Cern controls the matrix

The internet was created so scientists could share data. It is hooked up too all the servers, and has access to all the data. They started by stealing a MIT guys project which predicted an economic collapse 7 months before it happened by analyzing data. The government then seized the program, combined Cern's metadata, with Geordie rosees Quantum computers to create a machine that allows them to test psyops in a computer world to game how they work in the real world. Geordie is now building kindred or algorithms for 'demon' aliens to habit robots, no bullshit.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah they have a database with every person on it and some basic data points about your age, sex, wealth, and political status etc. Its not that hard to model human society quite accurately with all the data everyone gives away. Still they're pretty lame at scrying. Even I can see further ahead.

>thousands of tweets talking about a march next week
>guys our algorithm had predicted a march next week
>omg we can see the future

I think it goes back to report cards, school records, internet sites, purchases.

When it combines the quantum computing power into policing robots, that are controlled by a Satan AI hive mind that knows where you go, when you go. Soon with cars, heat, body implants all connected to this same system it can just pick and choose who lives it gets a little scary.

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NERV from Evangelion finds its inspiration in CERN. Watching the series with this in mind is actually a lot of fun.


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More like SERN in (((steins))) gate, which I'm pretty sure is some sort of Revelation of the method propaganda by glowniggers

Don't they also have Shiva's statute there? It's his Nataraja form

>Take resources from parallel dimension.
Sure I understand the science and appeal of this, but, the ramification for the people in the universe we extract resource from ? What happens when they also discover quantum computing and we enter some kind of interdimensional reality and start ripping each others universes apart ? Someone should possibly poke their head through one of these nexus and check we are not eating lumps out of people every time we compute something using quantum chips. Just in case anyone cares. What happens if we start infringing on the personal dimension of some vastly advanced alien race that responds to our intrusion with extreme results ? Nobody did any good recon yet before we started literally data-mining ?

>Robots that are more capable than humans.
So at the same time that we blindly reach out and consume pure conciousness from beings in other dimensions, we are going to create a soulless cyborg race to replace ourselves and eventually populate the new sterile universe we have created. Roger that, seems like everything is on track.

There was a movie "The One", a psychopath discovered parallel universes, decides to kill all his doppelgangers, absorb their essence and become a god. Close now.

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Yes, they are fucking everything up.

>guy asks how do you stop AI from turning into something out of the Terminator
>hosts rants about human inefficiency and says you gotta change it yourself or it wont get changed

Wtf, this guy wants us dead.

Some father somewhere in a nearby universe is watching big bites of his family just disappear as though some invisible monster is eating them, seeing them become drooling mindless lumps of flesh or turn to dust every time some nerd from NASA feeds another amusing conundrum into his neat new pet vampire-tech to solve ?
How many other parallel societies are doing the same thing to us ? It's not like our timeline has gone smoothly, equivalents could be far ahead, have been feeding off us for centuries and this is why our world is in such a shit state ?

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Is that he/shes spinning destruction mode? I pet goat II comes to mind.

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Is this process what creates normies, NPCs ? All the consciousness, wisdom and individuality sucked away into some quantum duct for use in another dimension ?

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Who's to say your in the alpha timeline. They could of easily switched you with an Npc clone.

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Not possible in my case, replicating all the brain damage and retardation down to a minute detail would be too taxing even for a quantum computer.

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>be faggot liberal
>"lets make supercomputers to rum 100% accurate simulations of all possible human societies so as to best know how to achieve human equality and socialism!".
>results come in
>WTF? The computer just drew a fucking swastika?

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It's split up between a few main ones.

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Please end this gay earth

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Parallel universes are a b s o l u t e bullshit.
There's no alternative version of you, in a different universe, it's just science fiction.
No one can predict the future, they can have a really good guess and get it right sometimes.

Attached: antiwhite-jessieNYC.png (593x557, 137K)

NPCs on the loose with their nihilist transhumanist bs

Humans can alter timelines through their own law of attraction if they have a strong enough connection to their own spirit

God that video was insufferable bullshit.
>new age woo science fear porn meets boomers
The only thing that runs parallel is the presenters level of retardation and ability to breathe.

Imagine actually being this retarded.

You probably believe the Earth is flat or some shit as well.

Yeah, it's his "tandav" mode where he destroys all of creation by stomping it through dance.


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the bear jew except he kills zionists

the algorithms are gathering data on us to make facsimiles of us so that the elites don't have to live forever alone in the virtual world they are creating for themselves.

Are the elites retarded enough to think the technology that holds their virtual consciousness wont be destroyed in the rapture?