Decent looking

>Decent looking
>Well dressed
>Well groomed
>Highly sociable
>Plenty of friends
>Still can't get a date

What am I doing wrong? Nothing works. What can I do to get out of this situation?

I'm genuinely not lying either, even though I know 90% of the replies will be "you're lying and you're actually ugly lol". Several friends of mine both male and female have been repeatedly telling me "you should have a girlfriend user, why don't you have a girlfriend?" And yet it is utterly impossible for me to get even one date.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're either boring or attempting to date the wrong women.

Who do you normally ask out? Girls in bars? Girls on the train? Girls you hang out with? Girls you see at your regular hobbies?

Remember that cold approaching is a meme, even for Chadimus Maximus.

>Who do you normally ask out

No one. I don't get flirted with in the first place so I don't bother, girls don't seem to find me attractive at all

yeah same
there's always quiet suffering, that seems to be doing well.

So it’s your fault. You don’t ask girls out, no wonder you don’t get dates.

You should try flirting with girls and learn to notice when they reciprocate and when they don't. Start with girls who are less attractive than you, to get a baseline. Just don't overdo it or people will think you're a creep, try to flirt sparingly and with people who you actually would go out with.

I don't ask girls out because girls don't show signs of interest in me. How's that my fault? I've done everything I can, I'm constantly self-improving and seeking how to become a better and more attractive man. But still, I get nothing.

I have no idea how to flirt. Also I'm scared that I might fuck it up and do it wrong, or that girls will be repulsed by the idea of me flirting with them. I mean there must be a reason why girls never flirt with me, right? What if that reason is because they think I'm disgusting and sexually repulsive?

Okk calm down.

How old are you?
Do you have a job?
Do you have your own place to live?

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>I don't ask girls out because girls don't show signs of interest in me.
Fuck off. You’re that same user who makes this same thread about how he can’t tell when women like him so he never gets any girls. There have been countless threads trying to help you.

22, i'm a college student so i've worked part time sometimes but never full time, and i've only lived in dorms and student houses like everyone else

>What am I doing wrong? Nothing works. I've done everything I can.
>Who do you normally ask out?
>No one

What a fucking moron.

Yes but I have tried meticulously to put the advice into practice and still no girls will pay attention to me sexually.

For what it's worth my life has been improving. Like I said, I'm constantly trying to become better and I am succeeding, I feel more confident and attractive every day. But still, no girls show interest in me. What am I doing wrong?

>Also I'm scared that I might fuck it up and do it wrong, or that girls will be repulsed by the idea of me flirting with them
That's a really normal and fair way to feel, putting yourself out there is daunting! But it's also not a big deal to flirt wrong or get turned down as long. Flirting only becomes a bad thing if you don't stop despite the other person not reciprocating. Girls who get hit on all the time might think you;'re being annoying but just be nice and don't do douchey PUA stuff like negging. Gotta face your fear, my man.

>I mean there must be a reason why girls never flirt with me, right? What if that reason is because they think I'm disgusting and sexually repulsive?
You said yourself you don't know how to flirt, it's entirely possible that you just missed it because you're clueless.
That said, even when they're interested, girls usually don't flirt, at least not initially. They're pretty shy and it usually works out for them anyways because lots of guys aren't afraid to make the first move. Unfortunately, this means you have to make those moves. Do you ever catch girls staring at you in public?

hit the wrong reply, should be for

Bro, you need yo relax.

I´ll givew all my money to be 22 again.

You are full of potential. Maybe you will need some time before getting the girls.

You need to work on yourself. Go to the gym, get a better body. Read a lot. Save some money. Buy cool clothes.

If you work on yourself to the point in which you feel good, girls are going to want to be with you.

You have everything to win, don´t be a victim of your own mind.

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Ask girls out you retard.
Please, nobody try to help this fucking attention whore. No matter what you say to him, he’s not going to change.

>you should have a girlfriend user, why don't you have a girlfriend?
When people ask me this I usually respond by saying that the market is filled with undesirable women.
In fact, no woman is desirable because they don't love men, only superficial material things

But anyway, kill yourself for doing all those things to attract the opposite gender and not for yourself

Listen to this talk show with Patrice O´Neal
I think that you have the wrong idea about girls and you are sabotaging yourself by being a nice guy.

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I dont even know where to start when it comes to flirting. I have absolutely zero idea of what words I have to say in order to flirt, what way I should be positioning my body, what to do with my hands, what tone of voice to use. I am 100% certain that if I tried to flirt I would utterly and completely HUMILIATE myself and never live the shame down ever.

>Do you ever catch girls staring at you in public?
Nope, never in my life.

I did all of those things. I've been working at "self-improvement" for years, mostly just to fix my own self-confidence issues. Like I said, I've been massively successful in literally every area except dating. I am a completely different man to who I was at 20, 18, 16. But there is one thing that never changes, that being the fact that I am a kissless dateless virgin incel.

How can I ask out girls if they don't show interest in me?

you have to ask them, girls are generally really submissive and will expect you to make the first move even if they like you

>I've trained for years to be an Olympic swimmer! I have the best swimsuit money can buy, I bought a huge pool, but I can't swim

>have you tried getting into the water?

>no! how can I get into the water if I can't swim?

this is you op

Well how am I supposed to have any confidence if girls won't flirt with me and show interest in me?

I have no confidence in my ability to attract women because no girls will show interest in me. I need confidence in my ability to attract women in order to build up the courage to ask a girl out or make some kind of move.

Water is not sentient, it doesn't have feelings and desires. Come on, this is a ridiculous metaphor.

I bet that there are several girls who would love to have fun with you.

You have to aproach them, get rejected, get inmune to rejection, and repeat.

You are a man, you are already winning.

If you can, implement nofap to increase you inner animal power.

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Bro that´s in your mind.

Of course that there are girls interested in you. But most girls are shy.

You have to do the work.

Approach, say something and that´s it.

That may be the case, but if so, literally every single one of them is actively refusing to show even the slightest sign that they are interested in me.

I've spent years feeling this way. I have to watch as every girl I'm interested in shows no interest in me, and then proceeds to fuck and/or date some other guy. And then I feel horrible and want to die because I start comparing myself to the guy she's with. I start thinking "he's shorter than me" or "he doesn't dress as well as me" or "he's a loser/a nerd/is going nowhere in life" and think why can he get the girl and I can't?

When you commit yourself to as much self-improvement as I have and still get zero results, it just makes you more bitter and depressed. I should be living the time of my life right now. But I find it impossible to enjoy my life because I am still a kissless dateless virgin incel.

I tried nofap, I'm pretty good at it, I've gone about 3 weeks on a consistent streak. But, nope, I still can't build up the courage to approach any girls at all.

please kill yourself or get a trip so I can filter you, you're just as annoying as that fucking small dick cuck fag, you drive me fucking crazy, PLEASE KILL YOURSELF

Calm down, why are you browsing Jow Forums frequently enough to be able to recognise my posts? Weirdo

>Nothing works

You don't ask girls out, that's the problem. You said so yourself in your next posts Maybe try asking them out before making a thread saying that -nothing- has worked.

>they show no interest in me

I think you're just making shit up and seeing things that aren't there.

Also, when it comes to social dynamics you're the guy and you're the one who's supposed to show an interest in them. You have to sit there and go WOW NO WAY THAT IS SO COOL WHAT'S THAT LIKE when they talk about whatever even if you think it's fucking boring

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Your personality seems kindof shit. So I'd fix that if I were you.

As far as getting a date - I dunno how old you are but look up how to succeed at tinder - be okay with rejection - and maybe start online or speed dating.

As long as you're not a total sperg and you fix the stupid and unhelpful "why me" attitude, take responsibility for your life, and stop over-estimating your worthiness for other people to act certain ways towards you - you'll be fine within a month and going on a couple dates.

I can't ask out girls because I don't have the confidence to ask girls out. I don't have the confidence to ask girls out because girls show no signs of being interested in me as a partner.

There is NO other way for me to get the confidence to ask girls out other than by girls showing interest in me first, on some level, in some way.

Please tell me the solution to this problem because I literally cant think of one. Self-improvement, therapy, soul searching, getting drunk, various amounts of drugs, NOTHING has worked to allow me to overcome the impenetrable fear that prevents me from making even the slightest move on a girl. I simply cannot do it. The idea of approaching a woman or flirting with her just feels me with a feeling of SHEER DREAD like nothing else.

Yeah man he’s the weirdo in this situation

I dont ask this much, but show us a pic of you, black out your eyes if you’re embarrassed.

How do you go about asking girls out and where do you meet them?

Im curious if you’re a victim of being told cold approaching is a realistic method.

Unironically seek therapy. You can’t see through your delusional way of thinking.

How many women have you asked out on a date, total?

Ok so you need to ask women out 1 in 4 will agree to a date and 1 in 10 will sleep with you.

>still get zero results

You get zero results because you've made zero attempts.

This. Online dating especially with meme apps like tinder is perfect. When the girls are just a profile on a screen you can't possibly be still projecting this weird scizophrenic insecurity of yours when you think that girls have no interest in you when they don't even know who you are or that you exist.

I tried therapy, they don't have the answers for me. My situation is unlike any that any other human on this earth has experienced.

Most "incels" are pretty loathsome human beings. Or they have some kind of glaringly obvious flaw, like not showering, hating women, not having any friends, not going outside, etc. Those things obviously don't apply to me. I'm a normal guy. My friends keep asking me "why don't you have a girlfriend, you seem like such a catch?" I don't know what to tell them. I'm terrified that they're going to figure out I'm an incel.

I asked 2 girls out in high school and never since. The experience scarred me with fear.

Is it really that easy? Oh god. Please. I would give anything just to go on a nice cute date with a girl.

Like this guy said just get a fucking dating app for your phone.

I was shitting my pants too when I first tried asking girls out or even thought about doing it. Then I tried online dating and saw that I could hide behind this image that was exactly what I wanted to look like and when I was sending them messages I could take my time and pick and choose every individual word and finely craft my response, when IRL I would just be standing there blushing staring at my feet and mumbling under my breath not even knowing what to say.

My point is its a numbers game. So far youve tried twice in your life. Ask out 30 more and you have a gf.

>I asked 2 girls out in high school and never since. The experience scarred me with fear.

why what happened did one of them pull a gun on you? It scarred you with fear to the point where you now have PTSD? or was it just awkward a little bit?

>When the girls are just a profile on a screen you can't possibly be still projecting this weird scizophrenic insecurity of yours when you think that girls have no interest in you when they don't even know who you are or that you exist.

That's where you're wrong, buddy.

Every few months I install Tinder and swipe through girls until I get a couple dozen matches. I'm pretty picky but I still get a good number of matches. I then proceed to sit there in utter horror, unable to think of any interesting messages to send to these girls because I'm paralysed by fear. Sometimes one or two girls will send me a message first, and I can't bring myself to respond to them because I'm terrified that I won't say the right words and I'll end up repulsing them.

Yeah. It's a bad fear. I don't think there is anyone else like me in the world. I've tried everything and I can't get over it. I might have some kind of phobia or a unique mental disorder no one else has.

>I dont even know where to start when it comes to flirting
You need to be more resourceful than that. Google is your friend.
>I am 100% certain that if I tried to flirt I would utterly and completely HUMILIATE myself and never live the shame down ever.
That's really unlikely to happen. Life isn't a bad teen movie. Just go for it and accept that if things go wrong it won't be that bad.

I just found it so crushingly awkward. I felt like I was going to die from awkwardness. After each time, I dreaded going into school for weeks, maybe even months, due to the awkwardness of seeing those girls around and the shame I felt from being rejected.

>Most "incels" are pretty loathsome human beings
You're an incel, and you're not loathsome, so obviously that's not true. My best friend is also an incel (or I guess, he's celibate and doesn't care about it) and he's smart and very kind and doesn't do anything gross or nasty, he just doesn't try to meet women. You're starting with a really bad premise and it's eroding your self-worth.

Dont ask out women in places where you are likely to see them again. I say generally just dont ask out women in places that you or they have to be, like schools or grocery stores or work. Instead, ask them out at places you choose to be, like bars, social gatherings, conventions.

I've noticed that you seem to believe that you are in a special and unique situation because you are afraid of women. If it's the case that you have a rare, one-of-a-kind disorder, why do you believe 4chans advice board can help you?

I have, for my whole life, struggled with the idea that I might not be a "real human being". I don't feel real, I don't feel like my feelings are real, I don't feel like I have ever been treated and respected in the same way that other human beings are. It's impossible to explain.

In my adult life, this has been represented by my total and complete inability to attract any women at all. To me, it HAS to represent something. There is something deep and unquantifiable about me that is repulsing women away from me. Girls might not even realise what it is, but they can subconsciously feel it. Maybe I was cursed at birth? Or it's some kind of karma thing, I'm repaying for sins in this life or a previous one.

your intensive self awareness and insecurity is EASILY sniffed out by the most socially inept woman. It's intuition. Learn to live in the moment. Good luck doing that, though.

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>get a couple dozen matches
Youre doing better than me buddy

Is there any way of deprogramming the brain to live solely in the moment? I've spent my entire life hyperanalysing every single thing that happens to me. I spend the entire day thinking, constantly, about everything, past present and future. And thats maybe one of my problems

yeah. therapy and anti anxiety drugs.

>unable to think of any interesting messages to send to these girls because I'm paralysed by fear

literally "hey how are ya"

not him but what if they just think youre a junkie whos trying to get drugs to sell?

try selling lexapro. who the fuck would buy an anti-depressant. You sound like you have generalized anxiety disorder, it's not a hard diagnosis to get.

can we clear one thing up

>girls show no interest in me

what the fuck does this even mean, like what do you expect to happen when a girl does show the slightest interest in a guy

girls a lot like spiders in the sense that often they're even more scared to approach you than you are with them. As a male, you've got to make the first move 99% of the time.

Therapy didn't work. I don't really want to be on drugs, it would feel like I've crossed a dark line and would have lost control of my life.

That's so boring though, they'd think I was pathetic for sending that.

have you tried just conciously not doing that? alternatively, have you tried alcohol?

yeah no i dont want drugs to sell i think i need anti-anxiety meds but my towns full of junkies who sling it and i smoke a lot of weed so i can see where their coming from i just need something to convince them this is a real problem im having

what fucking anti anxiety meds? xanax? that shit's for panic attacks. You'd know if you had those. The other shit? nobody's going to buy that. Not super controlled substances.

>like what do you expect to happen when a girl does show the slightest interest in a guy

Friendly/flirty glances
Shy-but-coy awkwardness
Playing with hair
Making excuses to be around you or near you
Touching you during conversation
Being very interested in what you have to say
Angling their body towards you during conversation
Laughing at your jokes even when they're not that funny

I can categorically say that I have not experienced any of these things from any girls I know at college.

well shit i thought i had anxiety maybe its just real bees attacking me or im just a lil bitch

Dude seriously. Seek therapy. Don’t give me that “it didn’t work out” bullshit because you probably went to one therapist one time and decided it didn’t help. Try another because your problems are too big for Jow Forums

well either you get control and try different types of therapies, put yourself out of your comfort zone.

or accept that your brain chemistry is a little fucky at the moment and you need some kind of drug to help out. Part of growing up is admitting you need help.

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Did you fucking quote this out of a book? A girl could have her pussy melting for you but she could be so nervous that she couldn't even stare you in the eyes. You have this notion that if a girl isn't sitting on your lap and laughing at your jokes then that means she has no interest in you. Stop blaming women and saying that they have no interest in you, you barely have a grip on reality. You've tried nothing and complained of getting no results, but it's somehow the women's fault.

>That's so boring though, they'd think I was pathetic for sending that.

fuck you it's boring that's how any other normal human being would start a conversation what in god's name do you think you should send to a girl as a way of saying hello on a dating app?

>That's so boring though, they'd think I was pathetic for sending that.
Very unlikely. You have unrealistic expectations because you are afraid of women.

>A girl could have her pussy melting for you but she could be so nervous that she couldn't even stare you in the eyes.

If a girl can't even look me in the eyes, I presume she hates my guts and make a point of never speaking to her, even if I find her attractive.

That's just how it is. I can't read minds.

>what in god's name do you think you should send to a girl as a way of saying hello on a dating app?

Most guys seem to send witty pick up lines or puns. I can't think of any of those, and I don't want to send something too lame

Most girls online say that if a guy just sends her "hey whats up" they just ignore him because it's not interesting enough

maybe girls are intimidated by you.

that or you have negative 1 game and your interest scares women off.

Lmao how would you know any of this if you don’t even make an effort?

>maybe girls are intimidated by you

This is a possibility.

Like I said, if girls don't smile at me or make eye contact with me first, I presume they hate me and so I make a point of never smiling or making eye contact with them on subsequent encounters.

I also have a complex of sorts, where I don't like to smile in public. I worry that smiling will make me look pathetic to girls. So I carry myself around campus and at parties usually with a frown on my face, to look more proud and dominant. Unfortunately I dont think its working.

I've done a lot of internet research, years worth, in order to figure out what girls do an don't want, and what kinds of signs they give if they are interested in a guy.

Internet research means jack shit. Why don’t you ask girls out instead of shitting up this board even more?

Like I said, I have no belief in my ability to attract women. It is impossible for me to imagine myself going on a date with a girl, kissing a girl, let alone doing anything more than that.

Cool, more women for the rest of us then.

>Most guys seem to send witty pick up lines or puns. I can't think of any of those, and I don't want to send something too lame
>Most girls online say that if a guy just sends her "hey whats up" they just ignore him because it's not interesting enough

I wish we lived in an age where computer technology was advanced enough where I could reach into my screen and slap your fucking face around holy shit you are such a know-it-all sad sack who has done absolutely nothing to ask girls out and you come here and wonder why no girls have gone out with you. Fuck you.

I've been with over two dozen girls and not once did I ever come up with a "clever pick up line" You think that it's boring to say hello to a girl and they'll reject you because you didn't open with a monologue or a riddle? The fuck is wrong with you? never in a fucking million years did a girl call me lame because I talked to them like a human and said 'hey how are you' instead of MMM GIRL ARE YOU EARTH'S GRAVITY BECAUSE I AM ATTRACTED TO YOU or whatever dumb bullshit

>I can't read minds

Yet somehow you have AAAAALLLLLL of this figured out right? You read some idiot's blog onine that said to come up with cathcphrases and now you just make shit up with "most girl do this" and "most guys do that" while you yourself have done absolutely nothing at all.

Do you, me, and everyone else a favor and get the fuck off this board. Stop reading shit on the internet. Find the ugliest, fattest girl on tinder or whatever dating app and say "hey there how's it going" and shut the fuck up about how you were traumatized by asking a girl out one time in 7th grade, and stop shifting the blame of all your problems your problems on other people. No fucking one else but you on this planet has a problem with saying "hey how are ya" on tinder or thinking that smiling is pathetic. Holy shit.

holy fuck, yes I'm mad. 10/10

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you sound like a supreme gentleman

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if you have no girls hitting on you, you arent decent looking

I'm not sure who is the worst repeat poster. Brandon, the double dui upstate ny faggot, or this retard who makes ridiculous excuses for never asking a girl out.

Mumble rapper is far worse.

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