Sup Jow Forums

sup Jow Forums
>got kicked out of my house, and have until the end of the month to move out.
I have a place to go, in the coast there's this girl that lets me stay with her in her house, but that option will become available in february.
So I have to survive january in the streets, I have a couple things I could sell to make some money, but otherwise I have very little money, just about enough to pay for the long distance train ticket to this girls house.

what do? any advice to at least make my stay in the streets bearable? have any of you been in this situation? what did you do?
also, if there's any recipes to make a nutritive compacted food that can last the whole month while providing me with enough nourishment so I don't die of starvation, that would help a lot

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Go to a local homeless shelter, they should let you stay there indefinitely for a short time at least and you will get a bed and showers. I got kicked out of my moms at 18 and went homeless until she drove by on the streets and saw me in the rain and took me back in. She was crying and felt like shit, her father made her do it. I still can't believe she was there I didn't text her with my $1 phone either. Yup I used to be broke at 18. Good luck. I included a pic of my old phone just to show how much I truly was fucked at 18. Good luck. I was on the streets for 2 weeks.

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well, that's a start, so thanks a lot. But I want to get a job when I get there, and I don't feel confident in leaving my stuff in a homeless shelter

buy a penny whistle ($10 bucks), learn three slip jigs on it (I recommend swallowtail jig or rocky road to dublin), then sit out on a freeway exit or a major road with an island (and sit on the island between traffic) with a sign that says "WILL PLAY YOU AN IRISH JIG FOR $$"

You want to do it on a road because your repertoire is so limited. If you were at a place with foot traffic you'd probably get kicked out for being annoying, but around cars, they'll see you once while they're stopped, long enough to hear a tune, then leave and not come back. They'll never know how shitty you really are at it. I did this when I was homeless for a month in 2015, it was pretty dope. Slept in my car, showered at a friends place every few days, and otherwise played my jigs and got enough money for alcohol, food, and sunscreen. You're gonna need sunscreen.

>another option
Do you have any money at all? There are group living homes/sober livings that are super cheap. You'll sleep on a bunk bed like 6 to a room, and you'll be piss tested regularly and have a curfew, but you'll have a bed, a shower, an address, and access to internet. Everything you need to rebuild your life, or at least keep you off the streets for a month.

The one I was at had a locker room with locks on them. You could also buy a book bag and or rent a small rental unit for shit to put into it. It's tough being homeless and whatnot but hey if I survived for 2 weeks you can brother. Reply back if you want any tips bro. Also try not to talk to the regulars/blacks there a lot, they usually have something deeply wrong with them.

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I'm actually a skilled musician, but dropped all of it like four years ago. But you gave me a great idea! that seems like something I can do for that month
That's one of the things that really scares me deep under, regular people here is already fucked in the head so in a homeless shelter I can only imagine how fucked up they are, and there's only so much I can take before I find suicide as an easier route. But I gotta survive.
You give me so much hope man, thanks a lot. at any point did you thought that it was better to be on the streets than on the shelter?

Naw I got free food and a bed to sleep in for the night, it's much better than being cold on the street. They kick you out after breakfast and that's when shit gets a little weird at least at the one I stayed at. I applied to McDonalds and other shit but it was hard because I only had that shitty $1 (literally $1 at Sams Club) phone to use. Luckily it had Opera Mini on it so I could even browse Jow Forums on it back in the day.

Oh and if you can buy cliff bars, they are literally made for surviving like if you were stranded on a cliff. Easily one of the best survival foods that are cheap, I used to steal those because my dumbass parents made me homeless when I didn't even have cash saved up because of my crazy grandpa (RIP).

weird how?
I was thinking of applying for a job like a waiter of some sorts or whatever, really. Anythings better than nothing. You gave me some perspective, I'll give up a lot of commodities but I hope to make it. thanks

How what? And yeah no problem. It taught me that my grandpa was a loon and how boomers are cancer that expect everything from millenials despite being able to afford a house and 5 kids out of high school and here we are where to get that you have to have a 4 year. And college is 150% more expensive. Shit like that made me aware of how retarded their generation is. Just look at all of the "Millenials ruined X" headlines you see. It's fucking ridiculous. They raised their children that raised us different on purpose to be better than them and their parents but oh no, Grandpa can't handle it when evolution kicks in and shit is different than his day.

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I meant, weird how? they kicked you out with a straight face or what? Just out of curiosity, maybe I'll know what to expect that way.
and yeah, boomers suck the big one. My parents are two of them and they're kicking me out with literally nowhere to go. But I know the pain of doing that to a son will haunt them until the day they die, and that gives me some sort of relief, I'm way too good of a person to do something really bad against them.
Will take a lot of things away from the house tho, fuck them. I hope to die before even thinking of coming back.

Yeah my mom and step dad just kicked me the fuck out at 18 because "hurr that's what my parents did" and that was that. Honestly if they're boomers they won't regret it, not only do most of them lack empathy / understand society as it is today but they also think they're doing the right thing with shit like that. It's how they were raised man, they think it's normal and will help you. I would seriously cut them out of your life a bit and tell them they can't see you for x amount of time because they kicked you out and made you go homeless instead of giving you that extra month.

Have you tried Walmart Parking Lots? As long as it isn't your permanent home, you could park a car, or pitch a tent at one of them. They don't mind, as long as you're a paying customer and aren't breaking law or overstaying your welcome. Many RVers do this, and travellers as well. I'm sure if you're fairly well-kempt and buy a simple candy bar, no one will probably be able tell that you're homeless.

I've seen people do this at my local walmart as well. Just know some walmarts don't offer it, so do a little research.

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Oh you mean the shelter people. It's because they will call the cops and ban you if you give them trouble but they kick you out so you can get a job. They want you and encourage you to proactively try to get a job to get housing so others can stay there. It makes sense but the niggers are up at like 4am moaning like monkeys about how bullshit it is that they have to be on the street until 4pm.

Yes, exactly. They think they're doing good by being pieces of shit, just because their parents were pieces of shit towards them. My idea is to leave and never come back, make it so no one in my family know nothing about me. I want to be dead to them, as they're already dead to me
Sadly, I'm not in the US, so I don't know if our Walmarts have the same liberties yours have, also shit is expensive as fuck here. I got a bit of cash but I want to make the best of it, at this point I was thinking of staying at the beach with a tent and fishing for my food, seemed like a didactic way of spending that month on the streets

Hmmm, beaches are public property, so you could probably make that work. Having your own hut sounds nice.

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yea, been thinking about it. the thing is, it's summer here and on the beach there's a lot of people that go for vacation. With the people comes the criminals, and I don't want to deal with that

What's just wrong with parents literally trying to destroy the lives of their children? Are they that keen to remove themselves out of the gene pool?

If it weren't too cold right now, I would have told you about my travels across France in my car, using a sleeping bag and rolling down the seats to make space. I guess you could go and take a shower in a spa or something.

Also, think of getting a job as soon as you move in with your friend, no matter what. You can always scout for a better job later on while you're working your current one. Keep all money in the bank, so you won't have trouble of her maybe trying to get into your wallet. Trust is good, control is better.

Where do you live ?

Why did she kick you out?

A lot of the time parents actually believe they are doing the right thing by kicking out their children at 18. They believe it will toughen you up and teach you about the real world. It actually is pretty common advice given, sometimes people even say that if you do not do this you are a failure of a mother/father because you let your kids walk all over you or something.
When I graduated high school, I was surprised to find out just how many people moved out or got kicked out directly after.

yes, getting a job is #1 priority, but I'm feeling that I need a place to stay before getting one.

Well, just don't attract attention to yourself. You'll be fine, as long as you focus on getting through the day and finding a safe place, day by day, until you have a home. Hope you can continue to strive, user.

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