Ask me anything

I'm a literal faggot from SEA shithole. Ask me anything.

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peenoise or singapork

Do you see a lot of foreigners come in and act like BMOCs, flaunting and flexing?

Peenoise. Thank you, next.

I do. Thank you, next.

What is a good, professional-level salary where you're from?
How much does a regular house or condo cost?

PH. Decent professional salary here is 30K PHP if you are single but can actually do better if you got the full-package qualification.
A regular house/condo starts from 1.5M PHP

Are your women actually traditional like this shitty website says or is that the biggest meme ever? Dated one some time ago and she wasnt that different from the girls here.

It really depends on the background. Don't date those who are intentionally chasing foreigners. Get to know one with a deep convo, consider her English proficiency, and education, etc. Her aspirations shouldn't be all about you.

Opinions on Duterte? (If you’re from the Philippines of course)
PHs are cool btw, very hard working people with strong family values, big up

Congrats on Miss Universe.

What do you mean her aspiration shouldn't be all about me? Also what do you mean about her background? The one I dated came to the country 2 years ago, she liked to drink and always wanted to get drunk, got tattoos and wanted some more, and didn't like to cook and clean. She also used social media a lot and took many pictures.

I do support the government and I like Duterte's strategy in tapping the ppl's inner nationalism but his ways in enforcing the law does not really appeals to me. There must be be a better way in fighting illegal drugs than killing people but whatever...
TY, TY!!! I'm so pretty.
You dated the wrong girl. How did you two meet tho?

We met at school. She was cute and smart, she took her studies very seriously. She liked to drink and wanted to get drunk and have tattoos. She also use to always to tell me that she was fat, even though she wasnt at all, I'm believing she was insecure.

OK, that's nice. There are traditional women here but ofc each woman is different and the one you dated - I really don't know.

How do I know which ones are traditional? The ones I see in school tend to also have tattoos, like to drink, and wear a lot of make up. Also does your type of women like to use social media a lot? I see a bunch of them using it, taking so much pictures and receiving around 200 likes per photo.

Traditional ones are those who got no tattoo and not planning to have one, those who don't drink, don't wear a lot of make up and keeps social media within her own circle of friends not with random ppl they met online. They don't use social media a lot bc they are busy with their studies/career. They got their own money and helps her own family. Trad girls here are fr to die for. Skilled in housemaking, trained by their mothers, MILITANTLY religious. They aspire and dream for a better future and includes carrying a baby and forming a family. I'm a faggot so I wouldn't really know but that is the ideal traditional woman here desu. Tell me more...

How can I tell which ones are traditional? When we dated, she didn't have any tattoos until later on the relationship. Also do the types of clothes they wear matter? I see them either wearing expensive branded clothing and short shorts and skirts while I see others who wear any type of brand of clothing.

Ugh... Yes it does matter.

Breathe deeply. Look away from that screen and look around you! Seize the moment wherever you are! Anything matters but those who are present around you. Don't let it take over you bc you are probably wasting a lot of time stalking him. GL! Add me on discord. lmao just kiding

Tell me more. So if they wear branded clothing that means they're likely less traditional than the ones who wear any type of clothing? Also wearing short shorts means they're not traditional?

Women will always be women. They like stuffs and drawn to wear what will make them presentable but here wearing short shorts gives off the impression of being westernized and liberated - we try to break that mindset but it still does exist. Traditional women here doesn't really like attention and less likely to wear something flashy that will make them standout. There are also traditional women who are really presentable but you can sense the sublime hint of class and gives off the aura of being respectable.

So they do still wear branded clothing, but they don't show off, and they don't wear short shorts at all? Also are your women very picky and stubborn? The one I dated hardly ever wanted to go and do things I wanted to do. When I wanted to go to different areas she didn't want to go, she would get mad and get pouty.

I command you not to generalize women bc of what you have experienced from that girl. Not every woman here are picky and stubborn like the one you dated.

I hope what you're saying is true. The one I dated was just picky and never communicated with me. They're not bad communicators are they? What is the general traits of your women then? She kind of left a bad taste on me

Are you really that into it though? Wow!

Yes since they always say SEA are traditional women, but the one I dated and see around in school don't seem like it.

Date me instead lmao

Sorry not gay, any more info you can share?