I've been duped. We've all been duped. I can't believe I fell for the meme...

I've been duped. We've all been duped. I can't believe I fell for the meme. Zion Don just licks the boots of kikes and is all talk, no action. The wall isn't getting built. He ordered a military strike on Syria. He gave Israel billions of dollars.

I'm voting for Tulsi Gabbard in 2020. Our only hope for making America great again.

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discord tranny thread

Jared Kushner took half a billion dollars from Soros, who funded the violent assaults of Trump supporters at his election rallies

Transgender suicide rate is incredibly high

You shills need to use different copypastas btw

Attached: Screenshot_20190218-134227.jpg (2042x418, 240K)

>We really don't know what to do here at Shareblue!

Attached: Traitor Trump.jpg (800x500, 120K)

I bet it's false flag from whatever ad agency defends Trump on /po/

The shills haven't changed Jow Forumss opinion on Trump so they're threads like this and Obama threads. If they wanted to turn everyone against Trump they should pretend to support Trump. As long as Trump pisses off leftists then people here are gonna keep supporting him.

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Stay mad. Good luck getting help with your Trump derangement syndrome. Sorry you were unsuccessful in changing anybody's opinion. Better luck next time kiddo.

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>The wall isn't getting built. He ordered a military strike on Syria. He gave Israel billions of dollars.
He's also a bigger gun grabber than Obama and made 500,000 law abiding gun owners felons. I cant vote for a guy who I'am donating money to lawsuits against.

Attached: jussie lies.jpg (1083x1906, 854K)

Weird how the shills suddenly disappear when you bring up the Jussie incident

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Weird that you would bump this thread.

Uh oh

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I don't care much for celebrity news but good that the general public is being made aware of false flags. It's coincidences like that I have to thank for being able to detect whomst created this thread.

Good job. Once again we discoverd a shill.

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Based kike

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>it's just pointless celebrity news. I don't pay attention to such unimportant things. Kek
Thanks for giving yourself away.

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its funny as fuck to know no one with a brain likes trump anymore
and that its just normies and boomers supporting him now
its really just the funnies thing ever
i cant wait for 2020

im glad i dont know jack shit about this internet bullshit psyop drama
fucking boomers please leave

Did you know trannies kill themselves before turning 30?
Lmao can you imagine being a weak faggot with an open wound for genitalia, luving that disgusting shit for 4 hours everyday, ignored and disliked by everyone, even your own family only because you let other mentally ill people convince you to chop off your dick?
lmao just kys now you stupid cocksucking faggot

Attached: DzeSxmNW0AAcvZF(1).jpg (592x955, 68K)

do you just go around and call anyone who talks against trump a discord tranny?
i was just speaking with you in another thread where you didnt come up with any argument and just screamed shill and discord tranny
lets see if you can do better in this thread
i have some faith

>I bet it's false flag from whatever ad agency defends Trump on /po/
Is projection everything you faggots know?
You'll be dead by 30 btw, faggot

>i was just speaking with you in another thread
I literally just turned my computer on.
Are you assuming everyone with my flag is the same person?
Or maybe you are just too defensive after being told you'll be dead by 30?
Maybe you can feel the cold creep of death coming closer?

Attached: Capture+_2019-02-17-11-08-37.png (1434x2188, 1.73M)

>muh discord tranny agian
try fucking harder please
pro trump sentiment is the most astroturfed shit here
>muh discord tranny
god damn
become a namefag so i can filter you boomer shithead

racists fucktards deserve all the disappointing they can get

>I'm totally not a discord tranny but can you PLEASE stop saying I'll be dead by 30?
>Also, le boomer
You are going to die, soon, alone, and nobody is going to give a shit.
Look at your deformed crotch and cry, you pathetic, weak little bitch

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Sounds like a nerve was hit. Hahaha

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>I'm voting for Tulsi Gabbard in 2020. Our only hope for making America great again.
Derp. She supports Maduro. Traitor scum. Face it, we are leaderless.That doesn't allow you to support a socialist enabler and start taking cum shots in your eye.

And over here fellas, you can appreciate a tranny going on a mental breakdown after being forced to face its inevitable demise.
Enjoy yourselves and poke some fun out of this deranged little bitch.
Dead by 30 faggot

Attached: JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP FAM.png (493x652, 207K)

Why not just go ripshit on the traitors who did it instead of blaming Trump? Oh because you're a shill

Well I'm going to step up with the parameters that keep me safe, until i expand those parameters thru conscious effort and stratagem to be able to fit more counter-traitor actions within the parameters i resized to keep me safe

I'm gonna keep doing it until i dont need parameters and can just go hard as fuck on the ((())) with no possible repercussions

a lot are gas lit into accelerationism
when they should just stop voting, working, paying taxes, go on welfare and stop participating in society all together so it crumbles

you make no sense
just insane rambling about discord trannies
wew lad
but ill reply to your satire bait posts anyways cause im bored

Lol Tulsi Gabbard is another jewish puppet you idiot

Do you ever wonder how your parents feel like when they think about you?
The potential you had, and the mentally ill freak you became, clashing in their heads, then the sad wake up call into reality, watching their son become a sick fuck who likes cock up the ass, takes pill to grow titties and mutilates his genitalia.
Lmao all of it for what? Some attention?
Disgusting faggot

your obsession with trannies is concerning
they are only .1% of the population
how can there be that many discord trannies?
id like a quick rundown

Whether you like trump or not you're probably at least happy that the media/left suffered yet another huge backfire. At least we can agree on that. Right user? First the buzzfeed bombshell, then the Covington incident and now this. You can At least appreciate that.

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>satire bait
This isn't satire nor bait.
I am genuinely having a good time reminding you that you will kill yourself because you deserve it.
The sooner you do it the better.
>I-I'm not a tranny! T-there can't be so many, l-look they're only .1% of the population!
Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?
Boy that must be one fucked up head if you went through all that slicing to end up denying you are a mentally ill faggot who chopped his own dick to be a Disney princess lmao

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>Trump is controlled by the jews
>Hey I know, let's make a stupid libtard copypasta that contains that narrative
>"Look goys, see what the libtards just made, they're just so crazy!
>Now Trump is based again, goy
Voting either left or right is retarded

sorry but i dont pay attention to any sort of news outlet at all so i really dont know what your talking about nor care
but yeah i hate all media equally, that includes Jow Forums and Jow Forums as a whole
Jow Forums is the same as msm, they are constant 24/7 psyop bread and circus shit
i still want my quick rundown

Lol yeah you got that right

>i still want my quick rundown
Basically you will kill yourself before turning 30

Thanks for letting me know. Btw I think it's time to dilate your wound.

Attached: blackklansman.png (1262x1574, 2.07M)

This thread again for the 1,000th time Jow Forums? FUCKING SAGE IN ALL FIELDS.

based kike

Trump vs Yang

vote in my straw poll plz

Just like trying to pass, you're not fooling anyone tranny
Just fucking give it up
kys in all fields

Attached: pass.jpg (312x161, 7K)

Isn't it time for your HRT injections?

thats it?
i expected something better
put a little more effort in your bait posts
they are kind of boring
really glad i dont know that nigger but fuck you for shilling him here unknowingly or knowingly
just like the rainbow nigger zoomers

They really think people are stupid enough to dismiss that Trump is a puppet by making a pasta saying that and to vote for Tulsi Gabbard

>"Hurr-durr! Zognakd Drumpfy-wumpfy is a kike!"
Do you semen-shitting faggots EVER think that your pathetic attempts at posing as knot-sees are as transparent as glass?
Thousands of times I've seen anons challenge you fags to at least Larp a little better........and you morons CAN'T.
So please, tell us, why do you hate Jews so much?
I'll be waiting for your crickets or a retardedly childish answer that even the dumbest REAL Nazi wouldn't even stoop to give

Attached: DicklessDiscordTranny.png (635x483, 259K)

You will never be the opposite gender. You can only play dress up.

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You can insist as much as you want.
I've already told you this isn't satire, I am genuinely having my fun out of you.
Have I mentioned you will kill yourself before turning 30?
Weak faggot

lmao saved

>hey goyim let's make an obviously fake copypasta to make Trump supporters look bad by trying to make leftists look bad
I don't know who's jewing who anymore

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Saudi got its nukes from Pakistan, lul is over.
Iran already has the capability but restrained itself/.
Unlike you lot.
So Iran, build your nukes an have a celebration...

Attached: Speciallove.png (206x397, 5K)

this time it was ok like 5/10
still needs work, im sure you will get it down soon
you see this guy? a bit better than you
take notes

>t-try harder!
Dead by 30 lmao

your going backwards?

nobody buys your shit anymore jacob

And thanks for proving my point by doing EXACTLY what was predicted.
Pretty funny that your masters have thrown 10's of MILLION$ of dollars worth of shills against We the People........and they STILL can't figure out this simple little dilemma.
Don't you have a pussing wound in your crotch that you have to go & dilate?
Pic is (YOU).

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see you need to be more like this guy take notes
just go full blown schizo or something he does