What exactly is an incel? I'm 18 and a virgin. Haven't talked flirtatiously with a girl at all in the last 5 years...

What exactly is an incel? I'm 18 and a virgin. Haven't talked flirtatiously with a girl at all in the last 5 years, don't even know how to talk to girls anymore. Does this make me incel? Am depressed and suffer anxiety induced insomnia cause of my lack of social skills. Am on Lexapro and melatonin. Eyes are legitimately pic related.

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welcome, incel.

Everything you said is the same for me. If you go by the definition of incel(involuntary celibate) and I assume you want to have relationships and sex, then yeah we are incels.

Everyone has to work at least somewhat for sex. At 18, only about half of men who are going to have sex in their lives will have had it at that point.
So I think you're way too young for the Incel label.


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>What exactly is an incel?
An involuntary celibate, someone who can't get laid and has no say in the matter, social retards.

You're 18 and worried about that? C'mon OP, you have your entire life ahead of you if you want to start dating go ahead but don't think you're a loser because you're a virgin at 18. That's something people will say if you're over 25 or in your 30's and never had a girlfriend. Worry about going to school and getting a job if you want, dating should always be second to those.

I literally don't understand how relationships work.

No one on this site does either. I bet 90% of the males on this site have not fucked or been in a relationship with an attractive woman.

You're not an incel until you start blaming an entire gender for your shortcomings.

An incel is someone who claims he wants sex, but is actually a liar. He doesn't do anything that would get him sex, and he actively avoids making any effort. But he lies about it, and pretends it's the fault of society and women that he is not getting sex because he is trying to hard (he isn't trying jack shit).

See: Elliot.

A newfag meme that didn't even exist until like a year and a half ago.

It was actually ironically created by a lesbian woman, but then co-opted by r9k and redditors.

It's blaming everything and everyone for your own flaws and shortcomings and insecurities that prevent you from going on dates and being in a relationship.


>18 and virgin

I had sex at 18 and I was actually the first guy in my group of friends to do so. This was also 15 fucking years ago. Kids these days fuck even less than ever before. Don't believe r9k bullshit that like people are losing their virginity in middle school.


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There's a fine line between being ignorant and being uneducated.

If you're just 18 and never wasted your time with crazy hormonal girls, then that doesn't make you an incel. You're probably just inexperienced, which is in itself a lack of education through experience.

An incel is just another name given to virgin who claims victim. It is a person who blames other people for problems, like not being able to find a women.

Many of these frustrated virgins expect a girl to act a certain way to them, when they themselves haven't put any real effort to realize their own ignorance of themselves and the girls they attempt to ask out. While some of them may have valid problems with how some women are ungrateful and selfish, the incels are the problem themselves. Instead of taking responsibility for their relationship problems seriously, they indulge their ignorance of their real problems, and blame society and western women on their problems.

So if you take responsibility for how you act around women you want to date and maybe marry, you're not an incel.

Also OP, I should add, if you're not insecure enough about yourself to shoot up your school or campus, you're probably not an incel then either.

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I've been with 4 girls and I barely do either, all of them ended in disasters. but who gives a shit, I got laid and brought some experience with me.

I'm 26 and a virgin and I don't hate women. I'm just scared of sex

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>Also OP, I should add, if you're not insecure enough about yourself to shoot up your school or campus, you're probably not an incel then either.

most school shooters aren't incels, and most incels aren't school shooter. Incels just like start shit on youtube comments or whatever

You've been a datable person for 3 years of your life, no shit.

I haven't talked to a girl in a friendly manner in nearly 6.

Honestly dude you're still a kid, and I mean that in the best possible way. Don't develop an incel complex because then you'll be creating a self fulfilling prophecy. Are you going to college next year? Spend the next chapter of your life figuring out who you are, and make sure you're meeting people and approaching girls while doing so.

Then take it slow user, my bro.

Plenty of girls are aa scared of sex as you are. Sex is supposed to be a loving exchange, and such warmth can help you overcome your fears. It's vise versa for her.

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Nobody does LOL, hence the existence of divorces, domestic violence, and places like this one

No idea where to even start

So then how do these people who don't understand relationships get in to them? I'm one of those people, how aren't I in one?

Try getting to know a girl on a deep personal level. Then, after being with them for a time, knowing they will support you and love you no matter what, marry them. Your trust with each other, will insinuate the mood.

Like I said user, You need to take it slow. Girls aren't magically ready to be your lover when you first meet, and you're not magically ready to be there for her in that sexual way either. You'll want to establish the foundation of responsibility and ttust, in order to show your [commitment compassion, and imtimacy] which are the three fundamentals which are key to a happy marriage:

{The Triumverate of Love} :)

Best wishes on your journey, user.

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You only fear

Take care of your appearance man. I'm sure it's hard to care right now, but taking care of yourself will make you feel better, which in turn will make you more motivated to take care of yourself. Once you feel confident in your appearance you'll be doubly more attractive to others.

This graph has made me absolutely crushingly depressed. I already knew I was in a minority for my age. But seeing it visualised like that has annihilated me. I want to die.

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You're just a kid dude. I didn't have sex until i was 17 and that was just luck

That graph sounds outdated or maybe even bullshit that someone made up in MS paint, it doesn't cite its source. Younger (under 35) people are having less sex than previous generations.

Here's some real recent numbers and their context


Why are they having less sex?

Because they live at home longer
Porn, social media
The internet

Unironically, real sex education. When you teach kids safe sex, they almost always have sex later in life, and less frequently. By bringing sex to light, people are unafraid to talk about about it, so they end up not doing things "in the dark" and know that hey, maybe I shouldn't bang this hole without a condom, this condom is expire and I don't want to risk getting gonorrhea.

No joke, the biggest sluts are always the Christian girls who lie through their teeth that they're virgins because they're easily pressured into sex by men. If you think it's sinful or wrong, you do it more often because we're attracted to risk. It's also why making drugs illegal increases drug abuse - no one is educated on the real risks, and teenage rebellion tells them to do it so they give that middle finger to the man.

It says in the article, you can read it for yourself. it also depends on the culture like how in Japan they prioritize school and work over literally everything else and so the idea of going on dates or starting a family sounds like a pain in the ass waste of time, but pretty much this in a few words. The internet is the biggest culprit.

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It's a long, long article. But a multitude of reasons. Such as availability of porn and masturbation toys and being less social in real life due to online social media.

Mostly a good article but one thing is suspect: their claim that if you are a virgin at 25 you will most likely be one at 45. This is horseshit. Lots of men and women lose their virginity between ages 25 and 45.

I mean it's not a guaranteed death sentence nor an exact science but it is safe to say that past 25 your odds of getting laid aren't getting any better they're getting much worse.

It's not like no one wants to fuck you either, the issue has likely more to do with the person themselves. You see it on this board and all across this and other websites: incels refuse to even approach a girl who has had a boyfriend before or if she has purple hair or a tattoo or something they're also degenerates in their eyes and if she has too many male friends then they're also not worth their time and if she's a leftist she's also a problem and there's just this never-ending list where it comes down to them wanting only this perfect made-up unicorn girlfriend that doesn't exist.

Incels are a tiny fringe group. Not 80% of men like they claim.

Doesn't count. Being a virgin up to 24 is normal. 24+ virgins are incel weirdos.

>You see it on this board and all across this and other websites: incels refuse to even approach a girl who has had a boyfriend before or if she has purple hair or a tattoo or something they're also degenerates in their eyes and if she has too many male friends then they're also not worth their time and if she's a leftist she's also a problem and there's just this never-ending list where it comes down to them wanting only this perfect made-up unicorn girlfriend that doesn't exist.

I dont have any of these ridiculous standards. And yet I still can't get a date. What am I doing wrong?

A miserable pile of secrets.

Have at you!

You don’t ask women out

Yeah, if you're that guy from the other thread.

You don't ask women out, and then you blame them for you not asking them out.

>haven't even been able to leave my super conservative home at 26
>Now I know I'll probably never get to have sex even when I leave
What is the point of even being alive
I hate my parents so much

Die monster

being a virgin doesn't make you an incel, from the sounds of it i don't think you are one
incels are virgins who hate women for denying them the sex that they think they deserve

It was a derogatory term used for people instead "virgin" because it removed the connotation of purity that could be claimed by people who voluntarily chose celibacy. Like a lot of chan insults, it evolved more lighthearted, jocular connotations and came to be used more affectionately.

Now, it's been commandeered by normie roastie demons to malign and attack a vulnerable, disenfranchised demographic.

I thought I'd get a gf in elementary school. I thought I'd get a gf in middleschool. I thought I'd get a gf in highschool. When highschool ended and I had no friends and hadn't talked to a girl in 4 years(other than for projects), I realized how inferior I was to everyone else. I understand those feels OP, sorry about the insomnia. Pic unrelated because I took no risks.

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It's not that at all, it was created by themselves. They felt it was empowering.

It was because that they were collectively a shitty group of people and their shitty behavior was put on dsplay for the whole world to see that the term now rightfully has negative connotations

Proof? here you are posting about "normie roastie demons" like any other muppet from r9k.

All people deserve sex though.

Where in the natural order of the world do all male animals deserve a female?

Oof that's also me, just replace high school with college

Not sure if there is one, but then one doesn't need to be surprised when an incel shoots up a place.

What about me? 25 virgin but had a gf. Dislike women a bit because of their natural behaviour but biology is biology no point being legit angry about it. Get along with women just fine. Never even flirted in my life. Ex was a friend that I literally asked to give me a chance to be her bf. Worked a lot in Service, gastro now a hotel. Solid, dare I say excellent social skills. Courting a woman though, I cant grasp it. In theory yes, reality is like seeing a 7th dimesion.

Vent. Im scared my mental development has had a fatal error

Kill spree shooters are complete cowards, only happy with inflicting serious violence on people who cant figgt back. People who glorify or excuse shooters are even bigger cowards, being too much of a pussy to even inflict violence so they live vicariously through other faggots.

>Solid, dare I say excellent social skills.
>Courting a woman though

Imagine labelling yourself a terrorist, and then being offended when people call you exactly that.


Yes to what?

Kek around as long as you want. If there is a problem with a guest Im the fixer.