Obama appreciation thread

Damn. His grace, his legacy, his economy, the list goes on. Let's have an Obama thread for old times' sake.

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>literally who?

Thanks for red pilling America

Somebody has some splainin' to do

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>mfw there are zoomers browsing Jow Forums rn that are too young to remember Obama

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excuse me ?

tranny discord thread

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Obama had diginity and grace UNLIKE our current white trash piece of shit russian stooge president. I hate Trump and I hate the obsolete white trash that elected him.

>he doesn't remember Bush

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Post a picture of yourself.

So inspiring. I love his charisma.

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no white trash I am not

*blocks your path

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I'm told her and Obama just stink
Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur

you can feel the aura of tension in this unphotogenic sad faggot photo


genuinely curious what you think that is shillbot



Is that jake paul?

Paving the way for a Trump presidency. Do you think you guys would have ended up with him if Obama hadn't utterly shattered faith in the office?

>Hur dur don't you just love Obama, goy?
>No, really, please join your fellow goyim in the leftist cesspool, please?
>Please don't notice (((us))) pulling the strings.

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Economy. I fondly recall when middle aged people were fiercely competing for minimum wage jobs after being downsized. Good times for delusional communist traitors.

Would you watch the porn?

Remember the tears he shed after newtown. So much emotion, so much passion

Remember how he brought our country together durning Ferguson. And after travon.

Remember how he used the funeral of 5 dead police officers to lecture Americans about racism?

Reminder Trump has a higher approval rating now than Obama during his sixth year as president

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He made me proud to be an American .

Why are white people so fucking gay?