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Due to what? Proprietary chemical concoctions in commonly used household cleaning products like detergents/fabric softeners, etc?
Imagine being so American that you use an entire box of fabric softeners with each load of laundry. Imagine even using fabric softener at all...
>Study says
I can't believe anyone still falls for this shit.
great source
>Cooking, cleaning and other routine household activities generate significant levels of volatile and particulate chemicals inside the average home, leading to indoor air quality levels on par with a polluted major city, University of Colorado Boulder researchers say.
>What's more, airborne chemicals that originate inside a house don't stay there: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from products such as shampoo, perfume and cleaning solutions eventually escape outside and contribute to ozone and fine particle formation, making up an even greater source of global atmospheric air pollution than cars and trucks do.
I Write With Capitals On All My Sentences Because I Never Passed 5th Grade And Twenty Five Other Amazing Facts
t. (((Huffpost reporter))))
My wife always yells at me for cracking a couple windows in the winter (house builds up humidity). Well whose the fucking retard now????
I think that was to convey that he was laughing and not chuckling.
just get yourself some houseplants. they filter bad shit out of the air.
and pic related is so easy to grow, you have no idea. you can snip off a stem and stick it in a bottle of water and it'll root and live happily for years.
>cracking a couple windows in the winter
>not having a ERV
Golden Pothos, got it
It's obviously not just America, western consumerism (which is now also eastern consumerism) in general likely exposes us all to similar health risks.
Some exposure, such as radon is dependent upon immediate geography, a valley's a valley in Denver Colorado or upon the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar and if you're in a building that collects and contains radon, you will be exposed.
This sort've stuff absolutely needs to be talked about (and taught in schools imo) but framing it as an American problem is a disservice, look at this thread, barely any replies and yet some are already defensive, and ignoring what should be the actual topic; awareness of the various consequences of various situations that we create for ourselves.
spider plant is another easy one, can't kill this one even if you forget to water it
No those are to imply the claps between words, idiot
HVAC tradie here. Its because modern building practices are basically to seal up a house as tightly as possible while putting in fresh air vents to replace the concept of "opening a fucking window." Add in the fact that the average modern building material is hot garbage and most residential HVAC systems are shitty and undermaintained and you have air quality issues.
Not surprising at all to me desu.
I have one of these in every room in the house and I buy quality filters for the AC. My air is clean.
then what's the air quality level inside the average Populated Chinese City home?
Also known as Devil's Ivy. Very invasive species if it gets outdoors.
So what is your suggestion? Just open a window?
>I buy quality filters for the AC
HVAC tech here.
odds are, your "quality" filters are strangling your blower motor, reducing it's life span and the efficiency of your system.
enjoy paying extra for filters so your energy bill can be higher and your motor wears our faster
buy cheapo as fuck filters and change them every month or whenever they seem a tad bit worn/dirty.
having those electric air cleaners in every room should do you good enough. if you still think it's not enough, cheapo air filters, that HEPA machine, and a UV light in your air handler will cover everything without fucking you over
I have air purifiers all over my house, just replaced all the filters too.
I'm fine, you fags are ded
Here's a list of the Top plants best at filtering the air and environment among all species of indoor plants.
Take a look at the list instead of guessing.
recommend me air filter especially for dust please
oh glorious hvac man
I'm in the HVAC trade and the government is responsible for making this worse. The new energy laws are having houses built so tight that they cannot breath. Think about cleaning your house in the middle of winter in a super tight house. All those chemicals float around for weeks. Environmental government mandates are bad for your health.
It’s because people are fucking idiots and don’t ever open a window. They also leave the ceiling lights on in every room.
Not him but I heard a good modern carpet is designed to capture dust easier these days so combined with a good vacuum cleaner, it should be easy to keep your house dust free rather than buying air filters.
Of course take my advice with a grain of salt.
>Jow Forums still fucking falls for unsourced clickbait headlines
Modern carpet is made from recycled plastic and is still the biggest allergenic risk in a home.
>not just using a broom and mop
Why do normies, particularly women, douse their families and homes in chemicals?
You're missing the point fuckhead. The whole point of these mandates are to save energy. If you open a window, in the middle of winter, all those "savings" go flying right out. Meanwhile you have mold growing inside the walls.
He's right. Building code laws always get passed with no common sense.
Air tight homes can have bad trade offs.
Energy efficiency is a meme.
If lawmakers cared about energy efficiency, they would have banned something like bitcoins
>air purifiers
enjoy your ozone cancer
Oh no, not shampoo pollution.
a vacuum cleaner, you monkey nigger. dust? do you operate a saw mill in your living room? what fucking dust? if you vacuum once a week you should never have such a high amount of dust that a .99$ filter won't catch it.
also, no matter your filter or cleaning skills, there will be dust on your fan blades and possibly in your Acoil. some amount. only times I ever see truly clean fans and Acoils is on newly installed units.
that is why you should learn how to pull out your blower housing and air dust it at least once a year. this should keep your Acoil clean enough that it should never be of a concern til the whole system is basically trash and you need to upgrade to a new one.
>we have to have you goyim pay more in (((green tax))) cause of YOUR carbon footprint, now if you'll excuse me, I'll be off for a world tour of oy vey in my private jet
i hope none of you still wash dishes with soap
and if you do rinse well, real well
Americans are the personification of pollution.
They are a toxic waste of humanity.
Yah, I'm pretty sure my house doesnt look like this
lol ok
It's the rugs. Every God damn house I go into has rugs everywhere. Whether the whole living room has carpet, every bedroom, or rugs in the bathroom, which is fucking disgusting. Some retards even put rugs under their kitchen table. I can't fucking stand it anymore. All they do is get dirty and trap odors. I couldn't tell you how many times I did a split when I got out of the shower in the morning before school. All because my mom HAD to have a fucking rug right when you step out of the shower. It slips all over the tile. The one time I nearly obliterated my right testicle but fortunately I landed on my groin. It's 100 times easier to just sweep the floor, then swifter it. Rather than shaking out a grotesque, dirty rug, then wasting all your fucking laundry soap trying to clean it. Fuck rugs and the people who use them.
In the US? Lots of options, but I have a GermGuardian for my room and it works. It's got the UV light. Lowest speed is quiet but not whisper quiet, and the highest speed sounds like the inside of a passenger jet. The household also has a Coway filter, which seems to be in every Korean household in this state, probably because the physician they went to for allergies is also Korean and knows a Korean Coway rep that gives referral discounts. It even has an indicator light that signals air quality.
Do you not have windows?
enjoy your non-ozone cancer
>enjoy your ozone cancer
Those are air ionizers, which are no longer popular to have after the health scare. We used to have one, and it would ruin the VHS tapes and the VHS player would malfunction if the ionizer was on.
What's the best brand of air filter to buy?
snowniggers never open them
Anything HEPA rated. HEPA is standardized to 99.99% filtration of anything 0.3 microns and larger. You won't need to worry about this. Filters are cheap and the super cheap just rebuild the filters and replace the media in the frames. Your largest concern should be how large of a space you're trying to cover.
It's an engineering problem. House materials are designed as cheaply as humanly possible and are not engineered to condition *themselves* in their native environment. Thus, the need for heating and air conditioning arises. Subsequently, nobody wants to let the conditioned air they're paying for float out the door, resulting in people boxing up houses as much as possible.
There's no easy solution since western building practices have long since made their choice of picking two between fast, cheap, and good. I'd sincerely suggest to research medieval building practices to even begin to find a solution.
But for a more immediate solution, air purifiers and electronic air cleaners are the way to go.
change out climate control filter
crack a window
turn on fan
buy plants
yeah right... kys you fucking chinese faggot
I want a machine in every room. Please can you recommend the best machine? Also the best way to buy new filters? I don't want to buy counterfeit shit on Amazon that will give me aids. And I don't want to buy from some sketchy looking fly by night website that will steal my CC info and use it to go on a shopping spree at a Nordstrom halfway across the country. I swear to fucking god some poo at a big name jewelry store at the mall did this to me last year. He took my CC and ID and didn't explain why he had to duck behind the register out of my sight for 20 seconds. He was probably jotting the details down necessary to clone my CC because a week later someone spent a thousand dollars at Nordstrom. I'm really fucking careful about how and when I use my CC so it must have been him. I'm pretty sure Nordstrom enables this bullshit scam with their gift cards and these people know how to exploit it. I say this because my previous CC before that was skimmed at a gas station pump and was also used at a fucking Nordstrom the exact same way, they always buy a few $250 gift cards. Back to the point, I'm trying to avoid this kind of bullshit. I'd prefer to buy either in a physical store or directly from the manufacturer if possible. Target sells Honeywell machines but I'm not sure about the quality. I do know they don't sell good replacement filters at Target. And I don't know where to buy genuine replacements.
>if you use soap you are literally living inside a Chinese smog cloud
THE SOLUTION: youtu.be
Don't use shitty chemical cleaners. I know most will anyways.
how long until we adopt clean room manufacturing and turn every building into a pressurized cabin with laminar flow hoods with floor grates?
I’ve started putting in about a half cup of baking soda in with the laundry. Then some white vinegar in the fabric softener slot along with normal detergent. Seems to be working better than just the soap alone
Chinese academic propaganda probably This is simply not true.
Good Q. There are a million different cleaning solutions that you could almost drink, and a million ways to not even need them in the first place.
What’s wrong with a rug under the table? Keeps the feet warm
wtf I tried this and I'm voting for Hillary now.
"shocking study"
You mean made-up disinformation campaign. You Jewish Russian fucks are so retarded. Nobody is gonna fall for shit this stupid!
>building house out of volatile petroleum products
>200k mortgage
zoomer detected
nice reading comprehension
In Canada even tiny 100 year old homes are at least 200k
well in that case
>buying a house built in the 1940s
They now mandate homes have erv or mervs
So its only houses built between like 1980-2008
Stop being a bitch, turn the heat off for a while. OPEN A WINDOW.
You can still open a window for a couple hours.
Don’t use bad chemicals and OPEN A WINDOW.
Someone redpill me on all the good indoor plants to get that clean air
Why don't American houses have fences around their front yard?
Colored people secretely joke about white people showering everyday. The use of shampoo and conditioner doesnt make a lot of sense though
I have a winix p300 from home depot, has great reviews and I like it pretty well
the ones that look paleolithic
>Due to what?
Farts, Pablo. Farts.
>average american
this includes niggers then? the stats are skewed
>Building code laws always get passed with no common sense.
>TFW live in county with no building codes.
Be jelly Ancap faggots.
Not sure why you’d buy $2500 on in room HEPA/UV air filters when you can just turn your house into one for like $1500...