Reminder: Antifa Thug Eric Clanton was sentenced to probation

The Berkley professor who assaulted a Trump supporter with a bike lock only got three years PROBATION. They can’t keep getting away with it!

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You should seek justice on this matter yourself.

Find him, smash his face in with a bike lock

Hey hey CIA

if you're that mad, then start shooting.
until then, shut the fuck up.

someone got bonked on the head during the LARP fight. time to move on

>They can’t keep getting away with it!
They can and they will until you take the power form them.
That's the standard practice in anti-democratic regimes.
Toadies of the establishment will get special treatment.

Presided by a fellow sapiosexual judge most likely...

This is why you should always hire a top dollar attorney. If he went to court with a public defender he would be doing minimum of 5 years in prison. That's aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

I got more penalties for my DUI then Clanton got for violent felonies that could have put someone in a coma, in the same state no less. This looks like judicial activism

post dox or stfu

Why wouldn't the victims seek their own justice? I know I wouldn't just sit back and let my attacker get off with a slap on the wrist.

nah dude that's probably just an aussie posting the obvious

Eric Clanton doesn't exist anymore. He'll be on the run for the rest of his life for the info he gave on Antifa.

Someone go bike lock him lol.

Have you seen our justice system? Im not sure why anyone thought he was gunna face harsh justice.
wrist slappers

well yeah of course. they own the courts

Did he keep his job?

I never called a cop in my life.
Take from that what you will.

And Charlotville guy gets life sentence for nothing, land of the free indeed, if you are jewish maybe

You got more than 3 years of probation for a DUI? That's absurd if it was the first conviction.

Most of you dont understand how communist subversion works.

Clanton is definitely a communist operative and has some connection to the former KGB, albeit most likely not a very direct connection.

His contact told him that he needed to be out there on this day and no matter what happened he would be safe. Then Clanton gets arrested and the contact is in touch with a judge, who is either sympathetic, or has been blackmailed, to give the absolute minimum sentence allowed.

Watch some Yuri Bezmenov vids if you havent already

based aussie poster

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>judicial activism

these people are literally enemies of the state working for a foreign power. they may not realize it, but that is the reality.

Stop calling him a professor, that term used to have meaning.

wat he did ?

The skulls of right wingers are not worth the calcium it took to form them

Cry more bitch nigga

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Few years ago a local kid riding his bike to work at Bob Evans. Just out of high school. Ran over and killed by a drunk driver. Kid is dead. Drunk driver got 18 months in prison. Less than two years.

i wish a nigga would

well don't let them, show up with your friends at the next antifa event with a US flag and MAGA hats to start turning gears

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He probably ratted on his cronies

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Eric should live in constant fear for his life. The right in this country is so pussyfied.

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His kike lawyer got him a free pass. Gas the fucking kikes.

Sadly, none of these was arrested and Jow Forums wasn't interested in tracking them down.

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>random guy gets his head cracked open and bleeds all over the place
That could have very, very easily killed him. At the very least, he probably has cognitive issues now because a blow like that would certainly affect your brain.

There was probably some mitigating circumstances. A few years ago there was a kid in the Dallas area who was 18 or 19 and fatally killed a few people while driving drunk, but he got off with 5 years probation. In court his lawyer argued that the crash was unavoidable - and it was. The victim had stopped their car in the left lane of a highway right after the top of a hill. They stopped directly in the roadway, and were walking around the vehicle. Their poor decision is why the kid got off with probation rather than vehicular manslaughter conviction.

The time has come for late night extrjudicial killings forming Pepe deathsquads. There will be not legal solution as the government and courts are too corrupted.

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Based and redpilled

Justice served

Clanton deserves a medal. It was hilarious how he bopped that conservative faggot on the head, and the dude's mullet went flying.

I wish faggot morons on here would get bopped on the head too.

Go kys

knowing Massachusetts, he probably did.

>The time has come for late night extrjudicial killings forming Pepe deathsquads.

This kind of infantile shit is why the right is losing. Do you think these so-called soi boys and faggots are sitting around fantasizing about 80 year old military doctrine using cartoon characters? Grow the fuck up.

So did freedom and justice and society

Well what is your great solution then?

If you faggots are going to be this passive, you deserve everthing thats coming.

At a certain points its time to wake up and realize only violence changes anything.

You mean like the white racist organization in Arkansas that the feds just busted? You know the ones no one has ever heard of, that committed crimes that we're reported nowhere?

Antifa work for the government, and the government protect their own. A top dollar attorney has nothing to do with it.

>Most of you dont understand how communist subversion works.
He most likely some glownigger.

Let it all fucking burn. I'm too old to care.

>ever getting punished
lmao. The only reason Weiner went to jail was because he fucked over Hillary and Huma.

The left is immune from prosecution for their crimes and they still claim victimhood.

wtf it was supposed to be 20 to life?