>people still think autism is real
She’s going to represent Jason Genova over t-shirt fraud in Florida as her first case, fwiw.
She's so cute
I wonder if she has a husband
>he spends all day on 4chin
>he doesn't think autism is real
God I fucking hope so. Maybe they’ll hook up too
She's probably really good about reading through thousands of books on caselaw. Kinda have to be an autist for legal research desu.
>you don't exist
>tfw no qt autismo lawyer gf
This country deserves to get glassed.
Lawyers are true NPCs. Walk in any law faculty at any university and you'll notice that they're the most bland, boring type of person completely devoid of any type of real personal interests or passion. They willingly spend their whole life doing soul numbing, make-believe bullshit in their constructed reality only because they believed it would bring them a high societal status and a matching salary. Every single one of them, from the 18-year-old college freshman that wears a poorly fitting suit to class to the self-important big shot lawyer, suffers from a sick narcissism that helps mask their pitiful boringness and blandness.
Autism was found by the Nazi's and used against Subhumans. Thousands of autists were sent to their deaths by Dr Asperger as part of racial hygiene purges.
Any autist saying they are proud to be autist is literally saying they are subhuman.
That is funny because Germans as a people have lots of "autistic" features.
Basically it comes down to functional and non-functional autism spectrum behavior.
the ones with lower IQ or who otherwise can't cut it are essentially retarded.
but really germans are all just functional autistics (I don't say this to be mean, it seems they as a people have some autistic habits)
Its all professional persona, mate. No one wants to flip a coin on an interesting and wacky lawyer, they want one that works by the book with reliable results.
Half of lawyers are already autistic though... they do most of the actual work but would sperg out if you tried to put them in front of a client.
>tfw no qt fully functional autistic gf that makes a lot of cash and works in a prestigious position
Why even live?
going by the way the wind bells blow on this board, she won't be the last
>tfw no autistismo gf
>first openly autistic to practice law
If you look at the digit ratio on her hand she is clearly jewish. Still cute tho
that's kinda cute
She's cute I'd breed her
This. Autism is some made up bullshit that's used as excuse to ostracize and (((medicate))) anyone who is cold, logical, intelligent and somewhat introverted. Same thing with depression--it's a scam to (((medicate))) anyone who is highly emotionally intelligent. But there is no "disease" that affects people with high (((verbal intelligence))) (although these people tend to be psychopaths and sociopaths).
hahaha this is gonna be hilarious i hope its live.
First OPENLY autistic person.
Any person aware of the signs of autism knows there are shitloads of autistic lawyers out there practising law.
She probably is on some Vietnamese autism self-help board.
Have these people ever seen Ted Cruz? Or Jeb Bush?
JUDGE: What are you fucking autistic?! Oh yea, right.