How do I get him back

So I(f) had this friend(m) for awhile about two years. We used to hang out all the time make sex jokes hold hands. Some of his friends said he had a crush on me but we had a platonic friendship. Earlier this semester he invited me to a party that our friend group was going but I told him I had plans with my boyfriend. Ever since then he seemed kind of distant and stopped posting on instagram. Last week he posted pictures with his new girlfriend doing all the fun things we used to do and I spiraled into a depression. I didn't even think he was into dating and now I miss him. How do I get him to break up so we can be together?

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Learn from your mistakes and move on. You've destroyed anything you could have had with him.


Is this bait?
You are really not being a credit to your gender here.

But what mistakes did I make in the first place? I just my friend back :(

Your mistake is being a dumb greedy cunt
Be happy knowing that your friend is happy

You are just feeling regret, it will pass. People will enter and leave your life, trying to hold on to them will just lead to sour feelings. You can cherish the past friendship you had with him, if you push to hard you risk poisoning good memories.

Yes, most threads in adv are bait

I am happy for him I just want us to be happy together. I don't kow why therrs so much hostility to wanting that

He wanted to fuck you/had feelings for you and wasn't interested in a friendship, like every other straight guy. Leave him alone.

you didnt want to be happy together until he moved on

Holding hands isn't really platonic

So you're saying that guys are just friends with girls cause they wanna fuck? We were happy together then and just changed. I really thought he wasn't like other guys too
A parent that holds their child's hand doesn't mean the parent wants to fuck their kid

>So you're saying that guys are just friends with girls cause they wanna fuck?
Literally everyone knows this. Stop pretending he did anything wrong.

yes guys are just friends with girls because they wanna fuck. What exactly do you women think you offer other than a hole?

I think the containment board is thataway

contain this bitch if im so ugly people shouldnt have filled my head with lies about how handsome and intelligent i was oh well its my fault really for believing them

Not sure if you are still here op, but just message him to hang out. You both are in relationships, so there should be no reason why you can't resume your platonic relationship. In the event that his girlfriend is just a replacement for you, it is unethical for you to make them breakup without going into a relationship with him. If you plan on ending his love, end yours too.

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My bf and I have since broken up. Do you think it's possible for him to like me again?
You seem like you have some issues you need to work out instead of taking it out on me

I've read this one before.

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by him do you mean your ex or your (not)friend

its been 90 minutes and I have to sleep so good luck.