Maybe in one of the those all american towns definitely not on the big cities.
Connor Foster
I’m in Stockholm so it’s pretty horrible, the cuckservatives got 17,6%, since nobody wants to cooperate with them mass immigration will continue, and the worst part is that the “””””refugees”””””” that came in 2015-2016 will have voting rights by 2022, and they’ll only vote for gibs, add cucker swedes and SD will likely never get 51% (needed for control of government)
I’m only 18 and we are moving back to Finland this summer.
I’d want to become a cop in the US and shoot niggers, something like that sounds comfy.
Jonathan Collins
Dont come here unless you're willing to fight for it
Owen Murphy
>be 11 year old american >don't stand for the fascist flag chant at school >police called by teacher >get arrested