What point is there to go on when you're an ugly girl?

What point is there to go on when you're an ugly girl?

There's no shortage of pretty girls now with all the tricks and make up. Am I doomed to a life of shit because I look like a boy?

Press F, anons.

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I always say that men and women both have it tough in this area, but in different ways.

If you're a girl, physical attractiveness is something that you're just born with. You just have the genetics for a great face, tits, ass, legs, hips, etc., and the world basically rolled the red carpet our for you from birth. If you aren't born with it though, you're basically fucked.

If you're a dude, even if you have good looks, you're probably gonna have to work hard to make your body something that is physically competitive with dudes who take care of themselves. And that shit is a commitment. But every dude can do it. You can drastically improve your level of attractiveness by working out. Girls don't have that luxury to the same extent.

No you're not. I'm more attracted to females that look boyish anyway. I would date you but hey it's the internet. Post pics for me with a blurred out face so I can accurately comment if you'd like.

Girls are only ugly if theyre fat and you can lose weight anyways, so stop complaining

Yep. Totally fucked.

To start- Make up isn't my thing. But I know a lot of naturally pretty girls.

I'm not overly fat, either. Just a bit.

I recently started growing my hair out long to at least look like a girl, but i feel like I look like a man now more than ever.

Nah, lots of guys and a few of my friends like boygirls. You'll be fine. I'm indifferent. Would date she had a good personality.

If you're fat learn how to work it. With this current booty ass fat fad, You could do better than prettier thin girls.

I hear ya.

Ultimately, I still think it's in your best interest to look as good as YOU can look. And that means different things for different people. Trust me, as a dude, I can tell you we go for damn near all types. It's more a question of if she's good at being that type.

Model, THICC, tomboy, alt-girl, tall girl, short girl, curvy, pear shaped, coke bottle, swimmer bod, softball player bod, doesn't matter. Just keep it tight whatever your bod is, and show that you take some pride in your appearance. Thats all anyone really asks for. Just don't let yourself go or dress like the crazy cat lady or shit like that.

>show that you take some pride in your appearance.
This is the key

I don't look boyish, I look legit like a MAN.

Well my face is the problem, so

Not overly fat, but my ass is flat as fuck.

I find being any type is hard for me because I'm trying to hard, I'm too ugly to be edgy or goth or any specific type.

>I find being any type is hard for me because I'm trying to hard, I'm too ugly to be edgy or goth or any specific type.

You don't actively try to be a type. You already are one, whether you realize it or not. Just in being yourself you're fitting into some category because you're not THAT special.

Post a pic of your face

I'm sure you're fine

There was a woman here last week saying her boyfriend said she was fat and asked if she was fat, gave her weight and posted a pic. She was skinny as fuck. You're probably pretty and would have no problem getting a man if you became more social towards men. Sometimes men need a hint that you like them or you may have to ask them out. I used to do 275lbs with my triceps and my ex actually gave me her number in the gym. I didn't notice her until then. We nearly got married.

It doesn't matter most guys who are after the booty butt ass fad just want a girl who is chubby. Get on tumblr find a look. Looks are subjective, there are lots of below average girls that know how to fake it.

Here's the other day when I wasfeeling cute/had good skin/good lighting, etc. If I was to post one I took now it wouldn't be as nice.

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You look like a totally normal looking girl. You have nothing to worry about. Just learn to embrace your femininity a little more and you'll be fine.

meh, you're fine
just be more social, you'll get a qt soon enough

Also, I know crazy eyes when I see them and those....

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>4 mile run and a trip to the hair salon: instant 7
>posts thread bitching that she outright looks like a dude
I fucking hate these threads.

I stay up all night playing games and smoke a lot of weed lmao

>stay up all night playing games and smoke a lot of weed

Like I said....

waifu asf

C'mon dude. Is this like the first time you've dealt with a woman? You should know how this shit goes by now.

>"OMG I look so fat!!"
>clearly doesn't
>reassure her anyway

You're only a little ugly, no one passing by you in the streets will think anything of you. Dressing nicely will improve how attractive you are. If you want a boyfriend just go for an average/uglyish guy.

You're fine. Quit bitching. If you want the attention the "pretty girls get " quit being a lazy fuck. Hit the gym, watch tons of Michelle Phan and buy some makeup.

I actually have a boyfriend now, but he doesnt seem very enthralled by how I look at all. Like I'm boring. He says time and time again that he thinks I'm pretty, but it's very "I'm calling you pretty so you'll go away" kinda thing

I dress up here and there, try to look nice for an instagram photo, etc. But I feel like no matter how much I try to look girly (while still staying true to myself) I just look like a guy.

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You're super pretty as fuck, just as I thought. I'm the guy who asked you to post your face. I'd date you in a heart beat plus I like tomboyish women anyway especially if they have small boobs. Good luck, if you were local I'd date you.

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Op you look like Zach braff

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>What point is there to go on when you're an ugly girl?
>Am I doomed to a life of shit because I look like a boy?
>*posts pic
>turns out she is above average
>I actually have a boyfriend now
/soc/ is /datway/ sweetie --->
reported this

slit your throat and die please, you will never experience true suffering

>I actually have a boyfriend now

The mood suddenly changes Kek

im kinda disappointed in alot of anons here.
cmon guys....why we gassing up females? Dont get me wrong shes cute and she knows it. I aint finna gas up someone who i dont see as a partner especially over Jow Forums fuck outta here lol

work on personality, dont be fat. ezpz.
also, assert yourself. dont wait for a guy to approach you.

abandon ship, this be a troll thread

Seeing as how incels never speak to or interact with women they can't possibly fathom the possibility that a woman who they perceive as attractive may be self-conscious or suffer from depression or insecurity. They can't fathom the concept that a woman, just like a man, may look in a mirror and absolutely hate themselves. Believe it or not, dudes wanting to stick their dick in you and use you like a human fleshlight for the sake of busting a nut and boosting their ego isn't exactly a confidence booster for a lot of women. In fact, sometimes it can be a pretty lonely fucking feeling. Incels believe that anybody who is capable of having sex doesn't have a right to be at all neurotic or insecure or have low confidence. They think because sex is the solution to all of their problems that its the solution to everybody else's problems too. What I'm basically saying is that incels need to be put on a trash barge, pushed out to sea and subsequently fire bombed just to make sure none of them make it back to shore.

These hoes be the same ones calling you names for being lonely just remember this fellas.

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>Every woman I meet must suffer the consequences for what other women have said and done to me

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>dudes wanting to stick their dick in you
It's still more than any guy has. You can literally be hideous and fat and still have your physical intimacy needs met.

oh fuck off with this bait

lol dumb bitch taking up for the lame suburban hoe with her lil xbox headset on... taking pics for the Jow Forums men to make up for the validation her bf isn't giving her... stupid ass fuckin females think being greedy with attention constitutes some neuroticism in their heads, inbetween the cosmopolitan interests they maintain, which this thread is evidence of... the domestic, video-game-playing female with nothing good about her except possibly her looks... u ain't taking the high ground on anything not even over incels when you talk like that dumb ass... you gonna leave this thread to pick on the next lonely dude like some harpy lol, and then you're gonna text ur bf some nudes of urself, out of some freudian hysteria, that's right lol, everything you do is planned out in your perineum, and u think you got anything poignant to say about the outcasts of society, about what constitutes a morally upright existence... shut up.

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He's right to, if OP is real then I can bet my left nut that she'd tell 90% of the guys in this thread to fuck off if they asked her out.

You know what? I'm sure she has a bunch of orbiters that she keeps around just so she feels good about herself and this thread was made to fish for compliments.

Women who honestly think they're ugly will never say it out loud because they believe people will actually agree with her.

Pic is an actually ugly girl, OP is just a whore.

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Yeah you're not pretty, but you're not bottom of the barrel. Average. Stop trying to beg for attention, it looks pathetic.

A friend of mine was hit by a truck crossing the street freshman year of college. She was left with one side of her face fully disfigured.

She's a junior now, and has a boyfriend. She takes care of herself and works hard. I would also say that she has a good personality and treats others well.

Perhaps your issue is you aren't meeting the right people and getting the exposure you need to find someone. If you are painfully shy, relationships will be difficult regardless.

Due to the political climate you can no longer expect decent men to approach women. Figure out what you are looking for and better yourself. If you have high expectations in a partner, you should better yourself to fit those same high expectations. Relationships with parity tend to do the best.

Finally a man with self-respect standards on this thread.

So she should say yes even if she didnt want to to people she doesn't want?

You are not bad AT ALL. Grow your hair longer, at least to a page boy/bob. Get some makeup advice. Femme it up!

Does your name start with a D?

So normal people with normal lives are allowed to complain and feel bad about their lives but incels are not. solely because they have never had sex?

Keep cool, pop a Seroxat

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Well said!

Hi all fem user here, as a female I would like to apologise for all the females that trolls you all. We just keep thinking we are ugly because we get a few insults every now and then about our looks but your nice comments do help us feel better.

I remember a few months ago I posted on here about both of the times I liked a guy only to find out that they rejected me but you guys all encourage me that I am somewhat dateable (even though I'm quite chubby and tall with somewhat of an hourglass figure).

So thank you all

>I'm so hideous and ugly, what point is there to living :^(
>turns out to be a perfectly ordinary looking person
every time


She might be chubby underneath the baggy clothes, not all overweight people have a double chin.

She could or could not be chubby. So we won't know unless she decides to send us more pics

>What point is there to go on when you're an ugly girl?
>There's no shortage of pretty girls now with all the tricks and make up. Am I doomed to a life of shit because I look like a boy?
>Press F, anons.

as a gal there is always someone willing to sleep with you; this is not true for males, consider yourself lucky

Your nose is huge tho

Fell0w femanon, I can't do makeup either and I'm not horrible I look feminine enough but I've got just enough where I'm very average. Dark eye circles, scattered acne not bad but noticeable, very weak jawline, and I'm chubby. I've got a thicc hourglass figure but I've still got a tummy. I know I'm not god awful but I agree, compared to other girls I know I'm shiiiit. Have you SEEN Instagram girls? Or those girls who can do makeup so good you can't recognize them? I'm on Jow Forums for fucks sake I'm not something nice

don't worry about the hoes babe you're perfect already... you wanna look like them then go for it... diet & exercise all it takes really. Running every day eating ur vitamins & minerals... you can live the dream babe just go for it, watch rocky balboa, that's u...

tfw probably a 2/10 due to weird facial proportions and huge man body (actual female)

I had two nose jobs when I was a teen but my nose is still gigantic, just doesn't look as busted. my eyes are small and have large dark rings, my jaw is very large and at the same time a lot of fat gathers there. I have to be underweight to have a remotely decent face

I guess there's no point in focusing on it all the time, life is unfair.

just fucking... try to understand that having men begrudgingly use you as a literal hole (and then move on to a pretty girl who he actually treats like a human) does NOTHING for happiness, sex is not the same for women.

Height, weight, bra size?

I shouldn't be entertaining you but

6'1, almost 150 lbs atm (ought to get back to 135) and I am flat, so A-AA when I do wear one

you made this thread so you could post a picture, didnt you

good god fuck off retard
legitimately insulting to actual ugly girls, but you already knew that

No, but she should be ridiculed for bitching and moaning about how hard she has it when she's clearly on easy mode.

>I actually have a boyfriend now
Can't believe I took the bait.

You have never suffered. Fuck off.
t. ugly woman

blahblahblah. incels are completely irrelevant here and you're autistic for trying to incite a discussion like that.
she's an attentionwhore and it's insulting to ugly women. nothing more, nothing less.

Most girls who call themselves ugly aren't ugly, if you went on r9k right now tons of guys would want you, so stop complaining honestly

Incels like you can't handle the idea of a perfectly average or above average woman with depression or body dysmorphia. Talk to more women. Get laid. She's suffering just like you.

Maybe she is suffering from body dysmorphia, but I don't think she deserves the level of empathy that a person who truly is ugly and can't find a relationship deserves (assuming anyone deserves any). It's like a normal person complaining to a homeless person about how they don't like how any food tastes except steak and eggs, but they have access to other foods, whereas the homeless person has access to nothing. It literally is, please refute this

I haven't replied to this thread all night because man, it's become a shit show.

I honestly do find myself disgusting. Sure, I can do my hair up, pose, and edit the phot with filters to look okay, but that's not being pretty. In real lifr without lighting or posing, I'm disgusting. I also have an eating disorder, but my boyfriend won't allow me to lose weight, because I'd take it to the extreme.

As for not having it the worst, yeah, I know that. I never said I did. But my depression is not stupid just because someone else has it worse. And if it is, then I don't really care. I don't really care if I'm seen as vain or stupid, you've all obviously msde up your minds and it doesn't really matter. I just wanted an outward opinion and some advice. So thanks.

And no, hearing that someobe would fuck me doesn't make it better. Sorry, but my life goal isn't to be fucked.

>but my boyfriend
Stopped reading here



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Wait a minute this is you OP?

You know what, go fuck yourself, I hate you so much because I know deep in my heart that I would love and cherish you for the rest of my life, literally never leaving you, and you're sitting complaining about your looks? What the fuck? I'm distraught now

Fuck you OP I literally hate you so much because of how much I hate my life and wow I'm speechless

It's not fucking fair, why can't I get a girlfriend, nothing's fucking wrong with me, I'm going to kill myself I'm fucking done with this, FUCK YOU OP

Please marry me I will take care of you forever

I hate girls like OP for doing this, every one of these people are always completely normal or above average looking, complaining about nothing

That being said, I guarantee you the same applies to you so either post a pic (you can remove your face) or fuck off femanon

Absolute bullshit.

If someone has a naturally attractive cute / pretty face it is not going to suddenly become ugly by them getting overweight. There are plenty of attractive girls who are big and plenty of average girls who are ugly. Though I do not encourage being over weight as it is not healthy nor do I prefer it, but yeah, your comment is faurking boolshit mate.

You know what, I've tried to refute this point a million times and nobody ever listens, but let me lay it out for you once and for all so you understand the real truth

Lots of incels are just sad that they can't give away the love in their heart to a nice girl who gives back the same. It's not about "busting a nut" or anything gross like that. There is an aspect of sexuality because we are human. But it's more about feelings. This is just me. I have no reason to lie to you. You probably won't even read this, but when I lay in bed at night, I imagine my pillow being a nice girlfriend who I can comfort and tell her I love her and that she's beautiful and always will be. I don't imagine it being a fleshlight I can "bust a nut in". Those are my internal feelings and who I am, so don't go spreading lies like this and stereotypes

Men will literally fuck sheep if they have to. You can easily screw 40% of all men you see given the right circumstances.

Fuck off and get over yourself, I'm way uglier than you and yet I have more self-esteem than you.

"Waaah, I'm not pretty enough"

So what? Almost nobody is model-tier. As long as you aren't Godzilla-tier (which you aren't and have something else going for you aside from your looks, you'll be fine.

>Fuck you OP I literally hate you so much because of how much I hate my life
>I'm going to kill myself I'm fucking done with this, FUCK YOU OP
>Please marry me I will take care of you forever
>nothing's fucking wrong with me
Made me kek but honestly go to hell op


this user unironically gets it

gr8 b8 tho

Lmao at these incels.
OP you look fine and you got more than your looks.


Aaaand you have not right to say anything else or complain. Eat less move more fatty.

at least you're not an ugly guy. You can still get laid by guys who are much more attractive than you

More like girls are almost entirely dependent on looks when it comes to attracting men.
On the other hand, men can't bank solely on looking good, but can compensate a lack of looks better.

If I told you I'd fuck you you'd feel better?
But seriously, giving the thread a look, you're pretty.

pleaes post more pics OP

fuck off, neck yourself, etc...
good troll though

you kinda look 8.

sexuality OP?