott
Asking if its based or broken, means you're broken.
Carson Sanders
You just described my mother.
Not that I know much about her sex drive, but I exist and I have a brother, so she’s done it at least twice.
Austin Adams
Been with one for 6 years and will likely marry her. She is very kind and fun, has a great ass that has held up well, puts a lot of effort into fitness and makeup. She cooks all the time. She had a horrible temper, got it from her mom, but has worked on it a lot and is much more calm now when we disagree or have to work something out. She's thicc and eternally cute. She is also opposed to the PC bullshit and is very aware of race and class stereotypes and issues.
I would probably not get married or have kids if i didnt know her specifically. If you find a good one they are definitely wife material, but i have met a bunch of slutty latinas through her as well, so be careful.
Broken and cucked. Californian here. You know how their families are. Are they loud enough yet? Do you call their food "cooking"? Did you grow up wanting to eat peppers, coconut and rice? Do you like picking up poo paper in your bathroom together? Do you want your children learning that that's how you "potty"? Do you want to come home and hear your children speaking Spanish? Do you really think their hair looks like ours?
Take a shotgun and yourself out to the cuck shed, user. Once there you know what to do.
Samuel Gray
I did the same. They truly are subhuman. Glad she's gone.
Evan Young
>they use their cunts as a weapon That's literally all women have, you can't blame them desu youtube.com/watch?v=28gvMM8KXm4
I dated one. They are sexy when fit, but are unhinged and even when managed well will be a constant source of trouble for you
Jack Price
this is true but at 16 they are the best women ever
Colton Diaz
don't racemix. not out of hate, but because it just doesn't work, their culture is way too different from yours, even if it might not seem so at the first glance.you'll regret it later. also, mixed kids, le 56%face Spanish/Portuguese are not "latina". When americans say "latina" they basically mean mestizo/castizo
Don't do it OP. Marry whites only. If you HAVE to racemix marry an east asian, at least then your children won't have room temp. IQ. They'll just hate themselves instead.
Kayden Murphy
Latino/a refers to all people in the Americas who speak a latin-based language. (Thus Quebecois are Latino and if Romania ever had a pure Romanian colony they too would be latino)
Easton Hernandez
you can fuck them but dont marry them,retard.
Evan Stewart
wrong - sex outside marriage is bad
Jeremiah Edwards
That pic is not even a good example of what would inspire enough lust to go for it.
Try Demi Rose Mawby, instead. She's a British-Latina hybrid.
just wait till her cousin/brothers/fathers/uncles stab you or kill you when she eventually turns on you.
Jayden Edwards
which one is miss mexico?
Noah Hernandez
100% right. Dad white, mom from South America. Can confirm. Horribly Loud culture that has no shame.
David Bennett
All of thos Pros used to be the case. Current gen Latina women are useless. If you get yourself one of those hard knock life latinas, you might be good. The attractive ones you see in pics have adopted (or tried to adopt) the USA lifestyle. They're looking for a rich dude to get them out of their grandparents house so they can be taken care of.
You know it's bad when you have to teach them how to cook and clean.
Thomas Wood
I say go for it.
Juan Young
Jesus fucking Christ.
These are subhuman shitskins.
Do any of you bitch about white women fucking niggers? Because this is literally no better.
Chase Martinez
Make sure they are more light skinned and 2/3 of your kids will look whiter than 90% of Jow Forums. And other than that you'll be fine >t. Son of Latina/German family
Jack Hall
I’ve been with one for 4.5 years and it’s been great. Never argumentative. Submissive. Had my children. Works hard. I love her but she might be a diamond in the rough. Maybe don’t choose her based on her race this time user
Nathaniel Anderson
lol seething virgin
Dylan Murphy
I'm married to a Castiza Hispanic. >Light skin. Green eyes. My experience is the following.
>>will absolutely gain weight as they age with starchy diet Not that hard to combat though. You need to lead her in the right direction. Trust me, she'll follow. >>gotta take the whole fucking family wherever you go They're usually a good time. They love to cook. >>abuelita is def gonna live with you eventually She will take care of your children while you work, user. She'll even iron your work clothes and fix your lunch. >>volatile temper and menstural cycles It really isn't that bad. She isn't white so she won't think about raping you in court and taking your kids.
>I’ve heard Latina wives are the most loyal and faithful and the fuck 4-6 times per week. I can almost guarantee that this is a lie and a case of "grass is greener on the other side". If you're still going for a latina, pick one with mostly white genes instead of mostly native genes. Your children will be pretty white.
Gavin Murphy
Dude, at least niggers know where the toilet paper goes after you use it. I'd frankly take, re-teach and tame thirty of them before admitting even one of you as an American. If these flyover anons lived among as many of you as we have to here in doomed cucked California their woods would look like tamarind trees, pic related >Niggers = pass >Spics = hard pass That's the breaks, paco. Learn to use a toilet >t. Los Angeles user